Page 64 of Tempted By Her
“Yours or mine?” I said before I could think about whether that was a good idea or not.
“Separately,” she said. “I think we should have our own rooms at night.”
Well that was no fun, but it did make sense.
I blew out a frustrated breath. “Okay. Then one more kiss.”
I kissed her and slipped my tongue into her mouth. When I pulled back, she had a dazed look in her eyes, and I wasn’t so steady myself.
“Goodnight, Lark,” I said, standing on shaky legs.
“Night,” she said, still staring off into space.
For a second, I considered going back to kiss her again, but I forced myself to go to my room and shut the door. She headed to her room a few minutes later, shutting the door firmly.
* * *
Everly showedup fifteen minutes early for her training session on Wednesday. I was back to having trouble sleeping, so I wasn’t at my best, but I tried to give her a smile as I sucked down another cup of coffee so I wouldn’t fall asleep while standing up.
While I took her around the shop again and gave her a more detailed tour, she took notes in a notebook, and I realized just how petite she was. She had so much energy that seemed taller at first.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to quiz you,” I joked as we made it back to the register.
“You could. I’m going to learn this all, I promise,” she said, writing something else down. She seemed serious.
“Okay, so you should probably meet my mom, a.k.a., the reason all of this exists,” I said, waving around the shop.
“Great,” Everly said, tucking a strand of purple hair behind her ear. She had a whole lot of silver piercings in one of her small ears.
I led her into the back, hoping that Mom would be normal and wouldn’t scare her away. There was a reason I’d been putting off this introduction.
“Mom?” I called. She came out of the supply closet and smiled.
“This is Everly, our new employee,” I said, gesturing to Everly.
“Everly, this is the founder and creator of Bluebird Pottery, Eileen Sparks,” I said.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Everly said, sticking her hand out. Mom tried to wipe hers on her apron, but that didn’t do a whole lot to get the clay and glaze off her hands.
“Nice to meet you, Everly,” Mom said, and I knew she was absolutely going to forget Everly’s name at least five hundred times. “Sorry about that.”
Everly wiped her hand on her jeans. “No worries.”
She smiled and looked around the room. “I feel like I don’t know how a lot of pottery is made. I remember making little clay bowls in art class, but nothing like this.” She edged toward the pottery wheel and Mom gave me a look before walking over and explaining her process to Everly, who did seem interested to learn.
After a few moments of making sure they were good together, I left them to head out to the front in case a customer came in.
A few seconds later, I heard laughter, so I guess it was going well.
The door rang and a few people came in, so I was busy with that for a while, and then we had a mini rush. When I next checked on Everly and Mom, Everly was asking a question about something and Mom was explaining her process, her hands flying everywhere and her eyes bright.
“How’s it going back here?” I asked.
“Good,” they both said at the same time and laughed.
“Just let me know when you’re ready to start learning the POS system, Everly,” I said.
“I will,” she said, and went back to listening to Mom. Yeah, she was going to work out just fine.