Page 81 of Tempted By Her
“Yeah,” she said, ceasing movement. Lark lay still with me and then she started moving again.
“Okay, do you want the bed to yourself, or is there something wrong?” I asked.
“I’m fine,” she said through clenched teeth.
“I think I’m going to sleep in my own bed,” I said, letting go of her.
“You don’t have to,” she said, but she wasn’t protesting that hard.
“Goodnight, Lark,” I said before shutting her door and going to sleep in my own bed alone.
Chapter Fourteen
Since I slept like shit,I almost wished I would have gone back and crawled into bed with Lark. I considered it at least a dozen times.
That morning I was a grumpy bitch and Lark didn’t seem to want to talk to me anymore.
I didn’t know what to do. I’d tried to talk to her and ask what was wrong, but she’d told me she was fine, so short of tying her to the couch (hot), I wasn’t sure what else I should do. Hopefully she’d go to work and talk to Mia and come home and be her regular self again. I bet whatever she was mad about didn’t even have anything to do with me. I wasn’t her whole world, she had lots of other shit going on.
Still, I was annoyed about it all day and even snapped at Everly for the first time.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m not mad at you, I promise. My roommate is being weird, and I think it’s affecting me for some reason.” I’d never told Everly about the whole thing with Lark, mostly because I barely knew her, and she didn’t need to know a ton of personal information about me.
“Have you tried talking to her?” she asked.
“Oh yeah. She keeps saying she’s fine, so I stopped bothering and just left her alone,” I said.
“Maybe reach out today and see if she wants to sit down and have a talk. Let her know that you’re there for her,” Everly said.
I guess I could do that. If Lark was Joy, I already would have done that. So why was I treating Lark differently than I would a regular roommate?
“That’s smart. I’ll do that.”
“You could also bring her a treat or something,” Everly said as we loaded up the cart with boxes for shipping.
That was an even better idea. Now I just had to figure out what to get her.
“I know I say this at least twenty times a day, but I’m really glad I hired you,” I said.
“It’s okay, I like hearing it,” she said.
* * *
While Everly wasat the post office, I thought about what I could bring Lark to get her to open up. Something small, but something meaningful. I also didn’t have a lot of shopping options in Arrowbridge if I didn’t want to travel or order something online.
She definitely didn’t need anything from the pottery store, so that was out. My mind went to food or drinks, since those were easier to get, and then I remembered that time we’d done shots with the pineapple tequila. If that wouldn’t get her to talk, then I didn’t know what would.
That night when she got home from work, I already had the shot glasses ready.
“What is this?” she asked as I handed her a full shot glass as she set her stuff down and took off her boots.
“Tequila shots,” I said, throwing mine back. She gave me a look before drinking her own and handing me the glass.
“Is this some sort of new tradition I’m unaware of?” she asked.
“Something is going on with you and I thought I’d get you drunk enough to talk about it,” I said. I might have already had one shot while I was waiting for her.
“Huh,” Lark said. “I can’t really argue with that logic.”