Page 108 of Bitter Notes
I look over at Callum and smirk when he shrugs. "Looks like we're going to the Ozarks, Little Star," he says with a grin.
"To the Ozarks, we go," I murmur, leaning in to kiss his lips.
"All right, clothes on! We've got shit to do. Up! Up!" Rad shouts, pulling back the blanket from our bodies. "Ohhh, on second thought. I've gotta eat dinner first," he says with a grin, shoving my legs apart and burying his face in my pussy until I'm a moaning mess, writhing beneath his wicked tongue.
"Uhhhhh,"Istammer,pullingmy poor excuse for a coat closer to my body as the crisp November wind whips through the thin material. "You said cabin." My teeth chatter when the wind picks up, and I curse my lack of good winter wear. Frowning, I look down at my phone and sigh. "And I have no phone signal."
"Nope!" Rad says with a satisfied grin, rocking on his toes in his T-shirt and shorts. "We're out in the middle of nowhere! There's not a single neighbor for ten miles. Isn't it glorious?" Rad grins more, tossing his phone into the Tahoe and shutting it inside.
I swear, I don't know what it is about these Midwestern boys and their shorts in the middle of November, but they're all the damn same. I had a thirty-minute conversation with him about why he shouldn't wear his socks and sandals. He argued with me every step of the way until he huffed, shoving his feet into sneakers.
"You-you definitely said cabin," Callum mutters, putting an arm over my shoulders, and rubbing a hand up and down my arm.
"This is a fucking castle, Rad," Asher says, staring up at the curious-looking structure with furrowed brows. Skepticism lines his face, and he shakes his head. "Not a cabin. We're at the right place, right? You didn't Rad this up and write down the wrong house numbers?"
Kieran snorts. "We're about to walk into someone's family home as they get busy on a Sunday night." Shaking his head, he runs a hand down his face and steps toward me until he’s at my back and invading my space.
"Yes! You guys are such buzzkills. We're at the right place, damn it!" Rad grumbles, cursing under his breath. "My track manager loaned me this place for a week. Here…." Poking out his tongue, he digs through his pocket and pulls out a sheet of paper. "Right here! Here's the address, and right there," he says, pointing to the fucking castle with large numbers printed on the front. "It matches. So, we're staying at a castle. And boy, do I have plans to defile every inch of it." Wiggling his brows, he cockily smirks at me.
"Who builds a castle on the lake in the middle of Missouri?" Kieran murmurs, laying his chin on my head from behind me with a sigh, staring up at the massive fortress with the beautiful lake as the backdrop.
The autumn sun beams down on the crystal lake, reflecting off the turbulent white waves rolling along the surface. A boat in the dock near the water sways on its lift, far above the waters. My nose wrinkles. It's too damn cold to be at a lake house, let alone loitering outside for an obscene amount of time.
"Who cares. It's cold as hell," I grumble through a sharp shiver. "Let's go. I'm freezing my nonexistent dick off."
Asher snorts at my comment and shakes his head. "She has a point," he grunts, tightening his sweatshirt around him.
Rad snorts. "What're you guys complaining for? It's beautiful out!"
"Says the idiot in shorts." Callum scowls, pulling me further into him, letting me eat up his warmth like a greedy girl.
The large castle-like structure looms above us in white brick, and millions—okay, that's an exaggeration—of windows line the structure. A round turret hangs off the front of the house with large, reddish-colored vines creeping up the side.
In unison, we finally head to the front door, fighting against the wind as it whips around me, knocking my long strands in front of my face. I huff a breath, scowling at Rad when he looks at his keys with furrowed brows. With so much damn relief that we'll be in heat soon, Rad turns the key, and we walk inside, greeted by the warmth of the house.
"Ah," I grunt, shaking my hands out and basking in the glorious warmth of the gigantic lake-side castle. "Glorious heat!" I moan, wanting to hug the damn furnace and never leave.
"Fuck. Next time, let's make this a summer trip," Asher gripes, waltzing toward the thermostat and turning it up even more.
He rubs his arms as he looks around, gazing up at the tall ceiling and skylights blasting sunlight into the large living room with an enormous chandelier glistening in the sun, creating small diamonds on the wall.
"So, this is how the over-privileged live," I murmur, running a finger over the marble countertops of the oversized kitchen, inspecting the beautiful brand-new appliances.
Peering around, I see no dust on any countertops or cabinets. The fridge is smudge-free, and even the sink is perfectly polished. It's like a damn show house you see on TV where the wealthy live, and I’ve only dreamed of staying in. Today, though, it seems my dreams are finally coming true. The kitchen is as big as my apartment and fit for a chef.
"So many places to fuck you against," Rad quips, kissing my temple affectionately. "But first, we need lots of grub and lube to get through this beautiful week of fornication."
I roll my eyes at his stupid words and wander around the large living room, running my fingers over the turquoise leather couches and oversized chair.
"We're off for the food and sex toys. Be naked when we get back, and we'll get the orgy started ASAP. Ouch!" Rad grunts when Callum knocks him in the back of the head with a smirk.
"Shut up," Callum says through a small laugh.
"I'm serious," Rad says, pointing a finger right at me. "This," he says, waving his finger now, "is a group dynamic. We're all boning. Asher needs to let loose and discover how beautiful your…." Rad's brows furrow when Asher covers his mouth with a grunt.
"Food. Now," Asher demands, sending the two on their way.
As soon as they leave, I meander to the back wall, wholly made up of windows overlooking the lake. If it were warmer, I'd demand we strip down naked and jump into the water for hours of swimming.