Page 39 of Bitter Notes
“Oh,” she breathes, her tiny feet stepping closer to my reality.
“I wouldn’t,” I plead, begging her to go back out the bathroom door and pretend she didn’t fucking see me sitting here jacking my shit to the sexy sounds of her.
But it’s too late.
As she steps in front of me, I clench my eyes shut, not bothering to hide anymore. I feel her gaze working up and down my body.
“Callum,” she whispers in surprise, a tiny gasp escaping her lips. “What’re you…were you?”
I blow out a breath; the heat intensifies on my cheeks. I’m sure turning me a dark shade of red. I can’t peel my eyes open and face the disgust that will be on her face. Because I know it’ll be there. It’s always there.
“I’m sorry,” I rasp. “I came to use the bathroom, and then…”
“You heard us,” she whispers in a soft voice. No judgment sits in her tone, but I still refuse to open my eyes.
“Y-yes. A-and I’m-I’m sorry,” I whisper, stumbling over my words with my heavy tongue. Everything tingles on my body, but yet, my dick stays hard and refuses to fucking leave.
Read the room, you prick. She’ll definitely shun you after this. I probably just ruined all our chances…
“Did you get off?” My eyes pop open at her question, and I swallow hard.
There standing before me, River cocks her head. Her long brown locks look ratty from overuse, probably Rad shoving his fingers through her hair. Her pink, swollen lips glisten in the shitty bathroom light. A small smile pulls at the edges of her lips when lust fills her eyes and her bare chest heaves. Before me stands a tiny fucking goddess. The fresh, just-fucked look suits her well, and I will forever remember the look in her eyes as she takes me in.
“I… I….” My eyes bug out of my head when she steps closer.
“Start again,” she says in a soft tone.
“Wh-what?” I gasp, tightening my fist around my throbbing dick. I shake my head. There’s no way I’d be able to perform in front of her.
“You heard me,” she barks again, but softly, so as not to alert the two idiots still having a conversation on the other side of the wall. “Stroke yourself, Callum.”
I heave a breath, reluctantly removing my left hand, and reveal myself to her completely. Like in my imagination, I lock eyes with her, and she nods with encouragement. Tentatively, I stroke myself, letting myself fall back into the rhythm I had before. Up and down, I stroke my cock. Like she’s not standing before me in all her naked glory and watching my every move.
“Good job,” she whispers, taking a step closer. “Do you care that I’m this close, Callum?” she whispers, and I shake my head.
“N-no, you’re fine… I…”
“Do you want to come on my tits?” she whispers, softly touching my leg. More heat pours across my flesh at the imagery of spilling my seed across her tits and marking her as mine.
I nod, biting into my lower lip. There’s no way I’d ever admit that to anyone else.
“Then do it,” she says, falling to her knees onto the bathroom floor, waiting for me to finish.
“You-you’re serious?” I whisper frantically, stroking myself harder and harder until the need to come rears its beautiful head again, and I’m ten seconds away from blowing all over River’s chest.
“I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t. That’s all you’re comfortable with, right?” I nod because, yeah, as much as I want to jam my cock down her throat and paint her with it, I can’t do that yet. My stupid mind holds me back. “Then I want you to cum all over me.”
Without another thought, I let myself revel in the feeling of her kneeling in front of me. My balls tighten. Heat descends my spine, straight into my balls. The tip of my dick tingles, and my orgasm hits its peak.
I throw my head back, grunting when the feeling finally overtakes me, and I let go of every fucking thing around me.
“Oh, River!” I shout, spilling everything I have on her awaiting tits.
“What the fuck?” Kieran shouts from the other room, filled with rage.
“You did good,” she whispers with encouragement, putting a hand on my knee.
“You really don’t care that I did that? What—what about them? I…” I trip over my tongue again, feeling the heat on my neck. But relief comes when I stare into the depth of her bright eyes.