Page 45 of Bitter Notes
The moment his warmth hits my back, and his words sink into me, I fucking lose it like a baby, uncontrollably sobbing as I’ve never done before. Usually, no one gets to see this side of me. I hold it all in. No one takes an over-emotional woman seriously because, well—society is fucked.
Fear tightens every inch of me at the thought of losing my mother to this disease, dragging her down. Ever since she told me, she’s folded in on herself and barely talked. It’s only been a day, but it feels like my mom has all but given up. I’ve got to do something to help her get out more and help her get healthy. But what can I do? I work two jobs to feed us and keep us warm and cool. I go to college to better our future. When I am trying to better my life to better hers, I can't stay home and watch her. I could quit everything and just become another statistic, but I refuse. In ten years, I don’t want to be here. Instead, I want to work for a record company or manage a business dealing with music and take my mother with me. I want to give her the best care she can ever imagine. I have to stick it out.
Another warm body presses into our sides, whispering kind words when he wraps his arms around the three of us. Together, the boys create a solid circle around me, protecting me from anything that comes our way. Kieran kisses the back of my skull, nuzzling into me with such care I know I’m fucked. So fucking fucked. Because the moment his lips meet my hair, he has me right where he wants me. I’m falling hard and fast, even though my brain screams it’s a bad idea. Like, I don’t know already.
I’ve learned this lesson before with Van. But Van never came over here. He never volunteered to drive me home and ensure my safety like they did. Van let me walk home when my car died, or he’d drop me off a block away. I should have seen the giant red flags from a mile away, but I was too blinded by the look in his eyes and how he made me feel. He never came to see me at the bar, only the record store, or hang out. Why does this feel different? But it gives me the same feeling at the same time. I’m so damn conflicted about how I should feel about them and how they just showed up in my life like a hurricane.
After a moment, I pull away from them when someone pounds on the front door, yelling about being EMTs. Wiping my eyes, I avert my gaze toward the ground, giving them a tight smile—a red tint blossoms on my cheeks when I peek at the wetness covering Callum’s shirt.
“Thank you for the help,” I say through heavy emotions clogging my throat. Walking out of the bathroom at a quick pace, I try to get to the door as quickly as possible. Probably looking like I’m scurrying away like a little mouse, desperate to get away from them.
“Anytime, River Blue,” Kieran says, grabbing my shoulder and stopping my retreat. Turning me to face him, he cups my cheeks again. “You can reach out to us at any time, okay? Especially with something like this. If you need help, we’re here.” He gives me a firm nod, something in his eyes telling me he might somehow relate to this entire situation. Leaning in, he softly kisses my lips, reaffirming his feelings for me.
Behind me, the front door opens, and Rad graciously shows them to my mother. Callum and Asher stand beside Kieran as he continues to hold me through all the movement in my apartment. Eventually, Kieran escorts me to the bathroom, where I explain the situation to them.
They quickly assess her and help rouse her to the land of the living. She comes to slowly with wide eyes, frantically looking around with confusion. Once she’s calmed down, they patch her forehead up, run some tests for a concussion, and clear her.
They advise her not to shower alone again and to go to the ER if any more symptoms pop up. I agree to monitor her as they guide her back to her chair and set her down. They go on their way, waving when they walk out the door.
Kieran, Rad, Callum, and Asher stay by my side through the entire ordeal, helping to center me through my panic. Rad clutches my hands and murmurs sweet words of encouragement. Something about his pretty words centers my whole being, and I settle. My mind comes back online just in time for the four boys to stand around me after the EMTs leave.
“Thank you so much for everything you’ve done tonight,” I murmur, running a hand across my forehead. “I kind of panicked.” I look away, wincing with embarrassment. A heat takes over my cheeks and runs down my neck.
Yeah, it’s cool; River, just go ahead and show these assholes your vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Just tell them your entire life story, why don’t ya? Shit. I have to be more careful about what I share with them or anyone else. I have goals, and sure, they’re massive amounts of fun. But I can’t afford to get stuck here or with them.
“No probs, Pretty Girl. What’re friends for, right?” Rad says with a grin, shoving his hands in his pocket.
“You’ll be okay with her for the rest of the day?” Kieran asks, furrowing his brows at my mom, who slumps in her chair, watching some channel that sells jewelry.
“Yeah, it’ll be fine,” I say through a breath.
Yeah, I’d be fine. I’d have to skip school and the bar, but I’d make do. Right? Right? We’ll be okay. Shit, I need to talk to Korrine and see if I can set up nurse visits or something to help me.
“What’s your number?” Kieran asks, holding out his phone. “If you need anything, call, okay?” I nod, sending them on their way after putting my number in his contacts, and collapse against the door when they’re finally out of view.
Outside, the sound of an engine coming to life echoes through the parking lot and then takes off down the road.
“They seem like good boys,” Ma says, settling into her recliner with a sleepy look. I’m not sure why it took me so long to put two and two together, but she’s been opting to snooze in her chair over lying in bed.
“Yeah,” I breathe.
They seem like good boys—too good of guys for me.
After making sure my mom is okay, I head to bed and attempt to sleep for what feels like the first time this week, forgetting my responsibilities. Tomorrow, I’ll deal with work. Tomorrow, I’ll deal with school. Tomorrow, I’ll deal with the fallout of this whole mess.
Quickly texting Booker about my night, he tells me to watch my mom for the day and not worry about work. Thank God he’s a night owl, or he’d have a hell of a message to wake up to in the morning. I quickly change into an oversized shirt, sans pants, and panties, and crawl into bed with a sigh.
Layinginthedarknessof my room, I stare at the glowing stars I stuck to the ceiling when I was five. Ma hated them, but Booker helped me stick them up there. I smile at the memory of him setting me on his shoulder so I could stick the little stars myself. After that night, I was never afraid of the dark again as long as I had the stars to guide me.
I roll to my side, watching the trees blow through the sliding glass door of my room. Many moons ago, I’d sneak out through that door to avoid the noises coming from my mom’s bedroom. She’d try to cover it up with music, but it never worked. Or I’d sneak out when she left for work, leaving me alone in the tiny apartment.
“Dear Man on the Moon,” I mumble, finding the brightly lit moon beaming down on the earth, preparing to leave for another night. Soon the sun will shine, and my day will start all over again. “Will you watch over us again? Just this once, I need my life in order and for everything to go right. Just this once. I need a damn miracle.” I sigh and nearly jump out of my skin when a small knock from the sliding glass door shakes me from my pity party.
I furrow my brows, throwing the sheet from my body. Who the hell could that be? It’s four in the damn morning. I need to sleep, not company. With caution, I peek out the hanging blinds, and my eyes widen at the darkened figure standing just outside the door. His gray eyes take me in, and he offers me a small, inviting wave. A soft smile pulls at his lips, and every worry flees from my body. Without a thought, I open the sliding glass door and lean against the frame, letting the warm night into my room.
“Callum?” I whisper with confusion at him, standing outside my bedroom at almost four in the morning.
“Could I… Could I….” He blows out a breath, shaking his head when he stumbles over his words. “Can I come in? I thought after tonight; you might want some company?” he murmurs with concern taking over his face. He cocks his head to the side like an observant puppy, watching my every move. Here I thought Asher was the observant one, but Callum seems to take it all in, too. Maybe more.