Page 68 of Bitter Notes
"Right," Rad rasps, staring straight at my mouth as I bite into another wing like he’s hypnotized by the way I eat. "You just keep eating, Pretty Girl. I'll hide this boner somehow. Unless you want to sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up." He doesn't take his eyes off me even when I set the cleaned bone on my paper plate. "Then we could play just the tip. Or hide the hotdog. Or maybe…." He wiggles his brows, letting that charismatic smile fall across his lips.
"Mmmm, maybe," I moan into my fingers as I suck them one by one, getting the remnants of the sweet barbecue sauce off my fingers. Seriously. How do they get this shit so sweet but tangy? I could drink a gallon of this stuff or bathe in a pool full of it.
"For fucks sake, Little Brat," Asher huffs, yanking my fingers from my mouth and holding my wrist hostage in his tight grip. He shakes his head, lust swimming in the depths of his hazel eyes. I suck in a breath when he leans closer, a breath away from kissing me, and mumbles, "This is a family event.”
A protective growl vibrates through his throat when he gestures to the older males standing around and staring in my direction. Some of them shift away, hiding their interest. And by interest, I mean their old man dicks standing at attention for the first time since Regan was president. Perverts. Talk about losing my appetite.
I snort, shrugging. "Better watch out, Asher. I might just become your new mommy," I quip, digging into the remaining ribs on my plate with zest.
"I need a drink," he hisses, adjusting himself with a grunt. Narrowing his eyes at me, he stares at me like I might do something else wrong. Asher huffs, trying to cover his boner.
Me? Do something bad? I would never march over to the grill and demand more ribs or cause a scene if I don't get any.
Asher leans closer than before, brushing his lips against my cheek. My breath leaves my body entirely at the sparks flying from his touch, heating my entire being.
“You’re trouble with a capital T, Little Brat. Be a good girl, and stop licking your goddamn fingers in front of them. You really want to give them something to jack off to tonight?”
My nose wrinkles, and I cut my eyes to the old men standing in a circle across the party. Some of them look this way but quickly stop when they realize I’m watching. Asher’s breath brushes against my cheek when he chuckles.
“Will you?” I ask suddenly, jerking my face to his and nearly kissing him.
He swallows hard, his eyes dilating. “That drink,” he barks, marching away.
"Yeah! That’s right, get your drink. By the time you get back, I'll be…" A hand covers my mouth, settling their warm body beside me, chuckling.
"I wouldn't finish that sentence," Kieran says with a grin, shaking his head. "Asher will blow a gasket, and he really will bend you over his knee.”
“That’s hot,” Rad groans, running a hand down his face. “We gotta stop being so sexy out in the open. My dick…” he trails off, shaking his head.
"Ashton Radcliffe!” Bellows an angry woman from across the cul-de-sac. "Come here this instant!" Her demands echo through the neighborhood, turning everyone's attention this way for one brief second.
“That’s one way to make a boner disappear. Thanks, Mother,” he mumbles, pushing up from the seat with a frown. "Fuck my life, man," Rad hisses, running a hand through his hair. "I'll be back. And don't you dare move."
"Aye, aye, Ashton," I say, saluting him as he walks away. Only looking back once with a storm brewing in his eyes, promising me of the things to come later.
"For someone who didn't want to come, you're enjoying yourself," Kieran says with a grin, watching as I gobble down my last rib.
"Well, you should have started with the food is top-notch, River. Then I wouldn't have put up such a fight." I chew through the pieces of meat, reveling in the melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness on my tongue.
Screw sex, bands, rock and roll, and anything else in between; I'd die in the depth of these barbecue ribs any day just to get another taste. Shit. When I reach down to grab another, all I get is a cleaned-off bone.
"I need more," I hum, nodding to my plate. If I'm going to be here for free food, I might as well stuff myself until I want to puke. They invited me, so I'm taking advantage. Besides, he wants to show me off, right? Well, take that, Kieran Knight.
Kieran cracks a grin. "I'm going to remember this moment forever." He barks out a laugh and straightens his spine. His smile melts away into a grimace until he's standing behind me and places a firm hand on my shoulder. "Go get your ribs and whatever else you need. Apparently, our parents are having a tizzy fit."
"A tizzy? Over what?" I ask, looking around the party, taking it in. And what I see sends my heart into a frenzy. Of course.
Like every other parent on this side of the green grass, they're concerned about their boys hanging around a Central girl. Oh, right, that's me. The Central girl, who they think is too stupid to make any good decisions and will convince their sons she needs a baby or will rob them blind. I’m just here for the food, and well, their dicks are nice, too. But no babies for me, thanks. I have life aspirations that don’t include children until I’m at least thirty.
"Got it," I mumble into my empty plate when Kieran gets up and waltzes toward the woman glaring daggers at him.
Her face wrinkles when Kieran approaches with his hands in his pocket, murmuring a few things to him and shaking her head in disappointment. If they only knew I wouldn't be here unless these assfaces had dragged me here kicking and screaming. It was a kidnapping. Whatever. Nothing I can drown my sorrows in more food.
“I’ll be back,” I tell Callum, pointing toward the food.
“You-you want me to come with you? I don’t have parents to disappoint,” he says, cracking a smile when I snort.
“Nah. I got this. You stay here.”