Page 6 of Mirabella
“Loyalty has no gender or DNA. You taught Reggie and me that all our lives. I’m sorry you couldn’t see past your own ego.” My nose tickles with the smell of gunpowder as the shot rings out. The body drops to the floor. He then stares at Faro. Faro’s nostrils are flaring and I can’t get a read on him at all.
“Clean up these two bodies,” I say to anyone. “Be here tomorrow at eight o’clock sharp. We will go over schedules and training. Anyone who doesn’t show up will be dead by lunchtime. There is no place you can hide. There is a new boss in town and you will like it or end up like these two men.” I walk to Will and the two sons. “I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is never easy.”
“He had it coming. He disrespected you,” Reggie opines. “Now, what do you need from us?”
“You three are coming home with me.” I smirk. They nod. I wait until every man is out, but Faro is hanging around. “What?”
“Do you even know what you’re doing?” He’s pissed. He truly thought he was going to run my dad’s empire. He’s such a jackass.
“You were Dad’s right-hand man and now you’ll be mine. You will get me up to speed. If you value your life, you won’t fuck it up. I’ll kill you without even thinking twice about it.” I can see steam coming out of Faro’s ears like he’s a cartoon character. I smirk at him. “I’ve killed two men tonight, and that’s a slow night for me. Dad used to take me with him when I was in high school and college. I know what he did, and I helped him.”
“All right. Tomorrow night we will go over everything.” He walks away from me. I clear my throat.
“No. I want everything now. Give me your phone, laptop, and home computer.” He sighs heavily. He knows he can’t refuse me, because refusal is automatic death. I’m going to enjoy killing him for his disrespect from earlier today. I need to make sure I have his stuff before killing him. “Reggie and I will ride with you to your place. Will and Roger will follow us.” The four of us leave together, as Faro’s driver is standing next to the SUV.
“You don’t trust me?” Faro’s head tilts to the side. I laugh.
“It’s not about trust, Faro. It’s all about getting what I want when I want. Dad was impatient, too. He raised me, don’t forget.” He nods. Will and Roger stand behind me. Here’s Faro’s address—you two follow close behind” I send the GPS coordinates to them both. “I trust you and appreciate your loyalty. It’s going to be rough, but we will get through it.” They all nod. “Also, don’t forget I don’t have a problem killing anyone.”
Reggie opens my door for me and helps me in with Faro. He then gets into the front seat with the driver. I can’t see what’s going on up front, but I trust Reggie. There’s something about these men.
“What are you trying to prove, Mirabella? Be honest with me. It’s just us.” Faro turns in his seat to face me. I smile back at him. “Is this a late teenage-rebellion thing coming out in your 20s?” I laugh.
“No, this is not a damn rebellious teenage thing. I’m the daughter of an underboss. I need to stand up and take what’s mine. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“I don’t believe you. These three boys you have following you are not loyal to you. They’re loyal to me. They know you’ll get bored with this and I’ll pick right back up. I know you, Mirabella. You know I’m right.”
“What is your problem? Did you really think I would stand by and let you take over my legacy? Are you really that stupid, old man?” The back of his hand connects with my cheek. I’m now seething. “You lay your hands on me again and I’ll fucking kill you and your entire family.”
“Try, little girl. I’ve done everything for your father. This is my rightful place, and I won’t let you take what’s mine. I’ll let you do your little runway show for a week or two, but after that I’m taking what I worked my ass off for, and you will step aside.” He grabs my chin roughly and squeezes it. I know tomorrow I’ll have a bruise. I stare him down, not showing him any signs of being scared. This man is dead, and so are his wife and kids.
I clickthe button on my remote to turn off the news. It’s always the same shit different day, it seems. I sigh, throwing my beer bottle away and putting my dinner plate in the dishwasher. I bought this apartment after Mirabella left me on the day of our wedding. It’s a two-bedroom apartment. The other bedroom is an office/half-gym, which is basically a treadmill, where I do all of my lesson plans for school. I teach at a high school. I often wonder what my life would be like if Mirabella and I gone through with the wedding. I still think about that day.
She’s standing there in jeans and my old Miami Dolphins sweatshirt. “Mirabella, what are you doing?” I avert my eyes as I stand in my tuxedo. “You’re supposed to be dressed now. Why aren’t you dressed?” I stare at her. She’s crying.
“I can’t marry you, Lio. There’s so much you don’t know about me, and I wish I could tell you. I need to do something that will keep you alive.” She sobs and I pull her into my arms. Her tears soak my white shirt as her body shakes. I kiss the top of her head.
“I want to take away your tears. Tell me how to do this,” I plead.
“Don’t hate me. I can’t live my life alone, knowing you hate me. I want you to go out and find true love with someone normal, who isn’t a fucked-up mess like me. I’m always going to love you.” Mirabella’s puffy, bloodshot eyes are staring up at me. This woman who stole my heart the moment I saw her arguing with the bookstore clerk about not having enough books on campus. She’s the same spitfire, but today she’s this sad little girl. She pushes off my chest and then gives me a kiss. I know it’s a goodbye kiss. It’s breaking my heart and soul. Once the kiss ends, she climbs out the window and runs to the waiting SUV with the fab four girls waiting. The looks on their faces mirror mine. They don’t agree with this either, and I hope one day I can figure out why she did this and if she’s going to be mine again, because one thing I know for damn sure is Mirabella Morelli is mine. Whether or not she knows it.
I grab another beer before walking into my office. I sit down on my chair and turn on my computer. My background picture is still one of Mirabella and me in bed a few weeks before our broken wedding day. My Messenger pings.
UNKNOWN: Why were you at Mirabella Morelli’s house today?
B.R.: Who the fuck is this?
UNKNOWN: An old friend of the Morellis.
B.R.: I don’t give a fuck who you are, but my movements don’t concern you so fuck off.
UNKNOWN: She shouldn’t be playing with the big boys. Tell her to keep away.
B.R.: Fuck off.