Page 3 of Careless
And she was giving him a strange look.
“Nope. I definitely can’t blame you.” Nelson looked away and signaled the waitress, and Samuel fanned himself and pretended to swoon. Kimberly rolled her eyes.
That was close, he thought. He needed to be more careful or Kimberly would start to suspect how badly he wanted her.
The waitress brought the round of drinks that Nelson asked for, and Samuel watched as Kimberly accepted hers with uncharacteristic gusto. She wasn’t a big drinker, and he’d have to make sure she didn’t have a third until some time passed.
“Excuse me,” she said, sliding out of the booth. Her mouth was pressed into a firm little line. Not good. He watched as she crossed the restaurant. The slightly unsteady way she walked, her shoulders tense, only reinforced his conclusion that she was tipsy. And upset at having lost the bet.
“Hey, can I ask you a question?” Nelson asked. “And I don’t mean any disrespect, but I can’t figure something out.”
“You can ask me an
ything,” he said. Nelson had the most beautiful green eyes. Samuel could have stared into them for days.
“Really? Anything?”
“Doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” He cockily took a swig of beer because that’s how it was done. Do it right or go home. He smiled. “Shoot.”
“Does Kimberly have any friends you could set me up with?”
Samuel coughed and took a gulp of water. If he wanted to know about Kimberly’s friends, that meant… “You’re straight?”
Nelson stared at him, eyes calculating, and Samuel felt the tips of his ears were aflame. “None of my business,” Samuel said quickly.
“I’m bisexual,” Nelson said. “Polyamorous.”
“I prefer to date couples.” Nelson took a sip of his beer.
“What about dating? Relationships?”
“But a couple implies two,” Samuel pointed out. “So you’re like a perpetual third wheel.”
Nelson poked at his plate. “Yeah,” he sighed. “One day I’ll find my matches, but until then… it’s lonely sometimes.”
Samuel wanted to comfort him. And why not? “Somehow I doubt a guy like you has trouble finding willing partners.” Samuel draped an arm around Nelson and gave him a little squeeze. Nelson was every bit as firm as he looked, and Samuel’s cock sprang to attention.
“I’m picky,” Nelson said.
Kimberly slid into the booth with a forced smile. “I guess he knows we’re not a couple,” she said.
Samuel guiltily reclaimed his arm.
“Not a couple?” Nelson asked.
“Oh, shit,” Kimberly said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “I mean, you guys are ready to go home together, so there’s no point pretending any more.”
“Nelson is bisexual,” Samuel said. “Like me.”
“You, honey, are gay.” She drained her glass.