Page 15 of Undercover Agent
Lorenzo nodded.“We were together since we were fifteen. It was always expected that we’d get married, by both our families. Then my family got into a war with her family, over a deal that they shafted us on. There were hits on both sides, and it got out of hand. We never found out who did it, but they dumped her dead body on my doorstep early one morning.”
“My god.”
“I’m pretty certain it was her brother, Leo, but I’ve never been able to prove it.”
Anger welled up inside him, a deep primal anger. He pushed it back down. He knew he’d never be able to open up to someone like Mia, not really. Not again. But he couldn’t cut her off completely.
She put her hand on his shoulder and he brushed it off. It felt too intimate. He didn’t want that from her, not right now.
He opened his mouth to tell her that he was going to take her home. But instead, he said,“I have an apartment nearby.”
Mia woke at dawn as the sunlight streamed through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in Lorenzo’s hip warehouse conversion apartment.
She was exhausted—they’d had sex twice the night before, in the car and in the park, and when they made it to the apartment they kept going for hours.
She was insatiable when it came to him. Even now, on a couple of hours sleep, her muscles aching, she stared at him like she wanted him to fuck her again.
But he was still asleep and she let him stay that way.
She got up and went to the window, staring down at the early joggers and dog walkers below.
She was starting to freak out about how much control she’d lost in the operation. When she was with Lorenzo, she was just Mia, not an FBI agent. But when she left, she’d have to face the real world again.
And, more concerning, if Lorenzo found out who she really was, she was getting more and more sure that he would kill her. He wasn’t a man who took to betrayal kindly, that much was obvious.
Behind her, Lorenzo yawned and sat up.
“Morning,” he said.
She turned and smiled at him.“Morning.”
He looked so gorgeous, naked with bed hair.
“Do you want coffee?” He asked.
He got up and went to the kitchen. She heard him run the coffee machine, smelt the comforting smell of fresh coffee.
Soon he came back out, carrying two mugs.
He put them down on the coffee table and she sat down opposite him.
He took a sip of his coffee and glanced down at the table, where Mia had left her phone. It happened to light up as he looked at it.
“Jesus, you have about twenty messages.”
He picked up her phone and she panicked inside, though tried to remain calm on the inside.
She stood up to take it from him, but he playfully kept it away from her.
“Is this all your boyfriends wondering where you are?”
“Something like that.”
“You’d better tell them you can’t see them anymore.”