Page 18 of Undercover Agent
“Come on, Lorenzo. I haven’t given them any intel. You can let me go.”
“Let you go? So you can go running to the DEA and get us all arrested?”
“I won’t. I’ll leave town. I’ll leave the country, go live with my granddad in England.”
Lorenzo stared at him. He laughed.
“In England? What are you talking about?”
“I’ll get out of your hair,” Mick said.“Just let me go.”
Lorenzo stood up, faced away from Mick. He looked at Mia. She looked very concerned, but she was holding herself together.
Alessandro handed Lorenzo a gun. It was cool, heavy in his hands.
He walked right up to Mia. Grabbed her hair, kissed her. She kissed him back.
He slid the barrel of the gun from her neck down to her breasts. He could fuck her, right here and right now, and no one would stop them. He imagined it, imagined the look on Alessandro’s face.
Alessandro had always been the playboy, the one who bedded a new model or three every night. Lorenzo had plenty of women, of course, but Alessandro made a sport of it. He’d never get someone like Mia, someone as different and dangerous.
He snapped himself out of it. He handed Mia the gun.
“We don’t let people betray our family,” he said to her.
Mia stared down at the gun.
“If you want to be with us, you have to show loyalty. That’s the only way.”
Mia looked at him, her eyes searching his, wondering if he really wanted her to do this. She could see in his eyes that he did.
She stepped forward, staring at Mick.
Mick shook his head.“You don’t have to do this.”
Mia raised the gun, pointed it at his head.
“Don’t do it!”
Lorenzo could see her hand shaking. But she kept the gun aimed at his head.
“Please!” Mick begged.
Mia’s body went stiff. She pulled the trigger. The gun clicked, but didn’t fire.
Mia turned around, looked to Lorenzo for an explanation. He took the gun from her, felt how much more she was shaking now.
“What’s going on?” she demanded.
Lorenzo raised the gun at Mick and pulled the trigger. This time it fired, and Mick slumped down dead.
“First round wasn’t chambered,” Lorenzo said.
“So it was some kind of test?” Mia asked. Her eyes was fiery—she’d gone from shocked to angry.
“This life is all about tests,” Lorenzo said.“I didn’t know if you could really be trusted.”