Page 5 of No Limits
“I want to buy it. Temporarily.”
“So, you want to rent it.”
“It needs to look like I bought it.”
Hunter leaned back. “I have questions.”
“It’s better if you don’t ask. I just need to buy it three weeks ago.”
“FBI gonna raid me next?”
Memphis gave a terse shake of his head. “Guarantee they won’t. Come on. Do this for me.”
“Only because I know you’re innocent. Give me a few hours. Do I need to cancel the party?”
He shook his head. “Nope. I need to own the place and be able to stay there for the next four to six weeks or more. Oh, and Andrew might have to move his wedding there.”
Hunter lifted an eyebrow. “House arrest?”
“Jesus fucking Christ. Did someone already leak it to the press?”
Hunter laughed and shook his head. “Lucky guess. I saw an article that said the prosecutor wanted to revoke bail. Get out of here. I’ll make it work and we’ll get you moved. Should I send Rylee home?”
“I thought I would see if she wanted to come to the party as my guest.”
“You met her four hours ago, Memphis. How do you know how she’ll react?”
Memphis shrugged. “Let’s say I have a gut feeling.”
Hunter rolled his eyes. “Have any of your gut feelings about women ever actually panned out?”
“Call me as soon as we can move to the house,” Memphis said, ignoring Hunter’s jab.
Turning on his heel, he made his way back to the elevator, eager to spend more time with the cute poker player in his penthouse.
Chapter 3
Ryleecouldn’tstopreplayingMemphis’ invitation to take her to bed as she studied the poker table that had been set up in the penthouse living room.
Was he serious? He didn’t seem like the type of man to joke around. And he didn’t seem like the type of man who heard the word “no” very often. Despite his frankness, she wasn’t offended by his invitation. Rylee was intrigued by it and by him. It was going to be hard to get her mind off him when she finished her job here.
The subject of her thoughts stalked in still looking pissed off.
“Where is everyone?” he asked with a scowl.
Rylee gave a shrug. “I think there was talk of a run through a pool party while they waited for you.”
He rounded the table and gripped her arm, taking her by surprise.
“Excuse me,” she protested as he steered her toward the bedroom.
Inside, he shut the door and backed her against it.
“I want you,” he murmured.
“You don’t even know me.” Her heart slammed into her chest as she inhaled his masculine scent.
“That could be exactly why I want you so bad.”