Page 35 of Before The Snow
"I understand. You need time. I should have - "
"No." She shook her head vehemently. "Never. We can't. We shouldn't. Not in a month, not a year from now. Never."
Ramiro stared at her, frowning. "And why is that?"
"Because we have a good relationship. What we have works. I'm your manager. We're friends. Let's not screw it up."
"What the hell makes you think that fucking would be a mistake?" Ramiro demanded. He stared longingly at her bare legs. His eyes rested on the wet juncture between her thighs, brightening as she quickly palmed the dark blond curls. Carmen wished desperately for a robe, though she wanted nothing more than to wrap herself around him. "Because I have no intention of stopping to fuck you once I've fucked you, Carmen. I want to fuck you. I dream of fucking you - "
His words were making her hot. She stomped her foot and shouted, "No!"
"Why? Give me a good reason."
"What happens when things end badly? We won't be able to work together again."
"Why are you so sure that's what would happen?"
"Please, Ramiro. We can't. You want to return to music. So do I. We're best for each other as we are. Until here.' She used her hands to gesture to the demarcation line and then covered herself again. "We can't. We shouldn't. We're going to ruin each other, and I'll never forgive myself if you start retaking drugs. Or worse."
The stare Ramiro threw at her rendered all warmth in the room to vanish.
"If you have so little faith in me, Carmen. You leave me no choice." He said. "You're fired. Come back to me when you're ready to face the truth."
* * *
It wasn'tuntil a year later that Carmen showed up on Ramiro's doorstep. A lonely year for both of them though neither would have admitted it. Before she could open her mouth to say anything, she was immediately swept off her feet by the man she loved – who loved her back.
The End
This book is a Prequel to The Greatest Gift.
Book 2 of the Series
The Greatest Gift – Get it here
5.0 out of5 stars??????
Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2019
This is such a Sweet story!
The writing draws you in and keeps you involved throughout the whole story, I found myself in love with not only the characters but also the world that was created.
The descriptionsof the characters and their feelings are so involved, you can truly picture it in your mind. Their attitudes toward the events that are happening makes the story even richer.
5.0 out of5 starsRock to pop .. The Greatest Gift
Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2019
Ramiro Brandt is a rock musician of the Seismic group turned into pop musicians going on his own. Carmen is his manager and girlfriend. They hit it off since day one, always together. But durning on of his interviews on television he announced if his song hits number one he’ll sing his song on television nude!
Carmen didn’t take that too well, not as a girlfriend nor as a manager.
This story is well written and the writer is amazing! You’ll love the characters, the attraction these two make sends off heat wave! Get your book, its a must read!
5.0 out of5 starsAnother great read from this talented author.