Page 85 of 432 Hours
“Sorry?” she asked, taking a sip of her drink.
“You said whentheycalled him in to tell him about it not working out. Who do you mean?”
“Well, Miranda and Cam, obviously,” she said, shrugging.
“Cam always has a part in the firing process?” I asked, not having gotten that vibe from him.
“No, of course not. I mean, Miranda usually doesn’t even do the firing, actually. But because it was Ritchie…”
“Who is Ritchie?” I asked, confused. I didn’t remember that name anywhere in any of the paperwork on current and past employees.
“Ritchie,” she said, looking at me like I’d lost my mind. “Cam’s boyfriend.”
Cam’s boyfriend?
No fucking way.
But also… maybe.
I mean, if anyone knew Miranda in and out, it was Cam. And if Cam talked about Miranda at home, that meant that Ritchie would also be privy to all those personal details.
Ritchie was also a person Miranda would open her door for if he showed up.
“Maude, thank you, but I have to go,” I said, turning and running back toward my car as I reached for my phone, immediately dialing Cam.
“What? Did Miranda’s phone die again?” he asked, sounding distracted as he answered.
“What? Cam, put Miranda on right now.”
“I can’t do that since I’m not with her.”
“What do you mean you’re not with her? Did you drop her off at home already? She was supposed to call me.”
“Brock, what are you talking about? I didn’t see Miranda today.”
“She had a lunch date with you and your boyfriend,” I told him, feeling my stomach tense.
“Ah, no. I mean… no. That would not be happening.”
“Because Miranda fired him and he’s holding a grudge?” I asked, throwing myself into my car.
“How did you…”
“I was following a lead who told me. When you should have been the fucking one to do it. Why would Miranda think you two had a date if you didn’t? I saw her texting you.”
“I haven’t talked to her since before the benefit last night.”
“Cam,” I said, voice serious as I broke into the traffic to the sound of horns objecting to me cutting them off. “Check your texts,” I demanded, my tone hard.
“Okay. I mean I always have my phone on m…”
“What? What is it?”
“See you at Bonnie’s,” he said. “I didn’t… I didn’t send this, Brock,” he said, tone bleak. Because he was putting the pieces together too.