Page 41 of Ruined
Don MacBride looks down his nose at us all as we enter but doesn’t deign to speak. That ‘honor’ goes to Marco Alderman. “Lucifer Cole, Kain Hansen, Daemon Wright. What can the council of leaders do for you this evening?” Alderman asks.
MacBride has been the head of the network for nearly thirty years. He is the longest reigning head and has killed anyone who has dared to challenge him.
Lucifer lets go of Eden’s hand, giving her a tiny nudge in my direction. She steps back, and I place a hand on her hip. Lucifer steps forward and places a closed fist over his heart and bows his head.
“Honored council members. I thank you for seeing us tonight. We come to you with an urgent request.”
“We know of your request to remove Donovan from power. We have heard your proof of his misdeeds and are ready to give a ruling on that matter. Is there another matter you wish to bring before us today?” Lady Loral asks after cutting Lucifer off.
“There is, my lady. Victor Larson. The same Victor Larson who oversaw the Las Vegas area before Donovan. He’s alive and back in town.”
The council’s whispered murmurs as they playwhisper down the lanesound like screams in the small space.
“How can you be so sure?” a new council member asks. “He’s been dead for years.” His eyes wide with fear, but his lips are twisted in hate.
“Dead but not gone. He killed his twin, Virgil, and assumed his identity. He’s been reigning over this area by way of Donovan and gaining supporters to overthrow the network.”
“What proof have you brought to back up your claims?” council member Smith asks.
Lucifer reaches a hand back for Eden. She steps forward until she’s side by side with Lucifer. Her back is straight, her shoulders back, and her head held high. She’s so fucking brave. I have to bite my cheeks to keep from grinning with pride at her show of bravery right now.
“Who are you?” Marco asks, and I want to rail. He should know who the fuck she is, he was fucking there.
“My name is Eden, however, for twenty-two years I went by another name, Angelica Larson. Virgil, as I know him, is my stepfather or uncle. It’s all rather confusing. Eighteen years ago, Virgil became a different person because he was. He went from being warm and loving to cold and distant. He beat on me, pimped me out to his second in command, tortured me.
“I escaped and ended up here in Las Vegas under the employment of Donovan, unaware that I’d be forced into sexual slavery. Virgil found out and ordered Donovan to break me. He tried.”
She stares at Marco—a little tip from Lucifer. “He tried so hard, I almost died at a party where he catered entertainment, a little over a month ago. If it hadn’t been for the Kinkade’s finding me there, I would be dead. They saved my life.”
Marco’s breaks her stare and looks down at the table. His face pales.Fucker.
“During my time as a captive, Donovan divulged secrets about his time as Virgil’s right hand before he left. He told me about how Virgil killed my father and forced my mother to renew her vows so he could easily slip into the role of his brother. I’m sure he has a lot more to spill.”
“I know the party she speaks of,” Marco says, his voice is flat and a mile away. “You were the girl. The girl who they found bleeding out on my floor.”
She nods. Her right hand shakes at her side, and she closes her fingers into a fist. Her other hand slides behind her back, her fingers playing over the handle of the dagger.
Lucifer places a hand on her back between her shoulders, and her body visibly relaxes.
Lucifer stands tall, his shoulders square. When he speaks, power radiates from him, and all heads turn in his direction. “Leaders, you’ve heard what Eden had to share. We’re here today to ask you to support our request to remove Virgil Larson, Donovan Thorn, and their loyal men who are not going to take their removal from power well. And after dealing with them, I am formally submitting myself as leader of the Las Vegas area.”
Don MacBride looks over at the other leaders before turning back to Lucifer. “We will review the facts and evidence submitted and get back to you.”
“Kinkade party, please follow me,” the elderly man who showed us in speaks from behind us, effectively telling us it’s time go and shutting down anything else we would want to say.
Lucifer grabs Eden’s hand and follows after the man, not looking back. Daemon steps up beside me, and we fall in line behind Lucifer and Eden.
The ride back to the house is silent, everyone stuck inside their own thoughts. Once inside, Eden heads towards the basement.
“Where’s she going?” Daemon asks, pointing in the direction Eden just went.
“Of course,we’ll hold him here until you have a secure location. I’d just appreciate some time with him after you’re finished. And as for—”
“We need him alive, Lucifer. He has a lot to answer for, but when we’re done questioning him, they’re both yours to do with what you will,” Marco assures me, the sound of paper rustling in the background carries over the old landline phone. “Look, I need to go, but you boys be safe, and happy hunting.”
“Thank you, Marco. I’ll let you know when the job is done,” I tell him, and a resounding click tells me he hung up. I place the receiver back on the base and drop my hands to my desk. Hanging my head, I close my eyes and take a deep centering breath.