Page 44 of Ruined
“You better run, little rabbit. It sounds like the big bad wolf wants to eat you,” Harley’s voice echoes through the room from my desk.
“Are you on a call?” I ask, walking deeper into my office, my gaze narrowing on my desk.
“Hello, Lucifer,” Harley says with a laugh. “Yes, she called me.”
Eden’s cheeky grin only grows as she shrugs one shoulder. “We need information about Donovan and Virgil’s schedules, and no one is better placed to give us that than Harley. He’s the perfect contact.”
“Well, little killer, aren’t you becoming the master strategist? Pretty soon poor Lucifer here won’t have a job anymore,” Kain states as he and Daemon enter the room and take the only two vacant seats across the desk from Eden.
I stand off to the side, eyeing the woman who thinks she’s in charge. A part of me is proud of the strength she’s grown into and the fact that she’s comfortable enough in my home to play with us, but the other part wants to bend her over that desk and spank her ass a deep cherry red for being so goddamn cheeky.The little minx.
“What do you know about their schedules, Harley?” I ask instead as I pick Eden up out of my chair, take my seat back, and place her in my lap. All while she fucking giggles. That high, pure fairy laugh that sends tingles of excitement straight to my fucking cock which twitches under her ass.
“I had actually planned to call you this evening. Virgil and Vincent took off this morning, I’m not sure why or when they’ll be back. But if you’re looking for a window of opportunity to take down Donovan without the extra backup, now’s your chance.”
“Shit, talk about making things move quickly. Any chance you can get your hands on some blueprints of the building?” Daemon asks, sliding to the edge of his seat. “I could get them from the police station but that would garner some attention that we really do not want right now.”
“I think so, give me a day, and I’ll get back to you.”
“Thanks, Harley. We’ll wait for your call,” I say and Eden leans forward to disconnect the call.
Silents sits heavy in the air, realization that this all really happening filling the space. Absently, I skim my fingers up and down Eden’s thigh, inching closer to her inner thigh and a shiver travels up her spine. The dominator in me, loves how her body continues to respond to my touch.
Kain’s pocket sings a maddening tone, breaking the spell my linger fingers put over Eden. I glare at my brother, annoyed. He shrugs a shoulder in aI didn’t do itgesture and fishes the irritating contraption out of his pocket.
“Ollie, what’s—what?” A long pause fills with silence, and an angry tension descends on the room. Kain’s expression turns cold and calculated, one I’ve seen hundreds of times in the mirror. One that tells me blood is about to be spilled. “Are you sure? All right, listen, don’t do anything stupid, and wait for me.” Another brief pause as he listens to the other end. “No. Fucking hell, Ollie. You called me, remember?” he barks in the commanding voice you feel compelled to obey. “If you go in there half-cocked and guns drawn, youaregoing to get yourself, or worse—her—killed. We’re on our way, wait for us.”
Kain tucks his phone back into his pocket and stands, schooling the pain from his face. “We’ve got to go.”
“What’s happening?” Eden asks, concern in her tone.
“Kitty’s in trouble, and Ollie’s going to get himself killed.”
“What the fuckdo you mean Kitty’s in trouble?” I shoot from Lucifer’s lap, and he groans in protest, his hands still on my hips, refusing to let me go far. My stance is ready for a fight, hands twitching at my sides and itching to wrap around the handles of the twin daggers at my back.
“Ollie got a call from one of the girls. She said Donovan forced her into a VIP room with a guy who took a fancy to her. She can hear Kitty screaming and crying for help. Ollie’s headed there now, and if I don’t get there in time to stop him from doing something stupid, he’s going to get himself killed.”
“What the hell are we doing standing around here then? We need to go.” Fire licks through my body, fueling my muscles and urging me to move.
But what if they didn’t leave? What if it’s Vincent in that room? What if he does to her what he did to me? What if—
The world around me spins and a quake vibrates through me. A strong grip on my shoulders steadies me in place.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Not now. Not here. Get a fucking grip, Eden.
“Breathe for me, Eden, everything is going to be okay,” Lucifer says, giving me a little shake to pull me out of my inner ramblings. “I sent a message to Darnell. He’s going to cut Ollie off and hold him until we get there.”
Relief washes over me like a tidal wave crashing over the sand and washing back out to sea, taking all my worries and fears with it. I drop, leaning against the edge of the desk, close my eyes, and breathe through the adrenaline drain.
A hand grips the back of my neck, another rubs up and down my spine. Opening my eyes, a new feeling of warmth and affection fills me. Kain stands beside me, gripping the back of my neck, while Daemon stands on my other side, rubbing soothing circles over my spine. Lucifer’s hands move from my shoulders to cup my face, bringing my gaze back to his.
“Kittyisgoing to be okay. Ollie’snotgoing to die. And wearegoing to take down Donovan, Virgil,andVincent. We’re putting an end to all of this,” Lucifer says, the conviction in his voice settles some of the restlessness inside of me and softens the sharp edges slicing through me. I nod and rest my forehead against his.
Lips press against my temples, and Lucifer pulls back to press his against the top of my head. For just a moment, all the fucked-up shit we have to deal with fades away and it’s just the four of us. No cares. No worries. Just us.
The chime of an incoming message breaks through the serene moment, and Lucifer picks up his phone from the desk. “It’s Darnell. He’s waiting with an extremely pissed off bartender around the block from the club. He’ll stay with him until we get there. Harley is on his way as well. Apparently, it was his day off.”
“Should we call Wyatt? What if Kitty needs medical attention?” I ask, standing up and giving myself a full body shake.