Page 8 of Strong as a Horse
“It’s a decent-sized town,” Zath agreed. “And you get a plus one, which is obviously me. I’ll just fuck you every night so you won’t have time to think about exes and memories.” The wolfish grin he gave me had me clenching my thighs. If there was one thing Zath was an expert at, it was making me come, and I couldn't complain about the idea of spending every night sharing a bed.
“What would I do without you?” I joked, but in reality I meant every fucking word.
“Be sad and horny. So, come on, buck up, buttercup. Let’s do some practice shots!” He pulled me out of my chair without mercy and steered me to the bar after a slap on my ass for motivation.
“I don’t even know how to prepare for this,” I admitted. Saying it out loud had excitement bubbling in me. This was a way for us to prove ourselves to the public and I couldn’t pass that up. We knew we were better and now was a real chance to take those smug assholes down a peg or two.
Was I nervous?
Despite the excitement, a heavy feeling had settled in my chest at the thought of returning to Madison and every moment we talked about it, it grew stronger.
“Just know I’m here, whatever happens,” Zath finally said, leaving me to my thoughts. This wasn’t a final decision anyone else could make for me.
I just hope I make the right one.
“How about we have a little game?” Zath asked as he walked into our apartment with more shopping bags than I could count. He’d texted me an hour ago to say it was final exam time, though I had no clue what that meant. “I’ve watched more videos than I can count on this competition and I’ve got a few things we’re going to do.”
“Okay,” I said nervously as he filled my entire kitchen table with bottle after bottle of liquor and ingredients. It looked like we were about to host a sorority party at this rate. My horse huffed in annoyance at my nerves and I did my best to push them away for now.
“Let’s up the stakes. For every one you get right, you get an orgasm,” he grinned excitedly. My chest burned with lust and excitement at the prospect and I grabbed my apron and threw my long, brown hair into a bun.
Leave it to Zath to find the best way to motivate me.
“Alright, let’s do this,” I said, clapping my hands and facing the table. The amount of bottles in front of me was overwhelming but I couldn't let anything get to me. Their supplies at the competition would likely be twice this. “What’s my challenge?”
“Oh, no, you have to be naked for this,” he said with a dark laugh. “How can I reward you through the jeans you have glued to those curves?” Zath leaned back and ran his heated gaze over my body slowly. Desire thrummed through my veins at just his attention alone. I couldn't get the image of him fucking me while I mixed drinks out of my head. Sure, it wouldn't be easy to concentrate, but it’d be hot as hell.
“You want me to make shots and mixed drinks with my tits out?” I clarified, crossing my arms and staring him down.
“You can wear the apron,” he said with a shrug. “What man doesn’t have that fantasy?”
“Oh, thanks,” I snorted. “You’re so giving, Zathrian.”
“Shit, my full name?” he gasped, clutching his chest like I’d mortally wounded him. “And here I was planning some work and play.”
“Fine,” I said, stepping back and taking off my apron and slipping out of my clothes. Each piece that came off I made sure to turn and put on a show as I exposed my skin to him. His tongue darted out as he watched, his icy blue eyes locked on me. He even shoved his shaggy blonde hair out of his eyes so he had a better view.
My mate’s gaze was still fixated on me as I tied the apron back on, turning around so he was forced to watch me tie the strings over my naked back. He didn’t snap out of it as I turned toward him and I had to let out a shrill whistle to snap him back to reality.
“What? Oh. Yes.” He cleared his throat and forced himself to step away. For two people who acknowledged we were mates but were keeping it casual, moments like this kept happening. I had a feeling whatever this was between us was going to come to an explosive conclusion eventually.
“Challenges,” I reminded him. My nipples were already getting hard from how cold it was and now that our little moment was over, I was right back to nervous.
“Yes, exactly,” he said like that was what he was focused on the whole time. He stood up straight and cleared his throat again. “A lot of the competition is precision, so I’ve come up with a few challenges. “We’re going to try three different phases. The first and probably most common I saw is a layer challenge. Then a consistency round on twelve or more shots in under a minute. And finally, I’ll give you ingredients and you figure out what to make.”
He’d clearly gone down an entire rabbit hole of research and I appreciated my mate for that. He was ready to win this as much as I was.
We make one hell of a team.
“Damn, Zath. I’m kind of impressed.”
He rolled his eyes, knowing damn well I was being sarcastic. It was like a second language for me, he should be used to it by now.