Page 12 of Forever with Me
As soon as I hear the phone pick-up, I bark out who I am, adding, “Has Miss Thompson collected her key?”
“Yes, she has, Mr. Crown,” the woman answers happily.
“Thank you, please message me when she has left the penthouse.”
“Will do.” And with that, I hang up, relieved that she is at the house.
My last course of action is to call my contact at the precinct to find out what I can about the girl that was killed at their old apartment. I knew the story, at least what has been circulating around the news, but I would love to hear some inside information.
The ringing of Dax’s cell rings clear through the speakers of my car. “Hey man, what’s up? I didn’t think I’d hear from you for a bit. Aren’t you out with Cole right now?”
That’s the great part of having friends on the inside, I know Dax has my back and will give me any heads up he can.
“No, he’s doing his thing with the wifey. I was calling to see if you could give me some details about the deceased girl in the news that was at Mia’s old apartment. I just want to rule out any connections.”
“Man, you know I would tell you if anything was suspected, but they actually think it was a one-night stand gone wrong. Witnesses say they saw a man with her a few weeks before she died. It all happened way before Mia was robbed.”
“Sounds like you have a suspect…”
“Yeah, we have eyes on a TA at the college she was at, he was seen talking to her at a bar downtown.”
“What school?” I bark out, the hairs on the back of my neck were starting to rise. I didn’t like this, too many coincidences. Jack was a fucking TA. Jack dated Mia when all this shit started, Jack just ran into my girl and creeped her out. I don’t like it. I don’t like Jack.
“The community college, downtown… some douche bag named Evan.”
“That’s shitty, poor girl. Well, hey, keep me posted if you hear anything, brother,” I end the call, trying to hide my near panic.
“Will do, buddy,” and Dax hangs up.
Fuck! I need to get my shit together. I almost lined a guy up for murder based on my girl being creeped out. She has no idea what’s coming her way the minute all this shit clears up. In the meantime, I’ll keep everyone at bay that tries with her, just like I convinced that dumbass bouncer to stop calling her.
I shoot off a text to Cole letting him know I’m back in the city and to let me know of any developments. I know I’ve left him in good hands, the guys there are my best team. Stopping by my place, I grab a fresh change of clothes and laugh knowing that the partial reason for my change is because I know that I’ll be surprising Alex at the penthouse. The whole ride over, I can’t help but feel the buzz I get from knowing I’m going to see her. I park underground and head up through the private elevators. As they open to the entry, I notice the door ajar and I am in full alert. Something isn’t right and I’ll be damned if something goes down on my watch. I reach to the small of my back, grabbing my weapon and holding it out as I enter the house. Scanning the entry, it’s hard to see anything with all the lights out.
“Alex?” I yell out. “It’s Foster, come out and help me with my bags.” I try to sound unsuspecting.
Then my foot taps against something soft. I glance down to see Alex’s lifeless body lying in front of me and that’s when I snap.
Threatening every single person on the staff at Cole’s building for letting someone get to her and finally calling Cole, not because I worried about him and Mia, even though that is exactly where my head should be, I couldn’t think past my own despair.
Coles shakes me gently to wake me. “Mia, sweetheart, wake up.”
“Cole, what time is it?” I ask, blinking my eyes open and stretching. We had to have slept until afternoon since we stayed up to watch the sunrise.
“Honey, it’s around one in the afternoon,” he smiles down at me and grabs my hands and pulling me to a seated position. “We didn’t hear our phones this morning. They both died and I didn’t put them on the chargers until this afternoon, I’m sorry for that.”
Pulling my hands away, I start to laugh at his apology over not charging my phone. Who cares? I don’t need to speak to anyone, and anyone I know can call me later. I stretch my neck side to side and hang my legs over the side of the bed and realize that Cole is still struggling to finish this conversation.
“What is going on, Cole? Are you okay, what are you trying to tell me?”
“I don’t know how to say this… I just…” He scrubs his hand on the back of his neck in his frustration, but when his eyes meet mine, I can see that something is wrong
“Spit it out!” Standing up, I reach out needing to brace myself.
“It’s Alex. Mia, she is in critical condition, she was attacked at our place last night and they aren’t sure she will pull through.”
A scream escapes my mouth before I tightly cover my hand over it. “Get me to her, Cole.”
Every minute of the trip back is hell, but I’m calm on the inside, I know that she will be okay because the alternative is never an option.