Page 23 of Forever with Me
“Oh, come on Mia, be nice. We are work colleagues after all. I also think the fact that I singlehandedly got you your job would go further to you being politer.”
I open and close my laptop, unable to say what I want to say. I keep trying to think of a “better way” to phrase my answer, but all of my responses seem to end in “go fuck yourself.” Ugh, this day sucks.
I’m relieved when the meeting begins and Jack turns to join Sam at the opposite end of the table. The next hour is the hardest hour of my life, trying to maintain focus when all I want is to get up, walk straight to HR and quit. I cannot believe I owe this job to Jack. Jack, the biggest asshole in the world. Why would he do this? I swear I think it’s his way of keeping me under his thumb. What a psycho! Cole is going to lose his mind. My attention is brought back to the present as Jules hands me a muffin.
“Treats!” Her excitement apparent.
Looking around for Jack, I see him standing with Sam off to the side by the door. This is not happening, dammit. I stand and decide to just face the firing (or hiring) squad. I feel so awkward walking over and for a split-second wonder what they would do if I just keep walking through the door, but instead I stop when I see them staring at me, anticipating my conversation.
“I believe I owe you a thank you.” I smile at Sam hoping to open the conversation in a friendly but professional manner. “I’m very grateful and surprised to have been recommended for my position.” Not expanding, I look between her and Jack.
“Well, really it was Jack that insisted I hire you. He said you were a star student. I trust his word implicitly. We are a partnership and I am a very loyal partner.” She smiles sweetly, but puts a lot of emphasis on that last sentence. Weirdo, but I get her meaning. It’s obvious that something is going on between them.
“Great,” I’m not sure where to go with that. “Well, thank you again, and of course to you as well, Jack.” The last part came out like a hairball. I know he has ulterior motives. Such a dick. Who gets their ex hired just so they can either plot revenge or even worse, try and get her back. I hate both options.
All I can think of is how Cole is going to react. I swear he will burn this place to the ground. Great, just my luck that I find an amazing job, and I have a stalker ex. Ugh!
Just when I’m at my office door, Jack comes hurriedly around the corner. “Mia, hey, wait up!”
I deliberately pretend not to hear him and close the glass door to the office, hoping he will break his nose. Not the most mature way to handle the situation, but I gave up caring an hour ago. Hearing the skidding from his shoes brings a smile to my face as I sit at my side of the desk.
“Mia, c’mon, was that really necessary? I would think that you would be better behaved since you’re still a new employee. You haven’t really made enough of a mark to start acting like a spoiled brat.”
I knew he was in there somewhere, the Jack I’ve come acquainted with.
“Welcome back. I was beginning to think you may have actually started to believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth.” I shuffle some paperwork around to look disinterested in his presence.
“You know what, I just came to say let’s bury the hatchet. Honestly, I was hoping that this could have been an olive branch. Jesus, you act like I am out to get you or something. You realize I am only guilty of recommending you for this fucking job! I remembered when we had our thing, you saying something about working for this firm and when I was hired on and after everything what happened… look I’m the one who got their ass beat down and humiliated. For fuck’s sake, Mia, I was just trying to do a karmic good, sue me. Better yet, enjoy your position and you don’t have to even worry about me.” With that, Jack turns and pushes out of the door and walks away.
I stand, feeling embarrassed. Had I just made a monumental error? I mean, did I really think he was stalking me or that I am so amazing, he was unable to move on? Oh my God, I’m so ridiculous. Fuck.
Making it through the rest of my day is torture. I can’t stop thinking about my run-in with Jack.
I’m jarred from my daydream torture by Jules. “Ahem, earth to Mia.”
My cheeks heat and I look at her apologetically. “Sorry Jules, what’s that? I was thinking of something and must’ve spaced.”Oh myGod, I can’t even take my own stupidity right now. Get it together,Mia!
“No worries, is everything okay? You’ve seemed distracted today. Boyfriend?”
“No, God no. I mean, it’s just that I ran into someone that I didn’t expect to see and it’s thrown me for a loop. Seriously, I’m just spacey because I didn’t eat my snacks at the meeting this morning.” I laugh at the end, hoping to sell my story but it’s clear to me Jules sees more than I would like her to see.
“Oh, yeah. I was wondering why you and Jack seemed so tense. I mean, most of the girls think he is strange, but we all know not to look his way or Sam will bite.”
“Wait, hold up… they’re actually a thing?”
“Yeah, for a while now.” Looking around, she leans in as if what she is going to say is top secret. “Everyone used to say that Sam was different, like into some serious fetish kind of stuff, but I guess that’s not true, because Jack does not look that interesting.”
“Really? Hmm, very interesting.”
“Yeah, but Laura on the fifth floor said that she saw them bumping uglies in Sam’s office once and Jack was doing some really strange stuff. She never said what, but she seemed pretty tripped out.”
“Well, to each his own. Who cares what people do as long as it’s not on my desk,” I laugh to myself.
I’m glad she is so forthcoming with information, but I couldn’t care less about his sex life. Really, her story just cements how off base I am about his motives and manages to re-ignite my humiliation.
I glance at my watch and realize I’ve finally made it to the end of the day. I straighten my workstation and say my goodbyes for the day. As I walk outside, my eyes scan the curb for my car, knowing Cole will be inside waiting for me. I almost have to force myself to walk because my instinct is to run directly into his arms and hide away. I’m stopped in my tracks when the driver exits and opens my door for me.
“Where is Mr. Parker?”