Page 37 of Come Back to Me
I feel my blood start to boil. I’m so damned tired of everyone treating me like a child. When will they learn I do not need a team of people deciding what is best for me?
“Stop! Enough! Do not speak about me as if I am not in the room. Not one of you has asked me what I think or how I feel about these plans. You’re all just trying to ‘out’ hero each other. I don’t need a hero. I need Carter Williams caught, so I can get back to my life. It’s been long enough.”
Cole reaches for me and I swat his hand away. “I’m done running, Cole. I will not cower from this bully. I will keep private security with me but we must also notify the police. They need to be on the lookout as well, because I refuse to hide forever. I have been living my life in fear and confusion ever since this all started, and I will be damned that as soon as I came out of the darkness, I end up right back in trouble again?! No. Unacceptable. From here on I will have a say in my own decisions and plans. That is my final word.” I give a nod of my head, to signify the weight of my speech.
Cole grabs me and pulls me to him, smiling as he kisses me, and says, “I love bossy Mia.” Then, turning to everyone else, says “Well, it seems that’s the end of that. Going forward, my wife is to be consulted regarding anything to do with her security or plans to change location.”
My mother crosses her arms across her chest and leans back in her chair, shaking her head. Her dissatisfaction is obvious to everyone and I can tell she is not going to let this go.
“Just say it, mother. I can tell you want to add your two cents.”
“Mia, I think you are being too dismissive. You’re not considering the potential repercussions if you choose to stay here.”
“Mom, I’m not being flippant. I promise, I am taking this seriously. I have weighed the consequences and I am okay with staying…”
Suddenly she stands, yelling, “Even if it means losing your life?!” Her emotions explode to the surface and she begins wiping her tears. Richard goes to her side to comfort her.
“I don’t mean to scare you, sweetheart. That is the last thing I want to do. But the fact is that this sick Carter person has already harmed you, TWICE. For all of Richard and Cole’s best efforts, for all of their money and power and security friends, they haven’t been able to keep you safe! Maybe you need to hear this, to take this situation seriously. I am worried, Mia. Do you understand? I am worried for your safety until Carter is behind bars once and for all.”
Although I feel for her, I have to make her understand my point of view. I walk over, take her hands, and hug her. When I pull back I look her directly in the eyes, bracing myself for what I am about to say.
“I already died, Mom. You can’t understand, but trust me, I’ve been dying over and over to avoid living with the fear of Carter. I only started living a little more when I found Cole again and started to remember. I can’t go back to distance from my life and being kept in the dark. I cannot. A real death would be more peaceful than the limbo I have been stuck in for the past year plus. I will not return to that fearful state. I will not allow Carter to ruin my life. I need to own my choices and I need you to support that.”
“If she can’t, I will,” Alex says, standing up to hug me. “Me too, baby,” Cole says second, rubbing my back. My mother nods yes and kisses my hands. I can see she is exhausted but somewhat relieved.
“Okay, now that that’s done with, I have an idea. Just hear me out on this. I think I should be bait for Carter. If he is really watching, I say we set a trap and catch him for good this time!”
I am almost drowned by the sea of ”No’s”. Cole is especially against the idea with my mother coming in a close second. Alex, however, is on my side. We sit and debate for hours, never agreeing. Richard gives information to the police and mom handles ordering take out. We finally decide to call in the team, to gauge their stance on using me as bait. I believe wholeheartedly that I will be freaked out by this moment forever. The consensus is that we work with the police and use a “Mia stand-in.” I just want to see Carter’s damn face when they grab him. I want him to know that I got him, that he is losing his freedom because of me. I want to take something fromhim, this time.
Cole rubs my shoulders, leaning over to kiss the side of my head. “A penny for your thoughts…”
“I dunno… I just feel like it’s all too easy. I mean, how has he remained hidden all this time? Everyone has been looking for him.” It’s bizarre to me that he has been able to allude the police, our security, everyone. He was never the sharpest tool in the shed. From what I was told, his crime against me was opportunistic. He didn’t plan to attack me last year, he simply jumped on the chance when it presented itself, without much if any planning. I mean the idiot jumped me in the hotel where our families knew we were, even invited me upstairs with him in front of others. Now, however, he is the great Houdini. It isn’t right.
“You can’t overthink crazy people, but I know what you mean. I spoke to Foster about that exact feeling.”
”Oh? And what does Foster think about the situation?”
“He thinks that there may be someone helping Carter.”
“An accomplice?”
“Exactly, and until we know more, I would really like for you to play nice and hang in the house. I heard what you said and I am not asking for even a week. Just a few days, Mia. Foster says he is onto something and confident that he can get to Carter soon.”
“Okay? That feelstooeasy.”
“You requested, you didn’t demand, and you respected the importance of what I said. I can compromise.”
“What are you two conspiring about over there? Dinner is here, come to the dining room.”
We all file into the dining room and Cole excuses himself to take a call. I see him speaking to Foster and don’t like the way he looks. His eyes are cold and his body is rigid. I make a mental note to ask him, later.
Dinner is surreal. We are in the middle of this crazy situation, but I am reveling everyone sitting at my table, eating and laughing like a real family. Every person here has had an immense impact on me. It feels like I have lived lifetimes with each of these people.
I look at Mom and Richard, thinking back to when they first met. I was so happy she finally found someone who valued her. I look at Alex laughing with Chris and think back to all the slumber parties and rooftop camp outs we had when we were young, talking about what our lives would be like when we grew up. As my eyes work their way around the table and finally settle on Cole, I feel my heart swell. I love this man. He has altered everything and I will be forever grateful. I close my eyes to lock in this moment, and that’s when I see it… the moment we met.
“Sorry, excuse me,” I said as I bumped into his rock-hard body. We were at the music venue, the same club Alex took me to the ‘first’ time I went home with Cole.