Page 9 of Flambé with Finn
That’s a lie,an ugly little voice whispers in the back of my head, but I push it away. I don’t have time to let anything other than my disappointment fuel me. I cannot be hurt by Finn Vittatoe again and I have to hold onto that with both hands.
The doors slide open behind him, and I offer a tight smile before squeezing past him, waving the card over the access pad at the bottom of the panel before hitting the button for the penthouse. Finn ducks into the elevator with a long-suffering sigh and an awkward, uncomfortable silence fills the space around us as we rocket toward the top floor of the high rise.
I ignore the view the wall of windows offers as the doors slide open into the entryway of Finn’s home. Instead, I toss the card onto the table next to the elevator and stomp toward his bedroom, heels clicking against the marble floors as I move through the space with angry efficiency.
“Delilah, this is ridiculous!” Finn finally explodes when I pass the threshold into his bedroom.
Whirling, I yank my arms out of my coat and throw it on the floor. Blood whooshes in my ears, and I cross my arms over my chest, nails digging into my biceps painfully as I grip them to keep from reaching for him and shaking him. “Did you really close Ambiance just because your girlfriend didn’t like it?”
I throw my arms up and turn toward my luggage, yanking a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie out of the bag. Grabbing the edge of the suitcase, I balance on one foot and then the other as I unclasp my heels, allowing them to fall, clanking angrily against the marble when they hit the floor.
“I cannot fucking believe that you were so pussystruck that you closed my restaurant, smashed my dreams, and ruined the lives of countless others just because she didn’t fucking like it!”
I reach for the zipper on the side of my dress, yanking it down viciously as he splutters. His eyes widen as I step out of the way-too-expensive black dress, bare chest heaving, and reach for my t-shirt. To his credit, he only stares at my tits for a nanosecond before my words seem to hit him.
He wrenches his eyes away from my body, face turning sour as he asks, “What the hell are you talking about? What does Ambiance have to do with anything? You aren’t mad about what Jacqueline said—that I’m slumming with you? Because that’s not what this is!”
“I’m fuckingfurious,”I correct him as I yank the t-shirt over my head, hands shaking as I reach for my pants. I change my mind halfway through, whirling and stomping in his direction to shove my finger against his chest. “But I don’t give a shit aboutslumming.Why the fuck did you close Ambiance?”
“Because it was too experimental, in the wrong area, and it was never going to make its money back!”
“You only gave us six months!”
“I know a bad investment when I see one, Delilah.”
“So do I, Finn,” I say before turning away, the words ash on my tongue. My stomach tightens when his hand wraps around my bicep and he jerks me back around, pulling me flush against his body. His chest heaves, pressing against mine as he wraps his free hand in the hair at the base of my skull and yanks my head back.
“Take it back,” he seethes. My breath catches in my throat at the heat in his eyes. Anger simmers there, but something darker, more lustful sits in front of the fury and heat pools in my core.
I whimper as he drags me closer, digging his hard cock into my stomach as he grinds his hips forward. My whisper is breathy, my tone giving away what my words refuse to as I reply, “No.”
“Delilah,” he warns as he lowers his face until he’s dangerously close to pressing his lips against mine with each word he speaks, “I’m all in. You can’t take that away from me.”
“What if I’m not worth it?”
“My God,” he whispers, his breath hitching as he presses his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. A heartbeat of silence passes as he catches his breath and when he opens his eyes, the emotion shining there knocks the breath loose from my lungs. His voice drips sincerity as he continues, “You are.”
“What if I’m a bad investment?”
“The only thing you are is infuriating,” he growls, teeth gritted as he drags his free hand down my spine before palming my ass, massaging it to the point of pain as he grinds his dick against me. The moan that falls through my lips is a travesty—an embarrassment I’ll never recover from—and Finn responds by taking my lips in a bruising kiss.
Shaking fingers work the buttons of his jacket loose and I scrabble against the heat of his body as I yank his shirt loose from his pants. He tips my head back, spearing his tongue into my mouth with demanding force when I pull away from him enough to work my fingers over his belt buckle and the zipper of his pants. Heat erupts low in my belly, spreading with the fervor of a wildfire as our clothes fall away in a rush.
I groan his name when he steps away from me to kick out of his shoes and pants, mouth watering as the planes of his muscles flex with each of his deft, measured movements. Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth, I bite down hard enough to draw blood as he takes a step toward me, cock bobbing with the promise of what’s to come. As he reaches for me, my heart thuds in my chest weakly, reminding me that there’s more to this than simple lust. I force my attention to his hands.
His touch isn’t gentle, hands running roughly over every inch of me as he crowds me backward, toward the opposite side of his king-sized bed. When I try to reach for him, to lace my arms around his neck for another one of his hungry kisses, he wraps his hands around my biceps before lifting me just enough to drop me on the side of his bed with a soft bounce.
“Stop being a fucking brat for once,” he starts as he runs his hands down my body until they rest on my knees. Shivers follow the paths of his fingers as he wrenches my thighs apart and falls to his knees between my legs. His eyes smolder when he glances up at me and my stomach erupts in a flurry of butterflies. “I’m in this for you, Delilah. It’s only ever going to be you and the faster you fucking accept that, the better.”
“Finn,” I start, but words fail me entirely when he leans in and runs the flat of his tongue over me. “Oh fuck,” I moan as he does it again, dragging a low groan out of me as he massages my thighs no less gently than before. All conscious thought leaves my brain and I lean into sensation as he laps at me like a man starved.
Fireworks explode behind my eyes when he pushes two of his fingers into me, curling them until they drag over my g-spot with enough pressure to lift me partially from the bed. Finn drapes an arm over my waist, holding me still as he drags the pleasure out so long I collapse again, quaking with the waves slamming into me relentlessly.
“You see, Delilah,” he says as he pulls his fingers from me, and I glance down. My core tightens at the filthy sight of him popping them into his mouth and swirling his tongue around them until they’re clean. He climbs to his feet before dropping a knee to the bed between my spread thighs, urging me to scoot further toward the middle as he follows me. As he makes space for his body between my legs, pushing them wider to accommodate the breadth of him, he continues, “It stands to reason that you wrongfully believe that the only thing I can focus on is business.”
My lips fall open on a breathy moan as he leans over me, propping himself up on a hand placed next to my head as he reaches between our bodies with the other. I gasp when he runs the length of his cock against me, grinding over my clit before he pushes toward my entrance. He quirks an eyebrow, stilling for a second as the breath leaves me entirely.