Page 39 of Striker
He rubbed his thumb against her palm, then nodded. “I have faith he will.”
Ophelia’s worry quieted then. Dean knew his stuff. If he thought Logan wasn’t going to be able to deliver, he would have said so. She really wanted all that firepower off the streets.
“I offered Gage and his boss a job here at the shop.”
“You did. That was good. I didn’t know he was losing his job.”
Dean explained what had happened the first time he met Gage. “It’s uncanny how much he looks like James Dean,” Ophelia said.
“Eerie for sure.”
“I see you were a fan. That poster is huge, but it fits with your masculine and steel décor.”
“Are you teasing me?”
Amusement flickered through her. That’s what she loved about him. He could just spring back. Right from the first, he had made her laugh. Her amusement deepened. “Oh, no. I wouldn’t do that.”
She poked her thumb in his ribs and smiled at the response she got when he curled away from her. “Oh, no, not you, O.”
She managed to keep her tone dry. “I’m the serious one here.”
He gave her bottom a light squeeze.
He smiled into her eyes, then smoothed his hand across the swell of her hips, his expression sobering. “It’s getting late, babe,” he said gruffly.
Ophelia knew what time it was, but in all the years in LAPD, she’d never been late for duty. But she could be sure about one thing. “Damn, I hate the rain.”
The laugh lines around his eyes deepened, a sensual gleam appearing in his gaze. He ran one finger back and forth across her bottom lip, his touch erotic and sensitizing, his turning more intimate.
“Well, we do have some time to spare.”
She raised one eyebrow and gave him a slow smile. “Is that so? Enough time for you to…”
He laughed and dragged her on top of him, pure mischief and sensuality sparkling in his eyes. “Speed is my middle name.”
Unable to keep from laughing, Ophelia caught his face and gave him a hard kiss, wondering if it was possible to care for this man any more than she already did.
His cell phone chimed, and he reached for it. “Looks like it’s showtime. Logan’s asking for a meet.”
He separated from her and got out of bed. “Ladies first for the shower.”
“No, you go,” she said. Dean sent Jessica a text to let her know the plans had changed then giving her a spectacular view of his backside and heavily muscled back, he disappeared into the bathroom.
She didn’t know where any of this personal or professional business was going to lead them. She hadn’t been able to walk out of his life yesterday.
She had lost him once. She did not want to lose him again.
It was alwayselectric when she was in Dean’s presence, but after being with him last night, it was even more intense. Sitting in the passenger seat of his car, her sexual awareness of him hovered just under the surface and was impossible to ignore.
She had the urge to touch him all the time—now it was all right to touch him as much as she wanted. She focused on his lower lip, thinking he had a truly kissable mouth. She could kiss that mouth for hours. As a boy, at seventeen, he’d had the same magnetism. The shaggy hair was gone, but not the coolly assessing eyes and artful grin. Don’t get her started on his body.
“You’re staring at me, O. Do I have something on my face?”
“No. Nothing. It’s just your face.”
He grinned. “What is that supposed to mean?”