Page 62 of Striker
Dean opened a folder, unaffected. If that was the case, then Dean was doing the right thing. “Murder for hire, attempted murder, resisting arrest, and obstructing justice.”
“Obstructing justice. What are you talking about?”
“Two weeks ago, a shipment of illegal military grade weapons, C4, and missile parts were smuggled into the US. We believe you’re in possession of said weapons.”
Dos’s lips thinned. “You can go to hell. I’m not telling you a damn thing.” He smirked. “There will be a reckoning.”
“There’s the obstruction charge,” Dean said.
“Oh, honey, you forgot a charge. Domestic terrorism.”
“Thanks, babe.” Dean leaned back and smiled. “I’d say you’re looking at getting out of prison maybe by the time you’re one hundred.”
“Kiss my ass.”
They left Dos to stew for a while and went to the command center. “Any luck with his phone?” he asked.
“We’ve got many calls to a burner.”
“Can you pinpoint a location?”
She shook her head. “He’s all over the city. Smart jerk.”
O took his hand and said, “Let’s take a break. We’ve been at this for a long time. She pulled him to the exit, and they went outside into predawn. They walked for a bit to get away from the hustle and bustle of Metro.
The heat wave seemed to be over, and the temperature was a comfortable seventy-five degrees. They walked for a little bit before Dean pulled her into a secluded nook.
He looked down into her precious face. Her eyes mesmerized him, and her touch was gentle as she dragged her hand through his hair and caught him by the back of the head, bringing his mouth down to hers. Her lips were warm as she brushed the corner of his mouth with a whisper of a kiss, then pressed herself against him.
He wrapped his arms around her. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m just as frustrated as you are,” she said with a heavy sigh. “There’s so much at stake, but these guys have their own agenda. It worries me how far they’ll be willing to go to make a statement. How many people they think it’s necessary to kill to make their point.”
He gathered her against him, then exhaled a long sigh. He widened his stance and locked her hips against his, fusing their bodies together from shoulder to thigh in a perfect, intimate match.
“I can say they are getting in the way of my personal life,” he said.
“Oh, what would that be?” O teased, tipping her head to one side, an impish look in her eyes. “Grocery shopping, housecleaning, video games, ironing? That’s sosexyby the way.”
He chuckled and pinched her bottom.
With his arm angled across her back, he slid his hand up the back of her neck, feeling oddly protective. “You are a huge piece of sass,” he said.
She smiled. “Oh, yeah? What are you going to do to shut me up?”
He laughed softly and pulled her closer. “Maybe this.”
Bringing up his hand, he smoothed his fingers along the curve of her jaw, letting her think about what was going to happen next for a moment, but just a moment, just long enough for her eyes to fall to half-mast in anticipation. He lowered his head and opened his mouth over hers. She let out a soft gasp, which was perfect, and her hand came up to hold on to his waist, which he loved because she needed an anchor. She tightened her grip and sighed into his mouth.
He knew how she felt. Her lips were as soft and sweet as usual. It was amazing kissing her. Beautiful silent moments slipped by as they stood locked together.
“You’re impossible,” he murmured against her mouth. Nothing fazed this woman. Getting shot and going back for more and more practice to overcome her shakes, mad dog biker killers, WMDs. She blew him away on a daily basis.
He sensed there was more troubling her than the case they were on. He hoped she wasn’t worried about her mother and the way she treated him and Jackson at the charity ball. He wasn’t concerned with Mrs. Barr. He only cared about O and the future they could have once he worked everything out.
He’d been thinking on and off about taking General Harkness’s offer. He realized it was vital work, and the fact that he would be able to build his own team was attractive. “What do you think about this job offer I got?”
“I think you should do what you want to do without any coercion like ‘Do it for Uncle Sam’ crap. You’ve sacrificed already for the US. Do it for you, Dean. I’ll support you one hundred percent.”