Page 24 of Shattered Glass
“I think we should try the spear—“ she cuts off, raising her eyes to the sky. I hear it then, the raucous calls of ravens. Fear pierces my chest, and my mouth goes dry watching hordes of them fly over us. I’m well inside the boundary, which means they can’t see me, but the dread remains. I’m not ready to face Morana yet.
The Valkyries informed me several months ago about Morana’s magic poisoning the land and how she was either killing or controlling the citizens. My heart cries out for them. They are my people and my responsibility as their princess. Hiding away here feels cowardly, and I can feel their deaths in my soul.
Cassian was meant to come back with an army, or with some way of defeating Morana. With him gone, I will have to find some way of doing it myself. I’m finally strong enough, but I need warriors at my side. The Valkyries would join me in an instant if only there was some way for me to locate their horses. It would be an honor to have them fight at my side.
As we stroll toward the cottage, the perimeter bells blare, forcing us to pick up our pace. They are one of Nissa’s inventions, a warning system if anyone approaches. The rest of the sisters pour out of the house, their spears at the ready. Hilda tosses my bow and quiver, and I loop them over my back. We each split up, racing to our designated section of the boundary.
Think of a bowl sitting on the ground. That is what our boundary is. It reaches above the tallest trees and spreads roughly a mile around the cottage in each direction. Runes mark the trees to prevent us from accidentally leaving the boundary.
I climb one of the taller trees, settle on a thick branch, and scan the perimeter. The density of the forest makes it difficult to see, so I quickly calm my harsh breaths so I might listen. Moments later, the birds fall silent and my heart rate picks up. Quietly removing the knife from my belt, I wait.
The sound of hooves reaches my ears. My gaze follows the direction of the noise, landing on a magnificent black horse. Its silky mane flows in the gentle breeze, a hulking figure with a hood pulled low over his face on its back.
I bide my time, and when they pass under my branch, I sail off it, knocking the man from his horse. The stallion nickers and prances to the side, its nostrils flaring angrily. Straddling the man, I hold the knife to his throat, raising my eyes to meet his. Jade-green eyes stare back at me. I grow unnaturally still, the blood draining from my face. He reaches up and gently brushes a lock of my hair from my face, breaking the spell. Scrambling off him, my ass lands on the ground as I stare at him in disbelief, my heart lodged in my throat.
“Hello, Snow.”
Chapter 17
Thelasttenmonthshave taken their toll on me. The journey back across the ocean was fraught with peril.
Black roiling clouds fill the sky, thick sheets of rain drenching the crew as they hastily tie down the sails. Vicious winds whip up the waves, some reaching heights of ten feet. My stomach burns with acid as the ship rolls beneath me, and I desperately clutch the railing for dear life. Hook, on the other hand, stands braced at the bow, arms flung wide, daring Triton to do his worst, even as his men fight to keep the Jolly Roger from capsizing.
We eventually limped into port, months later, the ship battered and bruised, and if I had been grateful for land when we first arrived in the Forbidden Isles, I was doubly so upon our return to Restüra.
After spending a night at an inn, I found a page waiting for me the following morning, Fire Heart in hand. The bags attached to the saddle were laden with provisions from the Beast, enough to see that I wouldn’t starve on my journey.
Prior to setting off, I asked the map to lead me to Snow White. I had watched in slack-jawed wonder as a golden line appeared. It snaked and slithered over the map, a serpentine line stretching from my current location to Monarch Glen, nearly at the border of Alba. Adrenaline had coursed through me at the thought of being so close. I had set off immediately, Snow White my sole focus.
Every time I was forced to stop frustrated me. But I could only push the poor horse so far. He may have been bred for endurance and war, but often needed a full day or two of rest before carrying on. I’m not exactly the lightweight I was at twelve.
As soon as I stepped foot in Valderán, I felt a difference in the air. It was heavy and oppressive, and all of my instincts screamed at me toget out. The bitterly cold breeze rattled and pinged off me, as if it was sentient, searching me and learning my secrets. I had immediately covered myself, keeping the hood of my cloak pulled low over my face.
Just in time, too, as the ravens followed the wind, their aggravating squawking grating on my nerves. I kept myself as uninteresting as possible, slowing Fire Heart’s pace to a crawl. After several days of this, the birds disappeared, having decided I was no one of importance.
Throughout my journey to Monarch Glen, my eyes were opened to the destruction Morana has caused. It’s been several years since I’ve been in Valderán, and seeing my home destroyed makes me want to rage at the gods. How could they allow this to happen? Do they not care for us mortals? Have we, with our greed and petty squabbles, angered them so much they have turned their backs on us?
The destruction of the land has not yet reached the entirety of the country. I have only seen glimpses of it—a forest burning here, a river running red there. For the most part, this far north remains untouched. But inns and pubs are filled with displaced citizens fleeing the destruction. They tell tales of friends’ eyes turning black before committing heinous deeds. Of children’s bodies left to rot by the side of the road, women captured and defiled.
Orphaned children roam in feral packs, pouncing on unsuspecting travelers and bludgeoning them to death for the few coins in their pockets or the food in their sacks. One such group, along with their leader, has become so feared that most refuse to even utter the gang’s name, terrified it might tempt the gods to send them their way. The Lost Boys. I have been fortunate to not have met them or any other troublesome youth on my journey. Of course, my size and the two war axes strapped to my back might have had something to do with it.
And now, after all this time, I am finally here. Lying on the warm ground, the emerald-green, sun-dappled canopy above me, and the girl—woman—I have dreamed about for so long straddles my chest, her small knife to my throat.
The Oracle hadn’t done her justice in their imitation of her. Her ebony hair no longer flows down her back, but rests just under her chin. A rosy hue kisses her cheeks, and her ruby lips beg to be kissed. Her beauty could rival that of any goddess. Snow’s hazel and gold eyes are the same familiar ones I remember, although the expression in them is not.
They tell a story I’m almost afraid to hear.
The moment my fingers touch her, a roar echoes inside.Mine.Snow White tumbles off me, landing on her backside. She stares at me with a mixture of fury and hatred, then jumps to her feet. Her hand tightens around the blade, and she bares her teeth at me.
“Don’t ever touch me,” she hisses, then turns on her heel and races away, quickly melting into the forest.
Although I have no right to feel it, hurt pours through me as I push myself to my feet. I knew she might hate me, but to see it—Go after her. Mine.
My head swings wildly around, looking for the voice. It’s deep and rumbly, the words mispronounced slightly, as if not spoken by a human tongue.Bring her back!
“Who is that?” I rage out loud, spinning around, seeing nothing but trees and ferns.