Page 49 of Shattered Glass
Snow runs a hand over my chest and nods, blowing out a breath. “Let’s hope they don’t want to burn me at the stake for being a witch.”
Chapter 35
Thesunhasjustcrested the horizon when Snow and I arrive in the fields near the stables. A few determined stars still sparkle through the rose and turquoise sky, soon to be lost as the sun begins its climb. The village behind us still sleeps, and we made our way here without being accosted.
I keep sneaking glances at her. Her lips press tightly together while lines carve her forehead. I squeeze her hand and ask, “What is it?”
Snow blows out a breath. “What if they reject me?” She lowers her head and inspects her boots. “What if they are scared of me just as much as they are of Morana?”
I lift her chin and search her eyes. “Your people love you, Snow White. You are good and kind, everything Morana is not.” I gesture toward the sky, pointing out the Valkyries in the distance. “Is your return more frightening than horses that walk on air? Or Morana’s ability to take over people’s minds? Or me turning into a manticore?”
She pulls her lips in and toes the grass. “But—”
“But nothing. Aye, some may find it scary or unnatural. But we live in a world of sorcerers and wizards, of oracles and gods. And you didn’t come back just to be with me, you returned to save your kingdom and people from the malevolence that lives in the palace. You are a hero, someone to be celebrated, not feared.”
And if anyone treats our mate poorly, we can always eat them, Aren states.
By the gods, what is your fascination with eating people all of a sudden?He does a mental equivalent of a shrug and settles back down.
Snow leans up and places a slight kiss on my lips. “Thank you for bringing me out of my head.” I spin her around and pull her back to my chest, wrapping my arms around her. She rests against me as we watch the Valkyries approach.
“Thank you for being mine,” I return.
“There was never any other option. My heart has belonged to you since before I can remember.” I kiss the top of her head, grateful she doesn’t witness the sheen in my eyes.
Moments later, the Valkyries land a few yards from us, and Snow White breaks free, running toward them with her arms out. I amble behind, but keep her in my sight. Once the women finish hugging and greeting, we make our way back toward the village. Snow wants to tell everyone her story at once so she doesn’t have to repeat it. She may be worried about what the people think of her return, but as we walk, I notice she carries herself more confidently. Her back and shoulders are straighter, and there is an anticipatory flush to her cheeks. Her eyes sparkle as she laughs at something Hilda says, making my lips curl.
A mighty cheer goes up when we round the corner of a house. The narrow road, lined with cottages on both sides, is filled with people cheering and chanting Snow’s name. She comes to a halt and grabs my hand, strangling my fingers with her grip. She peeks up at me, her bottom lip trembling.
“See?” I whisper. “Your people love you.”
She swallows and gives a tremulous smile, looking out over the small crowd. She raises an arm to wave, and they cheer again. It takes us twenty minutes to walk thirty yards, as it seems everyone wants to touch Snow’s sleeve or shake her hand. She makes time to have a quick word with everyone who wants one and nearly gets bowled over when Maid Marian throws her arms around her.
I quietly speak to Robin Hood, Randrith the dwarf, and Evrin, one of the farmers who appears to be the spokesperson of his group. I know Snow doesn’t want to tell her story to everyone, but if we can get the leaders together, we can sit down and hash out our plans. They agree and follow me to the inn, where I catch up with Snow, the Valkyries, and Merlin.
Merlin places a silencing spell over the room so we may talk freely. Over the next hour, we partake in the breakfast Merlin arranged—thick slices of warm bread dripping with butter and honey, poached eggs, ham, spiced potatoes, and bowls of mixed fruit.
Time and again, I find my gaze locked on Snow, tracing over her features. Seeing her laugh with her friends has me thanking the gods for allowing her to return. Although the room rings with merriment, tension ripples in the air; a feeling of Fate holding its breath in anticipation, the calm before the storm.
Snow clears her throat, and everyone quietens. I am just as curious as they are to hear about her adventure, and we all eagerly listen as she begins to talk.
“Hilda, you and your sisters once taught me about listening to my intuition. To never ignore when the hairs stand up on the back of your neck or the sick feeling in your gut.” Snow bites her lip. “Several days ago, outside in the square, an elderly woman carrying a basket of apples tripped and fell. My instincts were screaming at me that something was wrong, that there was danger. I ignored it, fully caught in the spell Morana weaved over me. When the woman offered me a poisoned apple, I took it.”
Hilda leans over and places a hand over Snow’s. “She’s a powerful sorceress, Snow. Do not blame yourself.”
Snow blows out a breath. “I have at least learned my lesson. I will never ignore those feelings again.” She continues her story, telling us about the different levels of the underworld she traveled through to get to Osiris’s temple and the entrance to the afterlife, Aaru.
All of us sit quietly, enraptured by her story. Evrin, who has had little experience with magic and other such matters, sits with his jaw agape. Except for the Valkyries, who are frequent visitors to both Valhalla and Fólkvangr, Snow White is one of very few to have traveled to the underworld and returned.
I reach for her hand, understanding now how she felt when I was gone all those years. At least I only had to wait three days—I’m not sure how she coped for all those years. “I wish I could have been there with you to keep you company.”
She grins back at me before taking a sip of juice. “I had company.” When I raise a brow, she winks at me. “The goddess Bastet accompanied me on my journey.” She tells us of meeting the goddess in her cat form and how she helped Snow navigate the desert and swamps.
“Very fortuitous indeed,” Merlin says, wiping his hands on a bit of cloth. “It is rare she takes an interest in matters like these.”
“I was very grateful for her guidance and companionship. I’m not sure I would have made it without her,” Snow replies, then glances at me. “I heard you calling to me, begging me to come back. Although it saddened me to hear the grief in your voice, it kept me going. When I might have let fear rule me, you gave me strength.” I lift her hand to my lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles. She doesn’t know she does the same for me. Her light is what makes me wake each day. I had a glimpse of what my life would be like without her in it, and I can only pray to never have to experience the like again.