Page 54 of Shattered Glass
“I wonder what caused her to become so evil,” I muse.
“She was never a good person,” Khallan replies. “She never had much of a heart, always focusing on what others had. Jealousy ruled her more often than not. But she did love Kali. When the Valkyries came to find Baldr, a fierce battle ensued. My daughter, wanting to see the ‘pretty horses,’ raced onto the field and was killed instantly under the hooves of one of them. Ravensly, who was already a little touched, lost her mind. She rewrote our history and convinced herself I was some great love of hers. Reality became a mass of lies and confusion until she no longer remembered what was true and what wasn’t. Everyone became an enemy, and everyone was out to get her.”
I mull this over, thinking back on some of our interactions when I was growing up. The fact she accused me of voluntarily laying with my father, rather than seeing it for what it truly was, highlights her unhinged state of mind. Not to mention her insane desire to be the fairest of them all. But one thing I never understood.
“I can understand her anger toward the Valkyries, although, I know them well. They would never purposefully hurt a child. Her spite toward you can be chalked up to jealousy and pettiness. But why make the entire country suffer?”
Baldr sighs. “Your father’s great-grandparents were traveling through the area at the time, as they were doing a tour of the kingdom. Just the simple fact that they were seen within five miles of her castle convinced her they were in league with the Valkyries, and therefore, responsible for Kali’s death.”
Leaning back into Cass’s chest, I shake my head in sorrow. So much death, so much destruction. For nothing.
“She went on a killing spree the likes of which haven’t been seen until now. For miles around Clawback Mountain, the rivers ran red with the blood of the innocent. She enslaved the horses by turning them into kelpies and punished the Valkyries by turning them into dwarfs and banishing them from their horses. Which not only took away their magic but relegated them to this realm and unable to return to Valhalla or their father,” Khallan explains. “She then spent decades steeping herself in black magic and lore, strengthening her powers, and setting her plans in place for the kingdom.”
She may be evil, but my heart still twists at her loss. I can’t imagine a loss like that. Having her rip the babe from me nearly destroyed me, but having a child you have birthed, held, and loved for five years only to be killed? It must have been devastating. You would think a loss such as that would teach her some empathy toward all the children she has killed and families she has destroyed.
I suppose that is the difference between us. Horrific things happened to me in my eighteen years. The loss of my mother, my father’s habitual rape and beatings, the loss of my child, the torture Morana subjected me to . . . and yet, my ability to extend compassion to others has not dimmed. I have not turned into a monster. But no amount of sympathy or goodness I have will prevent me from putting an end to her and her reign of terror. We need to return and end this.
I pull myself awkwardly out of Cassian’s embrace and come to my feet. “I thank you both for your stories.” I incline my head, first to Baldr, then to the mirror. “We have a field full of people waiting for us and must take our leave. Will you join us in our fight?”
Baldr pulls himself to his feet, a gleam in his eye. “I am with you. I have missed battle.”
The mirror wavers, Khallan’s mask blinking in and out before solidifying. “I will join you as well. The Fae normally stay out of human affairs, but since this all began with me, I will lend my aid.”
“Thank you,” I murmur. “Know that I will be in your debt.”
Cassian comes up beside me, reaches into a hidden pocket inside his tunic, and pulls out a sheathed iron dagger. Its hilt is intricately detailed with runes and tiny gemstones. When Cassian slides it out of its scabbard, the room shudders violently under our feet. My knees threaten to give way, and I grab Cass’s arm to remain upright. Small stones and grit fall from the ceiling as the earthquake grows stronger and several of the ceiling beams snap in half.
“Hurry, Cass,” I urge, and he strides toward the shimmering portal in the wall, thrusting his knife into it. Cracks appear in the walls around us, brilliant white light leaking through. Stones begin to crumble in earnest, the noise nearly masking the sound of shattering glass.
The mask disappears, and a voice shouts from the other side, “Make haste!”
“Go!” Cassian shouts, pushing Baldr through the portal. He grabs my arm just as the back wall falls away with a thundering roar. Wind tears at my hair and clothing, and my heart leaps into my throat as I’m pulled toward the oblivion beyond.
“Cassian,” I scream, as he loses his hold on me. His head whips around, eyes filled with horror. He reaches for me, his fingers just able to grasp onto mine. He yanks me toward him as the floor starts to crumble beneath us. We hastily scramble into the portal, falling through into Morana’s tower room and landing heavily on the floor.
I shakily climb to my feet, my heart fluttering like a hummingbird’s. “Are you okay?” Cassian seizes my shoulders with trembling hands, his wild eyes running over me, searching for injuries.
Placing a hand over one of his, I reassure him I am fine. When I can breathe again, I turn to Baldr and Khallan, who is no longer a faceless mask, but a very handsome Fae prince. He stands only a handful of inches taller than me, but he holds himself like royalty. His white-blond hair falls to his shoulders, showing off his pointed ears. He’s dressed finely in rich materials, and a small crown rests on his head.
I bow my head. “Your Highness.”
He gives me an elegant bow, then stands in front of the mirror. Although it’s no longer a mirror—only the frame is left. Khallan raises a hand, blue sparks dancing along his fingertips, but I beg him to stop. “Please don’t destroy it. I have a plan.”
He turns to look at me, his face hardening. “I will not leave it whole to be used as a weapon again.”
“On my honor, it will be destroyed before the sun sets on this day.”
He searches my eyes, then tilts his head to the side. “Very well, Princess.”
A loud boom rocks the foundations. A wide grin stretches across Baldr’s face. He cracks his knuckles, practically bouncing with excitement. “Sounds like my brother has started without us. Shall we?”
Chapter 39
Noonerisestomy bait, and a prickling of unease skates over me. My gaze tracks over the barren forests and fields, then back to the palace.Something is wrong.A minuscule tug, so faint I almost miss it, pokes at my magic. My eyes narrow as I turn inward, focusing on the foreign feeling. It is as if a leech draws tiny amounts of power from me. Not enough to have any true effect, but enough to make me suspicious.
I whip my head up, nostrils flaring. It cannot be a coincidence that this happens right after a fabled creature chased me from my home.Distraction.My heart begins to race, pumping red-hot fury through me. Turning back toward the palace, I let out a scream of frustration.