Page 7 of Shattered Glass
Not trembling in the shadows, terrified of gaining his attention. Not doing everything in my power to avoid the stepbitch who regularly threatens to sell me to the Beast of Granton. Not tiptoeing around the palace on eggshells, fearful of making a wrong move. One that ends with me in the black room. He always makes me wait, which is the worst of all. He seems to know that leaving me in here, sometimes for hours, ramps up my terror and anxiety. Father feeds off it like a vampire craves blood.
A movement to my left causes me to jump to my feet, flinging myself back across the room. Father had thick black curtains hung on each of the walls. They’re supposed to help muffle the sounds of my screams. Cassian’s head peeks out from behind them, and my breath rushes out of me, leaving me light-headed. “What are you doing in here?” I whisper harshly, the fear ramping up again. If father finds him here . . .
“I couldn’t stand to leave you alone,” he says quietly. “I-I know what he’s doing to you.”
Shame colors my cheeks a deep rose, and my trembling fingers rest over my stomach. I drop my head, eyes filling again with tears. I didn’t want him to know.
“Come here,” he demands, holding his arm out. I shake my head, too embarrassed. Why do the floors not open up to swallow you when you need them to? “Snow. Now.”
Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I slowly edge closer, keeping my gaze firmly fixed on my bleeding feet. When I’m close enough, he grabs the front of my dress and hauls me into his arms. I shudder against his broad chest, my hands lifting to clench the fabric of his doublet.
Cassian is no longer the scrawny, gangly boy he used to be. He’s a man now, having joined the rest of the huntsmen a year ago. He’s strong and powerful and still looks after me as he’s always done. A secret part of me wishes he would take me away, somewhere I could be safe. Another land, perhaps, one where we could be free.
My stomach flutters as I rest against his chest, breathing in his scent. He smells of pine trees and fresh air, of hay and sunshine. I can almost remember what it was like to run through the fields, feeling the sun on my face.
Father has kept me prisoner in the palace for the last two years. He gave no reason, had no defense. My skin, already far too pale, has become even paler, and dark bags rest permanently under my eyes. Without exercise, sunlight, or even enough food to eat, I sometimes worry I’ll waste away in a corner somewhere. Where I’ll go unnoticed until the stench of my decaying body calls someone to investigate.
Cassian would never let that happen,my mind supplies. But Cassian is only one man among many. Far too many of the huntsmen are compromised by Morana’s magic. And even if Cassian could get me out of the castle, he would be labeled a traitor. If caught, he would be hung, drawn, and quartered, his head mounted on a spike as a warning to others.
“I’m going to get you out of here, Snow. I promise you. I don’t know how yet, but I will.”
I shake my head against his chest, clinging harder to him. I can’t let him do that. If enduring my father is what I must do to keep him safe, I will. Cassian has protected me as much as he could my whole life. It’s my turn to do the same.
Hearing a noise outside the door, I quickly push him back behind the curtain, whirling around just as the door crashes open. Needing to draw on Cassian’s strength, I quickly lower myself to the floor, tossing my hands under the curtains. Moments later, his hands meet mine, holding them, offering what support he can.
I clench my eyes closed, sending my mind away when Father rips my dress open.Cassian and I race through the trees, our laughter joining the calls of rainbow-colored ghetti birds high in the branches. The sun beats down, warming me, and joy fills my heart.
I ignore the stabbing pain, the sweat that drips onto my forehead, the filthy words he spits at me. Clinging tightly to Cassian’s hands, I continue to disengage from the heinous act being forced upon me, keeping my focus on the imaginary landscape in my head.
When it’s over, Father cries into my chest, patting my hair and calling me Elspeth. I stare blankly upward, watching the shadows of the flames flicker along the ceiling, my fingers twitching. Tears streak silently down my face as I cling to my only lifeline, the man hiding behind me.
Each time this happens, I feel a part of my soul shrivel up. I’m terrified that one day, there will be nothing left of me but an empty shell. Or even worse, that I’ll wake up and discover that I’ve become a monster just like my father.
Chapter 5
Myjet-blackskirtstanglearound my legs while I storm through the castle. Huntsmen and servants alike scurry like rats out of my way when they see the stormy countenance on my face. Grinding my teeth, I round a corner, shoving one of the maids out of my way. She falls to the ground, trembling, her eyes lowered in supplication.
“Y-your Majesty,” she stutters out, hoping to appease me—but nothing will. Not today. I kick her in the stomach on the way past anyway.
I can’t stop the mirror’s message from replaying over and over in my mind. I had fully expected the mirror to reply as it always did to my question, so imagine my shock when a different reply was forthcoming.
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”
“You, my queen, although quite fair, can no longer hold the title, I fear. Another comes to take your place, fair of face and full of grace.”
Fury, white-hot and scorching, tears through me, my eyes narrowing in disbelief. I will not allow this to be. “Who?” I hiss, readying myself to call my ravens to discover her location.
“Snow White.”
I rear back, eyes widening in shock. It’s easy to forget about her existence, she is so rarely seen. Searching my memory, I realize it’s been over a year since I saw her creeping through the shadows early one morning. I’ve been busy with my own plans, setting up the pieces and placing my pawns. By being distracted, I’ve neglected to keep an eye on the happenings in the palace.
It’s a mistake I won’t repeat.
“Snow White!” The little bitch doesn’t reply, and my pulse speeds up. How dare she not answer me? My long strides eat up the stone corridors, my shouts continuing to be ignored. There are only so many places she can hide.
When I’ve finally reached the end of my tether, I set my magic loose. The torches lining the walls flicker once, then extinguish themselves. Spinning around, I crane my neck, searching.There.One lone torch shines, and I storm toward it, only for it to wink out, the flame reappearing farther down the hall.