Page 37 of Dirty Deals
“We should talk about last night.”
Jules’s voice penetrated his troubled thoughts, her words echoing what he had been thinking but was afraid to say.
“If you’re going to tell me it was a mistake, don’t. It wasn’t. I don’t want to go back to pretending the chemistry between us isn’t real. You can’t deny that what happened this weekend was special.” Nik looked over, prepared for an argument. Instead, Jules was watching him with an amused look.
“Feel good to get that off your chest?” She laughed softly. “What I was going to say was that last night changes things. I’m not sure what’s happening between us, but I’m willing to explore options. Because you’re right; it was special. I think we should see if we’re as good outside of bed as we are in it.” She looked at him expectantly.
Excitement had Nik wanting to grab Jules and kiss her, but he needed to proceed with caution. “What did you have in mind?”
“I thought you could move into the guest room at my place for the rest of your time in Vancouver. That way you can see more of Ava and experience all aspects of fatherhood. And there could be ... fringe benefits.” She gave him a flirtatious smile.
Tightness contracted Nik’s chest, making it hard to breathe. Was her offer everything he wanted? Not by half. But it was more than he expected at this point in their renewed relationship. And it was a big step for Jules. She was opening up herself to him. After everything she’d told him about Michael, he appreciated how hard that must be. Moving into her house was the first step in moving into her life permanently.
“Fringe benefits?” Nik raised an eyebrow. “Like what? Carpooling?”
Jules leaned over and began whispering in his ear, her words painting a picture of the things she wanted to do with him. The image of her lithe body, naked beneath him, had him hard in an instant, and Nik reminded himself that they were on a commercial airline. They might be flying first class, which meant there were fewer people around them, but they weren’t alone.
He turned his head and pressed his lips against hers to silence her, unable to listen to one more word of her plans for his body, plans he was more than happy to accommodate as soon as there was a bed nearby. He was never flying commercial again. WYCK’s jets all had private bedrooms that he intended to introduce Jules to at some point. Joining the mile-high club had never interested him, but with Jules he was starting to see the appeal.
Her lips were soft and full under his, opening for his tongue as he stroked the seam of her mouth. He nipped her lower lip, sucking it into his mouth, his blood surging as she emitted a soft sigh of pleasure. It took all his willpower to resist the desire to pull her onto his lap and take this kiss further. He broke contact reluctantly, his breathing ragged.
“I want to explore every single benefit you described, you minx. But not here, and not now. Tonight.”
Jules laughed, a rich, husky sound that tested his resolve to keep his hands to himself in public. “Does that mean you’ll move in?”
“I’ll have my luggage delivered as soon as we land.”
* * *
Jules settledback into her seat, her fingers laced through Nik’s. Her cheeks were hot, and her lips swollen. Moisture pooled between her legs, and she’d like nothing more than to fulfill her dirty fantasies with Nik, but she could wait. They had time, now that she’d asked him to move in.
Was she rushing things? Maybe. But she’d seen how good Nik was with Ava, seen how much he wanted to be a father. Their chemistry was undeniable. And the deciding factor had been brunch with his parents. Giorgio Costas was a nasty, controlling man, far too much like Michael, and everything he said and did drove home how different Nik was from both those men. She wanted Ava to have a father, but more, she wanted some happiness of her own, and she was starting to believe she might be able to find it with Nik. Asking him to move into their guest room made sense. They could test the waters of their relationship, and he could spend more time with Ava.
Jules ignored the little voice in her head that whispered she was moving too fast. Nik moving in felt right. Ava would be excited to have her father there more, and Simone would support any decision she made. Simone already liked Nik and had encouraged Jules to think about what she really wanted for her future. Simone wouldn’t blink at Nik moving in, and her room was on the opposite end of the house from Jules, so privacy wasn’t an issue. Jules worried a little about Ava. Nik moving into the guest room would make her daughter happy, but she wasn’t ready for Ava to find Nik sleeping in her bed. Jules wanted their relationship to mature more first. The image of waking up next to Nik sent her temperature skyrocketing again. She needed something to distract her.
“Do you think the TV reporting our kiss will affect the share price and the takeover?” Jules couldn’t muffle the niggling worry that her impulsive move might not have worked. Coastal needed this deal, but if the price went too high, WYCK could still back out.
She felt more than saw Nik’s shrug. “I hope so. It was a kiss cam at a hockey game. People who don’t know us will assume our relationship is personal, not professional. It should be enough of a smoke screen. We’re fast-tracking the deal proposal, and your help has been invaluable. With luck we can have the paperwork in front of the shareholders within a week or two.” He gave her hand a squeeze.
Reassured, Jules dropped the issue. There was little she could do to prevent public speculation. The gossip writers decided what was newsworthy. Her marriage to Michael had taught her that. Michael had been all about being seen and getting good press, and she had been a decorative asset for him to show off. The separation and divorce had led to speculation, but she’d avoided commenting, refused to file assault charges, and managed to stay out of the public eye. Until Nik’s move at the auction. Now she worried she was back in the public eye, and she hoped that feeling went away soon.
With a sigh, she pulled out her tablet and opened a book. It was a long flight back to Vancouver.
Jules was light-headed as she unlocked the front door. Asking Nik to move in had seemed like a great idea on the plane, but now, faced with the prospect of telling Ava and Simone, she was having serious second thoughts. The idea of opening herself up to Nik was terrifying. She hoped Nik didn’t see her hand shaking as she grasped the knob.
Jules almost jumped when his large, warm hand closed over hers. His touch lit up her nerve endings, making her ache for more contact.
“Second thoughts? You can always change your mind.” Nik’s voice was low and even, though Jules caught a hint of strain. He wanted to stay.
Jules banished her uncertainty. If only for Ava’s sake, having Nik stay with them was a good idea. It would mean more time for them to bond. If she and Nik couldn’t make their relationship work, it was important that his relationship with Ava be strong. “No second thoughts.” She twisted the knob and pushed the door open. They had barely hung up their coats when Ava stuck her head out of the kitchen.
“Mommy, you’re home. And you brought Daddy!” Ava came running out of the kitchen wearing a child-size apron with smudges of flour on it. Jules caught Ava up in a hug, brushing a streak of flour from Ava’s nose. “Grandma and me are making pizza crust for supper.”
That explained the flour everywhere. Jules snuggled Ava close, inhaling the familiar scents of yeasty dough and little girl. Her muscles relaxed, and her tension drained away as Ava hugged her. “We missed you, baby girl.” Jules kissed Ava, then handed her to Nik when he reached for her.
“I missed you too.” Ava giggled as Nik whispered in her ear. “You brought me presents?”