Page 5 of Just Say When
Monday, huh? I wasn’t going to allow Alyssa to blow me off again after Eads’s ballsy confrontation.
“This isn’t the time or place for the discussion you want to have, Eads,” my ex-wife said coolly.
“Yes, ma’am. Of course. You’re right.” Eads’s words may have been conciliatory, but his expression was downright spiteful. “I guess we’ll clear up this misunderstanding on Monday at ten.” Eads looked at our son and smiled genuinely. “It was good to meet you, little man.” Alex, who’d picked up on the tension around him, only nodded. Eads turned his focus toward me, and the cold, dead look in his hazel eyes raised the hair on my neck. Eads was annoyed by Alyssa but placed her intrusion squarely on my shoulders. I wasn’t as big and brawny as Abe, but I would easily carry the burden. I didn’t want dirty cops in my department, and if Alyssa could prove Eads was taking bribes, I’d ensure he was prosecuted fully. The angry detective gave us one final nod before exiting the Pizza Joint.
“Can I have some quarters,” Alex said, breaking the silence. “I want to pick some songs on the jukebox.”
“Yeah,” Russ said, pushing back from the table. “I’ll go with you.”
Alex rolled his eyes and stood up. “Fine, but I get to pick the music. You like stuff from the Stone Age.”
Russ hooked his arm around Alex’s neck, and they continued bantering on their way to the jukebox. Normally, I would take the opportunity to express my gratitude for the close relationship Alex had with Russ, but I had more pressing things on my mind.
“Tell me,” I simply said.
Alyssa took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I conducted an initial interview with Eads on Thursday afternoon. His union rep was with him, but he clammed up and wouldn’t say a word without a lawyer present. Eads’s attorney called me on Friday afternoon and arranged for a meeting on Monday at ten.” Alyssa held up her hands when I opened my mouth to speak. “That’s all I know at this point.”
I leaned forward and kept my voice low. “What did your initial investigation turn up?”
Alyssa shook her head. “You know I can’t divulge anything further right now.”
“I’m the chief of police,” I replied. “And you wouldn’t have an investigation if it weren’t for me. I deserve to know what I’m up against.
“Lio,” Alyssa said with a level of calm that had always gotten under my skin. “I’m not going to thank you for doing your job nor will I let you interfere when I do mine.”
I clenched my jaw tight enough to make my teeth hurt. “He knows we have a son together.”
“I was right here when it happened,” Alyssa reminded me. “He didn’t say or do anything threatening.”
Abe placed his hand on my knee under the table, and the weight and warmth of his touch soothed my rising temper. “If looks could kill, Lio would be bleeding out on the floor right now,” Abe told Alyssa. “The guy is a ticking time bomb, Lyss.”
My ex-wife inhaled deeply once more, and her expression softened on her exhale. “Our boy is heading back, so I’ll make this quick. You can watch the interview on Monday through a monitor, but I don’t want you present in the room. You’ll only make things worse.”
Before I could respond, Alex and Russ resumed their spots on either side of her. She held my gaze with a quirked brow until I gave her a subtle nod. We dove back into our food, and the conversation flowed as if Eads had never stepped up to our table. It was Alyssa’s week to have Alex, so I said my goodbyes in the parking lot. I held open my arms, and Alex walked into them. We were fortunate he wasn’t too cool to show his parents affection, but we were even luckier our son wasn’t seriously hurt.
“That was a close one,” I said, hugging Alex a little longer and harder than usual.
“I know, Dad, but I’m okay.”
I pulled back from the embrace and smiled down at my son. “Okay? I think you’re pretty freaking awesome.”
“You’re pretty awesome too,” he said. Alex glanced over as if to gauge where Alyssa and Russ were. They were several feet away, chatting affably with Abe. “That guy back there…”
“Don’t worry about him. Mom and I have everything under control.” Damn, I hoped we did. “I’ll see you Friday night, okay?” Alex nodded, and I said, “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Alex jogged over and gave Abe a high five before getting into Russ’s SUV. I waited for my best friend to saunter over, then we walked to our vehicles. Nothing highlighted the differences between us more than our rides. I drove a newer, charcoal gray truck with an extended cab while Abe preferred the turquoise, single cab truck his granddaddy had bought new in 1972. Abe called her Betty and had spent a small fortune in time and money restoring the truck to her former glory. He had a newer ride but preferred to take Betty out whenever the weather was nice. I glanced up at the sky, which was blue and mostly cloudless at the moment.
“What are your plans this afternoon?” Abe asked. There wasn’t a hint of suggestiveness in his tone, but the look in his eyes was hot enough to set my hair on fire.
“I patched and replaced the drywall in the dining room. I tend to get carried away with the spackle, so I need to sand it down thoroughly before I can paint.”
I’d purchased a fixer-upper in Thunderbolt eight months ago. The property itself was a dream. I owned six acres of woods and marsh that butted up against the Wilmington River. The house had excellent bones, but the interior was a disaster and had landed the property in my price range. Luckily, I had a lot of free time on my hands. Alyssa and I alternated weeks with Alex, and I hadn’t been in a serious relationship for over a year. I was working my way through the house one room at a time. I’d started with my bedroom suite since I wanted a relaxing place to lay my head each night, then remodeled Alex’s room. The dining room was next as I worked up the courage to tackle the kitchen, which would require the most time and money. And I really hated removing wallpaper, and there was no telling how many layers were beneath the ugly goose pattern that made my eyes twitch.
“Want some help?” Abe asked.
“By help, do you mean sanding drywall or trying to get me out of my pants?” The question triggered my earlier thoughts of Abe shoving his face between my ass cheeks.