Page 7 of Just Say When
We finished knocking off most of the dust, but I would still manage to track the shit everywhere before I finally got it out of my home. We tossed the masks onto the worktable and headed into the kitchen.
“Pretty sure I’ve found the task I hate more than stripping wallpaper,” I said.
“You’ll say the same thing when we paint the dining room.” I loved how Abe saidwe.
“And I’ll reaffirm how much I hate stripping wallpaper next weekend when we tackle that job.”
“I probably have plans next weekend,” Abe said when I handed him a beer.
I quirked a brow. It seemed there were some instances whenwedidn’t apply. “I could live with this hideousness an extra week.” I stretched and flexed my shoulders, neck, and back before reaching in the refrigerator for my beer. “Pretty sure I feel every one of my forty-two years right now.”
He twisted off the cap and tossed it into the recycling bin. “You’ll feel better after a hot shower.”
Of course my brain leapt into action, conjuring up an image of the two of us taking a shower together right as I took a sip of beer. I somehow managed not to choke and chased the first drink with another.
“I love the way your mind works,” Abe said huskily. Of course, he knew the direction my mind had gone.
Abe crossed the room and pressed his body against mine just as he’d done in the parking lot, then he set his beer on the counter and did the same with mine. “I really want my kiss.”
“I thought you wanted me to say when.”
“Oh, I do, but I’ll settle for a kiss right now.”
I had no business entertaining the suggestion until we had an overdue conversation, but reason and logic—my two best traits—were powerless against the smoldering expression in Abe’s eyes. I cupped the back of his neck and planted my lips against his.
It was just the barest brush of lips against mine, but it was enough to trip my circuits. Lio pulled back as if that was all I was going to get, but I growled my frustration and recaptured his mouth before he could get away. Lio gasped, and I slid my tongue between his lips, getting my first taste of the man I’d wanted for so long. His short beard rasped against my face, and I longed to feel the friction much lower on my body. Lio dug his fingers into my neck and moaned into my mouth as his tongue got in on the action too.
Heat engulfed my body as if someone had set me on fire. Lio slid his free hand around my waist and cupped my ass, and I realized someone had set a torch to my skin. Years of want and need were nothing more than dry kindling to Lio’s match, but I embraced the burn. I broke the kiss and delighted in his tiny whimper. As if I were done with him. Hell no. I was just getting started. I pressed my mouth to his sweaty neck and kissed a path up to his ear.
“Say the word, Lio,” I whispered. “Put us both out of our misery.”
I realized my mistake when he stiffened.Fuck.Why didn’t I keep my mouth shut? I pulled back and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. Lust and need were still present but a more somber emotion I didn’t like had joined the mix. Dread? “Oh no.” I dropped my hands and moved to step back, but Lio fisted his hand in my shirt and pulled me back to him.
“Not oh no. We just need to talk before we take things further.”
I blew out a breath. “Oh no.”
“Abe, I want you more than anything, but I meant what I said about loving someone not always being enough.”
I stepped back again, and this time Lio let me go. I crossed my arms over my chest and said, “Why isn’t it enough?”
“Your stance says you’re not ready to discuss this with me right now.”
I lowered my arms and relaxed my shoulders. Then I stepped back into him and rested my hands on his hips. “I’m ready. Lay it on me. Just tell me what you want, Lio.”
He swallowed hard but didn’t look away. “I want you to tell me our relationship would be different from the ones you’ve had in the past.” He took a deep breath and released it slowly. “And I need you to tell me you won’t push me away like the last time I got too close.”
I tried not to flinch but failed. I opened my mouth to speak but words failed me. Lio must’ve seen the denial in my expression because he pressed on without waiting.
“You’ve self-sabotaged every good relationship you’ve ever had.”
It would’ve hurt less if he kicked me in the balls. “I have not.”
“Sara Beth,” Lio replied dryly.
“You’re going to throw my ex-wife in my face? You have one of those too, you know.”