Page 24 of Evil Beautiful
“Gideon! Someone took Kellen! One of his friends just called me. He was surfing and had just strapped his board onto his Jeep when a black van pulled up next to him and two men jumped out and grabbed him. Brody and Adam tried to stop them but they were shot at and the van got away. Petra, one of his surfing buddies was on her bike and she’s following them. They are heading towards the harbour.” Her agitated voice rose higher as she gave me the news.
“You have to get him back. I don’t care what you have to do. Just get him back before they hurt him.” She finished on an agitated whisper.
My heart felt as if it had been squashed in a vice and my gut cramped. The thing I had feared the most was happening.
Winifred Harrison was making her move and she was making it against me.
“I’ll get him back, Pixie. Trust me, I’ll get him back and kill the bastards who took him.”
Ending the call as I immediately made a call to his guards as I ran out of my office. The call to all three went unanswered.
I stormed into Dom’s office and he took one look at my face and stood.
“They took Kellen, grabbed him at the beach and none of his guards are answering their phones.”
“Do you think he has his phone with him?” Dom started typing on his laptop.
I shook my head. “I don’t know. He was at the beach and was busy strapping his board onto that scrap heap of a Jeep of his when he was grabbed. One of his surfing buddies is trailing the kidnappers on her bike and she reported that they are heading towards the harbour.”
Dom kept typing and threw a quick look my way. “We’re ready for this Gid, alert the team and let’s do this. We’ve got Mitch on the inside, you know he will keep Kellen safe. Let’s concentrate on getting to him as soon as possible.”
I nodded distractedly as I called Darren.
“Yes, boss.”
“They’ve snatched Kellen. Get the team ready to ride. We have a civilian female following them on a bike and she reports that they’re heading towards the harbour.”
“We’re ready. I’ll get Rico to start tracking him and Mitch just in case they lose our tail.” I closed my eyes and nodded, which he obviously couldn’t see.
“Good. I want him back, Darren.”
“We’ll get him back, Gideon. What about his guards? Where were they when he was taken?”
“I don’t know, we haven’t been able to reach them and their phones are stationary in the same location. I’ve sent a team to check on them.” I knew he would want the information because he has trained most of the men who worked for us. They were a tight group.
Right now though? I didn’t want to think about anyone but Kellen.
And then the unthinkable happened.
Petra lost the van after being sideswiped by a stupid bitch in a mum van.
I nearly lost my shit while I waited for news that he had been found.
Three hours, three whole godsdamned hours.
It had taken us three hours to track them down. The kidnappers were nowhere near where we expected them to be and if it wasn’t for Mitch we would never have found them.
Dom was beside himself with rage when his phone suddenly appeared on the grid. Kellen’s had disappeared hours ago. They must have found it on him and destroyed it.
And the reason for Dom’s rage was their location.
They were on the Maingarde Estate, in his house…or rather, under his house. The hag was using the basement dungeon and we both knew why she was doing it.
It was to show us how easily she could take anyone who belonged to us and keep them right under our noses.
She made a big mistake taking Kellen and if she touched a hair on his head she would live to regret it.
But I knew her, knew how she operated, and I feared what we were going to find.