Page 30 of Evil Beautiful
That was the last I heard as I drifted off into a painless sleep.
Thankfully I didn’t hear the shit that happened after I fell asleep.
I would have been pissed at my father all over again.
I kept my fingers around Kell’s throat as he drifted away in a drug induced sleep.
That’s what he needed.
A lot of rest so he could recover.
When I was finally able to let go of his throat, and the feel of his pulse against my fingertips, I looked up into the pissed off eyes of his father.
I knew all about him. How he had insisted on Kellen leaving his house when he found out he was attracted to both men and women. At least his mother had the decency to drive him from their home town to a shelter. What kind of parents did that shit?
Apparently the ones in front of me did.
“Who are you?” He asked after giving me a once over and finding me wanting.
Admittedly I looked a bit rough with my windblown and salt encrusted hair. I had been at the beach talking to our friends before coming to the hospital.
Some parents don’t deserve the sweet kids they were given.
Kellen’s father was one of them.
“I’m Strange, a friend and surfing buddy of Kell’s. Actually, I’m more like his big sister than a friend or just a surfing buddy. He’s been one of mine for a few years now.” I tilted my head to the side to listen to the commotion outside the door. I grinned when I recognised the voice.
“And you’re about to meet one of the other women in his life if what’s going on outside is what I think it is.”
I was right.
The tiny tornado that was Pixie Maingarde stormed through the door still hurling threats over her shoulder. Kellen’s guards were behind her, checking the room before stepping away again.
“And the next time I ask to be updated on his medical status you will tell me what I need to know or your funding stops in its tracks. And that’s not an idle threat, believe me.”
She turned, looked around the room, met my eyes and shook her head, sending her wildly curly hair flying around her face.
“Stupid assholes trying to keep me from seeing Kell. Telling me I’m not his family. Absolute bullshit.” Her blue eyes were stormy but when they settled on Kell they filled with tears.
Both hands were clasped over her mouth as she slowly approached the bed.
“Look at what those fuckers did to our beautiful boy. I hope Gideon kills them all.” She snarled through the tears, then kissed him on the forehead and stroked a gentle hand over the top of his head.
“I gave him a dose of morphine for the pain just before you got here. He’s sleeping now but he’s in a lot of pain. We’re going to have to watch the pain meds they give him once he comes home, it’s going to be strong.”
She nodded slowly and in total agreement.
Then she turned and looked up at his parents who were both taller than her.
But then most people were taller than her.
“Hi, sorry about all that. I’m Pixie Maingarde; Kellen works at my tattoo studio and is a very good friend of mine.”
His mother opened her mouth to speak but the father got there first.