Page 33 of Evil Beautiful
Winifred was an entirely different situation.
When she was found her punishment would come from Dom and not me or anyone else.
First she took his family and then she took his freedom. Even the women he fucked had been chosen by her. She never knew he had taken drastic steps so he wouldn’t be able to sire children on any of the puppets she threw at him. It was extreme and there were no guarantees that a reversal of the procedure would work.
I wasn’t sure if he would have the reversal procedure done once the threat was gone.
My best friend was bitter and never wanted a child of his to become a target like he had been.
That was one of the reasons why he was extremely protective of Pixie. He had given up a lot to ensure she grew up unharmed.
She didn’t know it but he watched over her and had background checks done on every single person in her employ and on her friends.
His friend would most probably lose his mind if she started dating seriously. I didn’t want to even think about when she started having children. Dom would take being over protective to the next level.
To ensure their safety we would do whatever we have to do.
As I was about to do for my man.
I smiled as I walked into the cold interrogation room where the naked piece of meat hung from chains that ran through rings set into the ceiling. There was a pulley on the side of the room to lift and lower his body as I pleased. His toes were the only part of him touching the ground at the moment. It was the same room from which we had rescued Dom not so long ago.
“Ah, I see you’ve been made comfortable.”
I slowly walked around him and the chains rattled as he tried to keep his eyes on me.
“Do what you want, I’m not talking.” He snarled through clenched teeth.
The laugh burst from me but I felt no mirth at all.
“I really don’t care if you talk or not. This is not about information. The reason you’re here is retribution. You hurt and tried to disfigure one of mine.”
He grinned as if what he had done pleased him immensely. “His dick is never going to be the same.”
I smiled and shook my head.
“Not true, his surgery was successful and he will recover fully.” I watched as several emotions flitted over his face.
“Your other man won’t recover. He will never use his dick again, it will heal all wrong. I made sure of it.” He laughed. “I loved fucking his asshole, it was so tight and bloody. I love when I make them bleed and scream in pain.”
I knew exactly what he was trying to do. Even though inside fury roiled I didn’t let it show. If he was talking about Mitch my friend was in a very bad place, and we had to step up our efforts to find him. I didn’t have to say a word because I knew Darren and Lex would be on it.
I would not give him the satisfaction of thinking he had the upper hand.
So I lied.
“Bad news on that one as well, asshole. He has the best doctors in the world taking care of him and they tell me he will recover fully.” I kicked out at his leg and set him swinging.
He groaned in pain as his wrists took all of his considerable weight.
Slowly walking around his swinging body I rubbed a finger over my bottom lip as if deep in thought. The only thought in my head was where to cut him first.
“Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to select an area to cut pieces from you and you’re going to scream in pain. Our medic will see to it that you don’t bleed out. I will do this day after day after day. And I have to tell you, I’ve perfected the craft of giving pain along with pleasure. I’m very good at it. I will make you enjoy the pain, make you beg for more, make you beg me to give you everything you deserve. You will do this because the pain will become your pleasure.”
He smirked and shook his head. “I already like pain with my pleasure. Do your worst. You won’t break me.”
I smiled. I knew it never reached my eyes. They stayed empty, blank.
Lex stepped up as I shrugged off my suit jacket. She folded it and hung it neatly over her arm. I took off my tie and shirt and did the same, hanging them over her arm. Leaving the room she came back almost immediately with a hanger holding my clothes. Slipping out of my loafers I undid my pants and slid them off and handed them over. Lex hung them on the hanger under my shirt and jacket then picking up my shoes she left the room.