Page 4 of Evil Beautiful
Before getting out of the car I scanned the parking area in front of Mainline Ink. Three bikes were prominently parked right at the front door under the security lights. Pixie’s metallic blue Mustang was parked in its usual space and there was a fairly battered olive green Jeep with surfboard racks parked in the space reserved for employees.
It meant that her client was a biker.
Hopefully he wasn’t a club member but some wannabe weekend warrior type. I really didn’t have the patience to keep up the pretence of being a rival of the clubs tonight. But if I had to I would. You never knew who might be watching.
Sliding out of the car I strode to the shop, my bodyguards shadowing me. I went in alone, the guards stayed outside to keep an eye out for trouble, not that I expected any tonight. Music was playing in the shop but not too loud, I could still hear the buzzing of tattoo machines and the rumble of conversations going on in the cubicles. The loud ding of the bell obviously alerted Pixie that someone had come in because she called out over the music.
“Have a seat! I’ll be with you in a minute!”
Ignoring her instruction I undid the button on my jacket, shoved my hands in my pockets and stood looking at the photos she had up on one wall. They were of the people who worked at the shop and my eyes stalled on the photo of Kellen Paxton, one of her tattoo artists. He was sitting on the steps outside the shop with his tattooed arms resting on his thighs smiling into the camera.
The man was gorgeous with short dark blonde hair that was longer on top where it lightened into a light blonde. That long blonde fringe fell over one of his beautiful blue eyes. A wicked smile curved his shapely lips and a dark reddish-blonde short scruff covered his lower face. It served to emphasize his mouth, and I had the sudden urge to bite those lips and feel his beard on my face as I kissed him.
Finally sliding my eyes away from the photo I focused on the others trying to get my attraction to a photo of a man I had never met under control.
“Can I help you?” A very attractive light baritone voice asked and I slowly turned towards it.
Kellen Paxton was even better looking than his photo. I allowed myself a second to take him in before I answered.
“I’m here to see Pixie. She’s expecting me.” It took every bit of my control not to hold my hand out in greeting. I couldn’t touch this man. Not now. Not tonight. My attraction to him felt too raw.
“Ah, you must be Gideon; she said you would be in tonight.” He smiled and my eyes lingered on his lips for a second. The moment I looked up I knew Kellen had noticed because there was a hint of a smile curving his lovely mouth and interest in his blue eyes.
“Can I get you something to drink while we wait for her to finish up? She shouldn’t be much longer. We have beer, wine, juice or water. I’m having a beer because it’s been a very long day.”
“I’ll have a bottle of water, thanks. I have to go back to work after I leave here tonight.” I wasn’t sure why I gave out that information because usually I’m very careful about letting people know my movements.
Kellen nodded and disappeared into the back of the shop.
Love Gangster by Beth Hart was playing when I took the proffered water. Little did I know that the song would forever be stuck in my head as Kellen’s song. Our fingers touched and it was like a flash of electricity shot through my fingers bypassed my chest and went straight down into my dick. I had never felt anything like it in my life.
The man in front of me had a stunned look on his face before he quickly looked down and away.
He had felt it as well.
For the first time in a very long time I wasn’t sure what to do next.
It definitely looked like Kellen felt the attraction between us. Should I invite him out?
What the hell was wrong with me? I wasn’t the type to hesitate when I wanted something. I usually went for it and took what I wanted.
“Would you like to go out for a drink tomorrow night?”
A look of anticipation came and went on his face and I just knew he was going to turn me down.
“I would have loved to but I’m seeing someone at the moment. It’s not serious or anything but I don’t feel I should accept your invitation while I’m still with her. I would love a rain check though.”
Tilting my head to the side I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him.
“How much of a rain check are we talking about?”
Kellen grinned. “Give me a week.”
I allowed a barely there lifting of the corners of my lips to slip through my control and gave a short nod.
“You’ve got a week then I’m coming for you.”