Page 45 of Evil Beautiful
A ping from the phone in question let me know Rico was done.
I could make the call.
Tapping out the number I didn’t have to wait before it was answered.
“Dom, we just talked. Why are you calling me personally?” Hawk growled at me.
So typical of him.
“I just received a report from Gideon, his inside man has finally reported in. Sharma has been ordered to attack at his earliest convenience. We’ll be hitting the old hag’s hideout as soon as we know Sharma’s attention is on you. You need to be ready my friend, and be careful up there. I don’t want to have to get to know a new president.”
Hawk snorted. “Don’t you worry about us, Dom. We’re more than ready for the fucker. And since when are we friends? We’re more like friendly enemies.”
I laughed and so did Hawk.
“Bullshit. With all the crap we’ve gone through to try and straighten out our lives we’re closer than friendly enemies. Once this war is behind us I want a meeting with you and your top men. We have a couple of things of mutual interest I’d like to discuss. It’s not something I want to do over the phone.”
I could virtually hear Hawk thinking before he answered.
“We’ll talk again after we’ve taken care of our problems. Be careful down there.”
“Good. Take care of yourself and your people, Hawk. Talk soon.”
Setting the phone down I leant back in my chair.
I could feel it, feel the time coming to finally rid my people and I of the Harrison Syndicate.
It had taken years to extricate us from the clutches of the Harrisons.
Years that I’d gladly given to keep my sister safe from harm.
Years since I’d ensured there would never be a child of mine the hag could harm as she had harmed me.
I was forty years old and the time had finally come.
According to the Bible vengeance was in the hands of God.
Not this time.
This time vengeance would come from my hands.
And they would be covered in blood.
I knew things were happening that Gideon wasn’t telling me. He was tense all the time and even though he visited me often, those visits were short.
When the doctors told us they were happy with my progress and I would be discharged soon he had tried to talk me into recuperating at the Maingarde Estate. It was something I couldn’t do. I wouldn’t be able to set foot in that house without reliving the hell I had suffered in the cell underneath it. To say he hadn’t been happy when I refused was an understatement.
Now he had come up with a new plan.
I would be staying with the Iron Dogz MC in Cape Town while he and Dominick went off on some top secret business thing.
Such absolute bullshit.