Page 52 of Evil Beautiful
She must be the one Kid had told me about. The woman with medical knowledge.
We had eyes filled with sympathy and rage following us as we went inside. The bikers had been told what had been done to him and felt his pain.
He was carefully carried upstairs and into a room that had a hospital bed ready and waiting. I stood to the side as the woman quietly talked to my man as she settled him in the bed. Lex stood on the opposite side of the bed, watching her intently before she handed over the small bag that contained his medications.
“You over extended yourself today and your pain is too intense for the mild meds you’ve been given. I’m going to insert an IV and push a mild sedative and a stronger pain med into you. Relax and let it happen. Once the pain recedes I’m going to get you an ice pack for between your legs, we need to be careful of inflammation.”
As she worked she spoke to him in a soft, soothing voice. It didn’t take long before his eyes slid shut. I stepped up to the bed before he went completely under to say goodbye and reassure him.
“I have to leave, baby. I’ll call later. Stay in bed and get some sleep.” I kissed him softly before I stepped away.
The woman held a hand out to me and I took it.
“I’m Natalie Kriel. Just to put your mind at ease, my dad is a retired officer of the club. It makes me family and trusted by the brothers. Kellen will be safe under my care; I’m a trained ICU sister and training to become a doctor. I’ve got this, I promise.”
“Thank you, I appreciate you looking after him.” I gave her fingers a squeeze and let go.
Now that I knew he was safe and in good hands I needed to get back to the office.
I walked out and the others followed me out.
Kid and Orca were waiting for me at one of the tables in the big room downstairs. I didn’t want to sit down but I couldn’t afford to piss them off either, so I sat. Lex and Darren leant against the bar, their eyes on us.
I waved away the offer of a drink. I didn’t have time for that shit.
Kid grinned at the look on my face.
“We’re not going to keep you, Gideon, we just need a quick update on what’s been happening.”
Giving him a short nod I explained.
“There was an attempt to kidnap Pixie at the hospital earlier. The Road Warriors are on it. She’s at their compound and safe. Sharma is moving as I’m sure you know by now. We’re waiting on Hawk’s go-ahead before we make our move. I have a feeling it’s going to be sooner than anyone expected. Warnings have gone out to all parties involved. That’s all I can tell you right now. Once I’m back at the office I’ll know more and will keep you updated.”
I didn’t mention the Russians as I didn’t know if Dom would want me to share it with them. My feeling was that we needed to know more before we pulled anyone else in. But I also knew that eventually we would have to let them know that there were new threats on the horizon.
During my short explanation they nodded but didn’t say anything. I felt sure Spider and Wrath had let them know what was going on. This was just me confirming the events of today.
“Have you heard anything from your man on the inside?” Orca asked very quietly, his voice pitched low enough that only Kid and I could hear him.
I kept my voice as low when I answered.
“No. We’re worried he’s been made, if he has we need to get to him as soon as we can.” I tipped my head towards the stairs. “With what they did to Kellen we do not have a good feeling about his silence.”
Both men were frowning as they gave me slow nods.
“You let Kid know if you need back up. I had a meet with War and Wild Man yesterday. The clubs are ready to back you up if you need us, and with those fuckers trying to kidnap Pixie you can be assured the Road Warriors are looking for blood.” Orca held his hand out and we shook. It was a silent agreement of support.
Without another word he stood and walked off. Kid watched him for a second before looking back at me.
“He meant it, Gid. If you need us we’ll be there and don’t worry about Kell, he won’t be left vulnerable if we send men your way.”
A quick nod was all I could give him. I would have to take it back to Dom, the decision was his. I stood and we shook hands.
Giving the stairs a quick look I walked out. Lex and Darren silently followed me to the car where the rest of the team waited for us.
I slid into the back of the vehicle and relaxed into the leather upholstery. Putting my head back I closed my eyes.
It would be the last time for the coming next few hours that I had a minute to myself to think about what might have happened to Mitch.