Page 55 of Evil Beautiful
“When I’m well enough to walk without pain I’d like to take you to meet my surfing buddies. They’re a tight group and usually don’t like others to surf with them but I’ll vouch for you. They’re world class competition surfers and I’ve learned a lot from them.”
Spider’s grin lit up his face.
“I look forward to it. I’m not world class at all. A couple of years ago I was on holiday and there was a guy on the beach offering surfing lessons. I had nothing better to do so I signed up. And that was it. The bug bit me hard. I lived in Joburg and had to make time to get to the beach. My brothers at the club teased me about being a surfer boy without a beach. Now I have the beach on my doorstep. It’s one of the reasons why I transferred to Cape Town.”
He chatted to me so freely I relaxed completely.
I shared my own surfing history and how I usually went out every morning and on slow days at work I’d be out there in the afternoon as well. From surfing our conversation went to tattooing and bikes and we were laughing when the door opened and Natalie walked in with a loaded tray.
A blush stole up her neck when she saw Spider sitting next to the bed. He didn’t notice her interest. If he had I’m sure he wouldn’t have asked me the question he did.
“Do you know if Strange is seeing anyone?”
Poor Natalie, her blush faded and her face fell before she was able to hide it.
“Not that I know of, she doesn’t date much because she’s always training or working.” I didn’t want to say more in front of her because that would be rude.
“Good to know.” He said as he stood and slowly stretched. “I’ll visit again later. I have shit to do at the office.”
He looked at Natalie for the first time since she walked in and set the tray down on the small table.
“Look after my boy here, babe.” His smile was for both of us as he gave a flick of his hand and walked out the door.
Natalie’s blush was back and she tried to hide it by pouring the tea. I closed my eyes and let her have her privacy. She didn’t need to know I had seen her unrequited interest.
Sometimes life sucked.
We drank tea and chatted about general shit until it was time for my shower. I hated being so weak that I couldn’t move or stand without pain. I needn’t have worried. Nat, that’s what she asked me to call her, handled it perfectly. No shower for me. She gave me a bed bath, and while doing so she chatted about her job, her cat, her family and a whole lot of other innocuous topics. It kept me engaged and not thinking about her touching my battered skin.
Once I was clean she helped me to dress in a clean pair of soft sleep pants and a t-shirt. While I sat in a chair lined with soft cushions she remade the bed then helped me back in. I sighed with relief as I lay back against the cushions. The pain no longer a dull ache, it hammered at my body.
I swallowed the meds she handed me and very soon my eyes felt heavy and slid shut.
My last thought was about Gideon.
I prayed he was safe and not putting himself at risk trying to get justice for what was done to me.
Praying for his safety should have given me an idea as to the depth of my feelings for him.
Instead I fell asleep.
I looked up as my right hand man, Gideon Acheson, strode into my office. He had been busy getting Kellen settled at the Iron Dogz MC’s compound and readying our teams.
I was happy to share the news that the time had finally come to take the fight to the hag and end her reign of terror.
“It’s going down right now. They hit Hawk sooner than we expected.” He stopped in front of my desk then waited. He didn’t have to wait long.
“Are we ready?”
Gideon gave me a cold smile. “We are. While I was on my way up I finally heard from Mitch. He sent a text with co-ordinates. It confirms the information we received from the Russian and our guest. The teams are ready and waiting on us.”
Without a word I pushed my chair away from my desk and got up. Heading into my bathroom I opened the hidden door. My tactical gear and firearms were neatly laid out.
It didn’t take long to get dressed and when I walked back into my office Gideon was ready as well.
We silently rode down to the underground parking garage. Our teams were gathered in the underground garage only a select few had access to.