Page 14 of The Darkest Touch
It wasn’t as if I hadn’t heard my mom laugh, but she’d just never laughed like that, like she wasn’t faking it.
“Hey, you were on that Viking show, right?” My thoughts weren’t interrupted until I made it to the register, and the checkout lady smiled brightly when my head whipped up. “Yeah! I knew it. You look just like your picture.”
“Picture? Don’t you mean the show?” Alarm rang in my tone, and she pointed a well-manicured finger to the rack behind me. Whipping around, my jaw nearly hit the floor atmyface splattered on the front page. Setting my basket down hastily, I grabbed the magazine to scan the headline.
‘Sarah’s Gift’ actress getting serious with billionaire Brandon Maddox! Did Katerina Atter secretly marry the world’s most eligible bachelor? Their ceremony revealed!’
“What thefuck...?” The slur rolled off my tongue as I cracked open the magazine, and my eyebrows nearly flew off my face. There, right in front of me, was myself wearing a white sundress that I’d gone to dinner with Brandon’s mother in. Somehow, someone had captured me on her property, and my eyes boggled out of their sockets.
Katerina Atter, best known for her supporting roles in ‘Sarah’s Gift’ and ‘Norse King’, has been keeping her relationship with Brandon Maddox on the down-low for nearly a year, sources say. One person close to them has confirmed that the couple ‘has taken the next step’, and they’re ‘very happy’ together.
“That doesn’t reveal anything at all! What the hell!” The overly loud squeak that escaped me drew the attention of the other employees hanging around the registers, but the store was virtually empty. Thanking God that I’d decided to shop so early, I slammed the magazine closed to groan loudly. “Who tells people this crap?”
“Then, you didn’t marry him?”
Scoffing at the probe, I shook my head, and my brain rattled behind my eyes as I stuffed the magazine back onto the stand.
“Aw, man. I mean, everyone should know not to listen to tabloids and stuff, but that kinda sucks. You guys are cute together. I guess it’s not as bad as Ellen reading about her own divorce, though..."
“Why would it suck that I’m not married to him?” Stocking the belt as I struggled not to see that article when I blinked, I scrunched up my nose over my frown. “Do you know something I don’t?”
“You didn’t see the podcast?” Pausing with my steaks in my hand, my eyes flew to her even as she whipped out her cellphone, which I was pretty sure was against policy. My heart thundered as she held out the device, and my fingertips tingled as she leaned over the register. “It’ll load in a second.”
‘So, the big buzz going around right now is that you’re breaking your workaholic ways. Mr. Maddox, mind telling us anything about your girlfriend?’The video was terrible quality, but I didn’t care as the guy in the studio leaned back in his chair. ‘Does this mean you’re thinking of taking your business to the next level?’
“What does that even mean, the next level? Oh, my God—”
‘Ah... well, she’s important enough for me to get out of the office at a reasonable time. I don’t want to say too much because—but anyway... I don’t really know what you want me to say. She’s my girlfriend. To be honest, I have been thinking a lot about the past, and the way my business was run for twenty-five years until I got the hang of it.’Brandon’s undeniable tone filled my ears, and I held my breath as the podcast host nodded to himself. ‘I’ve recently been working on a new business model that really tries to eliminate the aggression and underhanded tactics that have been used in the past. When it comes right down to it, the fact of the matter is... I signed off on things I shouldn’t have. I made decisions that I wasn’t qualified to make, and a lot of people suffered because I was an inexperienced pushover. At the very least, being with my girlfriend has helped me realize that things can’t continue this way.’
‘So, what can we expect from the new model? Is being in a relationship what prompted you to step out of the shadow of your father? If I recall correctly, you didn’t have the best mentors to begin with, not to be offensive or anything.’
‘I’m not offended. You’re right. I didn’t have the resources I needed back then. I think, now, that’s why it’s so important to have someone else whom I can trust to challenge me. My girlfriend... sometimes, I wonder how she gets up in the morning after everything she’s been through. I won’t get into details, but she constantly amazes me. She always asks me tough questions, but more than that, she cares about my answers.’The short silence was deafening, and blood pounded in my ears before Brandon’s uncomfortable chuckle blasted through the speakers of the phone. ‘Sorry, we’re getting off track...’
“What the heck..." Blinking hard, I blew out a hot breath as astonishment flooded my chest and the register lady grinned broadly.
“I know, right? That’s the most viewed tech podcast on the internet from this morning, and he gushed over you like that. It was so sweet.” Sighing dreamily, she opened her mouth to keep talking, but my own cellphone began to ring. Fishing the device out of my pocket sloppily, I frowned deeply as Brandon’s name flashed on the screen, and I wasn’t sure whether to be enheartened or furious.
In the end, I just decided to be both.
“You do know I have access to the internet, right?” My ears burned from embarrassment, and Brandon chuckled that same laugh of discomfort. When I blinked, I could picture him rubbing his neck and jaw, and I clenched and released my jaw. “Why did you say that about me? I don’t go around telling people your business, Brandon.”
“Was that a pun?” Silence reigned heavily at his dumb attempt to break the tension, and he cleared his throat roughly. “Listen, Katie I’m sorry, truly. I rarely do interviews, but I was just in a good—a great—mood. I mean, I heard my mom giggling on the phone last night, right, and I admit that I should’ve ignored the question about you, and I did my best, but you have to understand thatyou’re important to me, and you make me a better person.”
“How am I supposed to be mad at you when you say stuff like that, huh?” Pinching the bridge of my nose, I flopped my head back when Brandon didn’t answer my question, and the irritation in my blood vaporized instantly. “Just, just please, Brandon... I want my private life kept private, okay?”
“I’ll apologize properly on our date tonight.” The surety in his tone stole my breath, and I smiled faintly as he cleared his throat roughly. “Ah, I have to hang up now, though. I’m about to have my early morning dose of infantile yelling.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to you later, Brandon.” Ending the call, I slid my phone in my pocket once again and fished out my wallet before glancing up at the cashier. Her suave smirk widened, and I bit my bottom lip hard as blood rushed to my cheeks.
“Ithink our moms get along better than we do.” Leaning over to murmur in Katie’s ear, I narrowed my gaze on my mom as she looked over the menu. Caroline and my mom were only a year and a half apart in age, and I couldn’t help but smile when Katie hummed softly in agreement.
“I’d be so embarrassed if I weren’t so happy and relieved.” Tearing my eyes off my mom as Katie rested her head on my shoulder, my smile widened. “They prank called me this morning; did you know that? I didn’t even know my mom knew how to do a three-way call.”
“You were the one who called me, Katerina. Don’t make yourself out to be the victim.” Caroline’s chiding tone earned her a huff, and Katie’s face warmed against my shirt. Affection clung to my ribs like hot tar, and I looked down at my menu through rose-colored lenses.