Page 8 of The Darkest Revenge
Why did I make the mistake of going to the kitchen right then? Somewhere, in my delusion, I thought...maybeI could stomach something? But I couldn’t stomach what I’d heard.
“So, I just got done talking to the pilots. They’re going to load up over the next two days, and we should be home by Friday.”
Nodding as I struggled not to throw up what little was in my stomach, I tensed when Brandon sat on the edge of the bed and held my free hand.
“I was thinking that once we get back, I’ll immediately appoint a replacement. The Chairman of the Board. I don’t know much about her, but she’s Chairman for a reason, and that’s good enough for me.”
My eyes popped open at that, and Brandon rubbed the back of my hand as earnestness drenched his expression. Grinding my teeth against the sourness that clawed at my throat, I tore my gaze off him to glare at my lap.
“Do you wanna go outside for a little while?”
I shook my head, my whole body aching at the thought of even moving from this bed to a chair. Bringing my fingers up, Brandon tensed when I took my hand away before he could kiss it. Sinking back, I ducked my head and hid my hands under the blanket, and his expression pinched out of the corner of my eye.
“Katie, come on. Let’s go outside, talk a little... it’ll make you feel better.”
“I’ll feel better when we go home.”
He didn’t speak up again, instead grabbing my hand over the thin blanket. Pursing my lips thinly, my mouth dried when Brandon shuffled a little closer. My heart rampaged against my ribs until it hurt, and I held my breath as anticipation replaced the blood in my veins.
“I’d really prefer having this conversation outside, but if you don’t want to, that’s okay. I’m thinking that we should talk about what you think will happen next based on what you know about Mason. Maybe, we can come up with a plan, no matter how loose.”
Surprise rose my head, and Brandon’s face twisted a mix of relief and dread as he sat back. It was horrifying that thinking of Mason and the fact that he wanted tokillme— or close enough— calmed me down, and I gulped down the dense lump in my throat.
“What do you know about him that might help us figure out what he might do next? Nathan already pointed out that the box that blew up was a warning from him, yeah?”
“Oh... oh, yeah. Probably.” I closed my eyes, trying to think back so far— to when I was almost a different person entirely.“Mason knows a lot of unsavory people. He’s just an unsavory guy. To be honest, I don’t really know much about him other than what he’s already proven he could do. He shot me, right, but... he’s got help. Competent help. I think his help is more dangerous than him. Mason gets other people to do his dirty work, so even if I knew what he’d do, I wouldn’t know what they’d do.”
When I opened my eyes again, Brandon’s face wassoclose to mine that the bridge of my nose tingled, and the fine hairs on my cheeks stood up straight. Tensing, my breath hitched when he ever so softly reached to cup my cheek. Concern blazed in his eyes as they bored into mine.
“Were you crying, Katie?” Brushing his thumb just under my eye, Brandon’s soft question struck me right in the chest.
My lower lip wobbled dangerously, and I jerked away to suck it between my teeth. Covering my head with my sheet, I wished he’d just go away, but I couldn’t make a sound through the dense lump in my throat.
“You shouldn’t try to hide. We need to work this out. Please come out.”
Shaking my head viciously, I turned my back on Brandon. Wallowing in my juvenile self-pity, I covered my ears with my hands, but I could still hear him sigh heavily. The silence seemed to stretch on forever, and blood drummed overly loud in my ears before the bed evened out when he stood up.
“Okay. Well, when you’re ready, I’ll be here, Katie. We’ll be home in a few days, and it’s more than okay if you need to take that time until then. I know how much a change of scenery can change how you feel.” The silence deepened when Brandon left the room, and my stomach roiled dangerously. Peeking over at the door over the blanket, tremors raced down my spine in relief.
“You know, Katie... I know you’re tired, but it may take less effort to give in at this point rather than to keep fighting him.”
My cheeks sunk deep into my skull at Julia’s declaration, and my eyes found her seated by the counter. She looked at me with hope and determination, but I didn’t feel either of those things.
“I can’t make you talk to him, but I’ll never stop pushing for communication. It took a lot for him to come in here, and it takes two to make a healthy relationship.”
“He’s going to divorce me. There’s no point if you’re going to fail from the start. You heard him.” Balking at me, Julia frowned openly at my rasp, and huge tears welled in my eyes. “I’m not going to survive this, I don’t think.”
“That’s just the circumstances talking, Katie. I know—trust me, I know exactly how it feels when everyone else doesn’t understand what you’re struggling with, or for how long, and they still talk a bunch of junk. I’m not excusing what Brandon said to you or implying you’re wrong for giving up on him and on yourself. I’m just saying that it takes a lot to fight. Even if you don’t have anything more to give, surely it’s more exhausting to feel this pain every time Brandon tries to talk to you.”
I managed a strangled, shuddering breath, and Julia wandered over to me with sympathy blazing her eyes.
“I’m thinking that this whole divorce thing is just a misunderstanding. Think beyond right now and ask yourself if you think Brandon is really capable of being that disingenuous. You should ask him.”
“I’m scared to.”
She just oozed her own pain at my small, tiny, incredibly miniscule confession, sitting on the edge of my bed. Reaching over to stroke my hairline, Julia’s cheek twitched in a grim smile.
“With everything, I think it’s hard to remember that... you’re only twenty-five, Katie, and this is your first and only relationship. You shouldn’t be expected to know how to navigate theregularstresses of being with a man, let alone being pregnant, having someone obsessed, stalking you and undoubtedly dangerous... Being in love for the first time... I know that any mild blip in the perpetual happiness seems like the end of the world, but it’s not. I promise, youwillget through this. All you need to do is be open to discussion.”