Page 27 of Legendary Warrior
He had removed his helmet and stood on the steps of the keep, looking out over his newly acquired land. Much was in sad neglect, but the fact that he was here filled him with a sense of accomplishment. He had achieved part of his desired goal; the rest would follow.
Thomas approached, shaking his head. “She helps everyone with the selection of their cottage and ignores her own need.”
“Reena requires no cottage, she will reside in the keep.”
“It is Brigid I speak of. She let Old Margaret have the cottage she herself first admired and then walked away from another, thinking it better left for a larger family even though she favored it.”
Magnus pointed to a cottage close to the keep. “How about that one?”
It looked as though it was tucked partially in the woods. The thatching on the roof needed repair and it was overgrown with weeds and brush, but it was a good size, and Magnus knew Reena would be pleased to have her friend close by.
Thomas gave it a quick glance, then glanced from the keep to the cottage and back again several times. “Close,” he mumbled and hurried off.
He returned in haste with Brigid in tow.
“It is a good cottage for you, and close to the keep, where Reena will reside. Now have a look and claim it so that it will be done.” Thomas seemed adamant, so Brigid obliged him and looked over the cottage.
A chill wind had arrived with the pending storm clouds. Brigid wrapped her dark green wool shawl more tightly around her and hurried into the cottage, Thomas waiting at the end of the path that led to the door.
His thoughts centered on the work that was needed, and it was not long before the shutter to one of the two windows was thrown open, only to fall off the cottage wall and crash to the ground.
Brigid laughed, looking out the window. “Thomas, this is perfect.”
“Good, then it is yours. We will gather your belongings and move you in, and I will repair the roof—”
“Tomorrow,” Magnus finished. “Brigid can stay in the keep until the cottage is ready; there are more important things that must be done this day.”
Thomas nodded, understanding that protection of the village and keep was of the utmost importance; the rest would be seen to in time.
“Find Reena, Brigid, and both of you move your belongings into the keep for now,” Magnus said.
Brigid bit at her bottom lip, cast a glance to the ground, then turned around from the window. A brief second later she walked out of the cottage toward Thomas. She stood half behind him, as if seeking his protection.
Magnus realized her reluctance to answer and instantly understood. “Where is Reena?”
Brigid hesitated once again.
“Answer me now,” Magnus snapped.
Thomas looked to Brigid. “He protects what is his.”
Brigid’s worry eased a little, and she answered. “A portion of Dunhurnal land was mapped by her father, and she wanted to make certain no changes had occurred since it had been mapped.”
Magnus swore beneath his breath. “Do you know where exactly she went?”
“Nay, but she seemed to feel it was imperative that she see to this area immediately.”
Magnus wished he had Reena in front of him, for he would shake some sense into her. She must have thought it important to go off on her own when she knew Kilkern was not far off. Was she attempting to prove herself useful? “Has she been gone long?”
“Aye,” Brigid answered with a nod.
“Did she tell anyone else of her intentions?”
Brigid shook her head. “But she is not alone. Horace went with her.”
“That certainly relieves my concern,” Magnus said. “A pint-sized woman followed by a cowardly pup.”
He was about to direct Thomas to send a group of warriors out to search for her when one of his men approached them on a run.