Page 29 of Legendary Warrior
Magnus tossed the coins at him and had Kilkern sign a paper stating his tenants were free of all debt to him.
“Kilkern,” Magnus said as he turned to walk away.
“Earl of Culberry,” Kilkern corrected.
Magnus ignored his title. “Who struck the woman?”
“She was being insolent.”
“I did not ask why she was struck; I askedwhostruck her.”
“It matters not.”
“It does to me.”
Kilkern ignored him and walked away, his men waiting as their lord walked to his horse and mounted safely.
“She is a worthless woman, too frail to work the fields and too skinny to be appealing to a man.”
Magnus’s fists were fast and furious, and before anyone realized what had happened, three of Kil-kern’s men lay sprawled out on the ground.
Magnus stepped over the fallen men and walked up to Kilkern. “Never touch what is mine.” He turned his back on Kilkern and walked up to Thomas. “Make certain they are escorted off Dunhurnal land.”
Thomas grinned. “With pleasure.”
Magnus watched with his arms crossed over his chest as Kilkern’s men gathered their wits, mounted their horses, and were led from Dunhurnal land by a large escort of the Legend’s warriors.
When they were no longer in sight, Magnus addressed his new tenants as a fine mist of rain began to fall. “You are free of Kilkern. I will be fair in my dealings and I expect the same from you. There is much work to be done here, and I expect all of you to do your share. Now go and enjoy your new homes, and join me and mine this evening in the great hall as we celebrate our good fortune.”
Cheers rang out, laughter was plentiful, tears of joy were shed, and everyone hurried out of the rain after paying thanks with bowed heads and smiles to their new lord. They were no longer fearful, for they had seen for themselves his strength and courage and how he protected one of his.
The summons was distinct, and Reena was not certain who she preferred not to face—her parents, who were ready to fuss over her, Brigid, who looked concerned, or Magnus, whose anger was obvious in his glistening dark eyes.
Horace seemed as undecided as she, though when Reena approached Magnus, the little pup hastily jumped out of her arms and made his way to Brigid to huddle at her feet.
Magnus turned and walked up the steps to the keep, a sign that Reena was to follow. She did, though with reluctance.
The great hall was busy with activity as women and warriors alike worked together to make it presentable for the evening meal. Years of neglect meant much hard work to restore the keep to its original condition. The land as well, for it had fallen in great disrepair, and much toil would be needed for a good harvest to be met. The soil was rich, though, and that alone would almost guarantee good crops.
Those thoughts brought a smile to Reena, a brief one, since her mouth hurt from the blow she had sustained, and which was the very reason Magnus summoned her. Was she in trouble? After she had departed on her brief quest to survey the piece of land she’d feared had been mapped incorrectly, she’d realized that she should have requested permission from Magnus. She’d been accustomed to doing as she’d pleased when it had come to her maps, but that was no more; she now answered to a new lord. She had hoped she would return to the keep before he knew of her absence. Then she’d met with Kilkern and his men, and she’d known she was in trouble.
Magnus continued through the great hall, down and around a narrow passageway and up spiral stone steps to come out into a large room. Debris and cobwebs occupied the place, and a tattered tapestry hung on a wall. A large fireplace occupied a whole wall and was made of thick round stones, the mantel being one solid beam of wood.
With his arms crossed over his chest, Magnus took a stance in front of the cold hearth.
Reena decided to offer an apology, hoping to avoid a confrontation. “I am sorry for not seeking your permission to leave the village. My only excuse, and a poor one at that, is that I have yet to grow accustomed to answering to anyone for my actions.”
She shivered, not certain whether she was chilled by the cold room or by his chilled expression.
He remained silent, an indication that he gave her words thought. She waited.
He closed the distance between them to stand directly in front of her, so close that she could feel the warmth of his body. It eased her chill and brought her comfort.
An odd thought, and one she pushed from her mind.
“Tell me what happened.”