Page 35 of Legendary Warrior
“That is not possible.”
His eyes widened, startled by her sharp tongue.
“It is necessary for me to traverse the woods, forests, hills, streams and more if I am your mapmaker, and it will not always be feasible for someone to accompany me. I am small and fast on my feet and I can cover much land in a short time, and I do not fear being alone.”
“I fear you being alone, andyouobeyme.”
“Youare being stubborn,Iam being sensible.”
He lowered his face close to hers. “You think so.”
“Nay, I know so.”
“I will not tolerate disobedience.”
“I will not be prevented from fulfilling my obligation to you, by you.”
“You are stubborn,” he said sharply.
“As are you.” She was grateful it was her legs that trembled and not her speech, and grateful that he held her firm, for if he released her, she doubted her legs would support her.
“What do I do with you, Reena?”
She was surprised that his voice softened, though his gentle response tempered her own. “Let me map as I know how, and”—she smiled slowly—“help me forage for feathers?”
Her need to pursue her mapping skills, her soft smile and her gentle request melted his heart and tormented his senses, and damned if he possessed a shield strong enough to defend himself.
He moved his mouth close to hers and she tensed: for a brief moment she thought he meant to kiss her. Instead he whispered, “I, and I alone, will help you forage for feathers.”
Chapter 11
Reena hurried to gather Horace, and with a few quick words to Brigid and Thomas, she went on her way. Magnus had gone on ahead of her and disappeared inside the keep. The moment between them when his lips had been so close to hers affected her much more than she wished to admit. She was actually disappointed that he had not kissed her, and the emptiness of that missed kiss startled and upset her.
“I am a fool,” she said quietly to the small puppy that bounced along beside her. “He has no interest in me; I am his mapmaker, and therefore he is concerned for my safety.”
Horace barked as if in response, though whether in agreement or not it was hard to say.
She approached Justin’s cottage, her mind active with the incident in the woods. It unsettled her and in so doing it refused to leave her thoughts. The idea that she thought he would kiss her haunted her, and that he had not kissed her troubled her more so. Had she not been the one to consider the Legend a perfect match for her friend Brigid? Her thoughts were near to traitorous, and she would not have it so. She would not allow herself to think of Magnus in any intimate way; it was unfair to her friend and also unfair to her. She knew that many women would favor a tryst with the lord they were in service to, but not her. Intimacy was something she did not take lightly. She intended a loving marriage to a trusting man before she allowed someone in her bed. The Legend and Brigid made a good match, and she would keep that well in her mind and chase all other foolish thoughts away.
Justin hurried over to her, filled with anticipation.
“Ready to meet Maura?” she asked.
“I . . . I . . . I” Justin stumbled to speak.
She hooked her arm in his and attempted to calm him. “I think Maura and you would work well together.”
They walked toward the kitchen, Reena filling him with courage, Horace yapping loudly once he realized their direction.
Magnus stood on the steps of the keep watching them, Thomas coming up behind him.
“A storm brews.” Thomas studied the cloud-ridden sky. “Snow may fly before this night ends.”
Magnus turned to his friend.
Thomas raised a brow. “A storm brews elsewhere. You look ready to battle.”