Page 44 of Legendary Warrior
“But have no doubt you possess your own unique ability. Now let us go investigate this area of land that intrigues you.”
Reena smiled and rolled up the map. “I was hoping you would agree. I much prefer to have a clear outline of a map before I begin another one.” She tucked the map away in the corner and waited as a black fur cloak was brought to Magnus.
He resembled a large beast of prey as he descended the keep steps, and those who caught sight of him hurried off, many blessing themselves as they went.
Old Margaret was not one who feared him, but then she had lived long and seen much. Many villagers wondered over her age, for though her face was worn with wrinkles, there was a youthfulness to her that was remarkable. Short and slim, she moved with a graceful slowness that was either forced by age or due to the fact that she was in no hurry. No one knew for sure, but all respected her.
She walked up to Magnus and Reena. “The woods are quiet today; you will learn much.” She lowered her voice. “And be careful, someone watches.”
“I appreciate your warning,” Magnus said. “Do you have all you need?”
“I have all that is necessary,” she said with a smile. “Need brings trouble. Go now, for the snow will fall soon enough and this time it will be heavy.”
Reena gave her a quick hug and promised to visit with her soon.
Four of Magnus’s men joined them as they reached the edge of the woods, two dispersing in opposite directions and the other two, James and Philip, remaining near Magnus and Reena.
The fresh dust of snow made the woods appear magical. Everything in sight sparkled with a white freshness that startled the eyes. With no clear path to follow, they made their own, Magnus’s men taking the lead and proceeding with caution.
Reena studied the area well and corrected James when he faltered in direction.
James looked to Magnus. “Reena knows the way, do as she directs,” Magnus responded.
Reena was pleased with his confidence in her, but then she knew well of what she spoke. They arrived at the designated spot within no time.
It was a section of land that ran like ripples of small hills and was sheltered by dense trees, a perfect place for launching an unsuspected attack, or shelter from prying eyes.
With a nod from Magnus, his men separated and disappeared over hills and around trees to see if anyone lurked in the shadows.
Reena stood silent and searched the area with thorough eyes, taking into memory all she could. Magnus remained near when she followed a barely visible path, and the only sound in the crisp air was the crunch of snow-covered leaves beneath their feet.
Magnus did not care for what he saw. This land would need careful watch. In the spring he would order trees cut down, opening the area to a clearer view from the battlements. He had an uneasy feeling about the area, and he heard Old Margaret’s words whisper in his head.
Someone watches.
His men returned and reported seeing nothing. Magnus wanted to take immediate leave of the area; it was not safe. With few men to fight and the vulnerability of surprise, protecting Reena could prove difficult, and the thought that she was not safe here increased his unease.
He looked to see her venturing further up a hill. He caught up with her as she stopped on the rise and looked around.
“It is time to go.” He took her arm as if to protect.
Reena studied the area with such an intense glare that it gave Magnus the chills.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
“What do you see?” She kept her sight focused directly in front of her.
A hand signal brought two of his men up the hill behind and to the sides of them. His hand went to the hilt of his sword at his side before he answered her.
He attempted to view the area as intently as she appeared to be doing. “Fresh snow covers everything, no tracks of any kind, animal or man, and no scent that is foreign to the air.”
Reena nodded. “True enough, but look more closely.”
Magnus and his men studied the area for several silent minutes, and it was James who spoke first.
“Several thin branches are broken off some trees.”
Reena nodded and waited for more.