Page 57 of Legendary Warrior
“I can take the woman to a safe place until this matter is settled if you wish.”
“Brigid would not go. This is her home and she is happy here and safe. Kilkern plays his game thinking he backs me into a corner, when it is I who maneuvers him into place.”
“My offer remains.”
“I appreciate your friendship.” Magnus leaned forward toward the shadows. “When do you come out of the darkness, my friend?”
Silence followed for several seconds, and a much softer voice spoke. “When the pain in my heart is no more.”
“Women and love.” Magnus shook his head. “Suffering for sure.”
Both men laughed.
“You pick a good woman to love,” the Dark One said.
Magnus looked to the shadowy figure in surprise. “Is there nothing that escapes you?”
“Nay,” the Dark One admitted. “I see all, but this was easy to see for I know you well, my friend. You never favored the ladies with weak minds or character. You looked for one who would challenge with equal strength, and although the mapmaker is small in size she possesses the strength of a warrior.”
Magnus smiled. “She does, and she is as determined as a warrior, though her weapon of choice is a quill, which she wields with skill.”
“So I have heard, though beware,” the Dark One warned. “There are many who would wish her talent to be theirs. These lands continue to be a mystery to many. A mapmaker would prove a powerful weapon. Then of course there is the fact that you love her.”
Magnus shook his head, stood, retrieved the pitcher of ale from the table, and refilled their tankards before returning to his seat and placing the pitcher on the ground beside him.
“She cares for you as well, it is there in her eyes.”
“She thinks I better suit her friend, though I believe she is beginning to understand Brigid has no interest in me.”
“She would step aside so that her friend could have you when she herself favors you. Friendship like that is rare.”
“Reena risked her own life for her entire village by journeying to my home.”
“I do not envy you, my friend. A woman with such a caring heart would do anything for the man she loves, even risk her own life.”
The thought startled Magnus, and he was quick to respond. “She will do as I command.”
The Dark One’s laughter sounded more amused than harsh. “You should fast make her your wife, you may then have more control that way.” He laughed harder. “Though I doubt it.”
“She listens when I command.”
“Every time?”
Magnus thought to confirm his query, when he remembered how she had been struck by one of Kilkern’s men because she had gone off on her own without his permission.
“Your hesitation is answer enough.” His laughter continued.
“You find this amusing. One day you will find a woman such as Reena for yourself, and you will laugh no more.”
His laughter subsided. “If I found a woman with the strength, character and honesty of Reena, I would never let her go. I would protect her with my last ounce of strength and gladly give my life for her. But we agree that women like Reena are rare and few. You have found an incomparable gem.”
An abrupt shuffle and movement in the shadows caused Magnus to stand.
“I remain too long. I must go.”
“You are always welcome in my home.”
A black-leather-clad hand emerged from the shadows. “Thank you, my friend.”