Page 23 of Forgotten Embers
Chapter 10
Therestofthelessons passed without threats or family histories. Lady Daugherty spent hours teaching her court decorum, proper titles, and the prominent houses within the court. Wren’s head was spinning by the time Lady Daugherty finally called for the guard to return and escort Wren to wherever she wished to spend the remainder of her afternoon.
Wren found herself wandering the maze of corridors, appropriately tipping her head in acknowledgment at any of the upper class who bowed and addressed her just as Lady Daugherty had shown her.
Just as she considered asking the guard to help her find her way back to her rooms, the most beautiful sound she had ever heard drifted all alongside her. Her body thrummed at the melody as it seemed to pull at her, suddenly desperate to find the source of the music. Turning down the hall, she came upon an open wall that led out to a garden much like the one she had first met Prince Richard in.
Memories of that meeting and what it led to caused her to hesitate before the pull of the music coaxed her into entering. She pushed forward, moving between the trees and flowering bushes until she came to where a beautiful willow tree rose high above the hedges.
Underneath its leaves sat a blond, curly-haired man on a bench. He had his head down and his eyes closed as he moved a stick alongside a wooden instrument. It was making the most haunting and delicate sounds she had ever heard. The sounds curled within her, finding their place in every part of her soul.
The song was somber, almost mournful, and yet joy cradled deep in her chest. She closed her eyes, not wanting to disturb the musician. She thought of Cara and Georgie. Chasing him around the farm or playing hide and seek even though he always hid in the barn hayloft no matter how many times they found him.
She smiled, remembering snuggling up to Cara on cold nights, giggling and feeling as if nothing would ever change. She thought of her own parents who died young, but who she always imagined loved her more than anything. She thought of her aunt and uncle who worked hard and took care of her even though she was not theirs.
As the music ceased, Wren’s eyes opened and she became aware of dampness along her cheeks. The man looked up as if coming out of a daze, his green eyes widened with surprise before he hastily set aside his instrument and bowed deeply. Suddenly aware of how intrusive she had been, Wren turned to leave, her mouth feeling as if it were filled with cotton. Before she had managed a step, she felt the pressure of his hand around hers, a gentle pull urging her to turn.
“I am sorry to have upset you. I did not know you were there. I would not have played it had I known.” His voice was deep, but reminiscent of the musical notes he had created.
Turning fully to meet his gaze, she said, “You think I am upset by the sounds you were creating just now? That was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard, and I will never regret it. Please do not apologize.”
His eyes were a deep green that reminded her of forests and warm summer days. At her words he smiled a brilliant smile that could likely bring the sun shame. It was difficult not to smile back at him, the transparency in his face. Realizing he was still holding her hand, he hastily let it fall. He shifted awkwardly, neither of them sure of what to say.
“What is that instrument that you were playing, Lord…?” Wren knew he must be someone important by the fine clothes he wore, but past that she couldn’t have said.
“Forgive me, I am Prince Wesley Hallewell, but please call me Wesley.”
Wren stared at him, confusion making her head murky. She was sure she had not heard of a third prince. Seeing her confusion, he laughed. “Oh, I forgot you are not from Haradon. Still, I am surprised you are not familiar with my family in Crishaven. We do have diplomatic ties with your king and queen, but we do not venture there very often.”
Realizing he was rambling on, he cleared his throat. “I am the Prince of North Helm where my father, King Thomas, and my mother, Queen Elizabeth, are the reigning monarchs. I am here at my father’s behest in anticipation of my sister’s arrival.”
She smiled at his willingness to share so much information with her, which was directly contrary to how Lady Daugherty had portrayed the court. Perhaps North Helm was different from Haradon.
“It is an honor to meet you, Prince Wesley,” she said earnestly.
“Wesley,” he quickly corrected her.
“Wesley,” she repeated with a smile. “Please, will you tell me about your instrument? I have never heard anything so beautiful in all my life.”
He smiled eagerly and went to pick up the object in question. “This is called a violin, Princess Wren and—”
“Wren,” she corrected.
He grinned. “Wren. This is a violin created from my father’s best luthier. I never go anywhere without it. If I ever feel lost in a new place or weary, it soothes my soul.”
Wren couldn’t say if it was his honesty or his warm countenance, but she immediately knew she liked this man.
“How do you play it?” Her soul burned with curiosity to understand this violin and how it could create such melodious sounds.
“Ah, yes. That takes a bit of practice, but you move the bow—this stick—along the bridge of the violin—or the strings—in different ways, depending on the note you wish to make.” He demonstrated moving the bow across the bridge of the violin.
She longed so much to touch it and understand everything about it, but resisted the urge. “Would you play it for me again?”
The smile he gave her warmed her from the inside out and made her feel as though she were enough. He went to the bench and gestured for her to sit, a happier tune than his previous melody drifted through the air. It was lilting and full of warm summer days spent by the lake without a care in the world.
She watched him contentedly, noticing how he closed his eyes as he moved through the song, giving himself over to the melody. His chin rested on the corner of the violin while his hand held the long part of it, his other hand moving the bow skillfully. When he stopped, he reopened his eyes and found her staring at him.
Her cheeks flushed, and she struggled to regain her train of thought. “That was incredible.”