Page 37 of Forgotten Embers
“You choose your consort?” She found herself surprised by the notion.
“Yes, it is one of the reasons our family and kingdom has been so successful. We are stronger together.” He said the words with pride.
“What if you do not find someone you wish to marry?” She was so intrigued by his kingdom and how it differed from her world and even this kingdom.
“Then we do not marry. In fact, three generations ago, the king never married, saying he could not find the right person with which to share such a great responsibility. And before you ask, when he died the throne went to his younger brother, who was my grandfather.”
“I am sorry for asking so many questions, it must seem rude,” said Wren, acutely aware of how many questions she had already thrown at him.
He stopped then and looked at her. “I did not mean to make you think I was unhappy with your inquiries. I only meant to say, I can see the thought cross your mind and only thought to save you the time.” He seemed so concerned that he caused her offense.
“How chivalrous of you, Your Highness.” She tried to smile in an attempt to put him at ease.
Wesley seemed to think it over to decide if he believed her or not. Whatever he saw in her convinced him and they began to walk again.
She tried to wait as long as she could to ask, but she could not resist. “Why do your parents allow you to leave for so long if you are their heir?”
He smiled at her indulgently. “They believe learning about other kingdoms and its people will make me a better ruler. More than that, it is at my sister’s bequest that I first came here.”
“Because of Prince Richard.” He looked at her then, surprised at her knowledge. She chided herself for revealing knowledge she wasn’t supposed to have.
Wesley paused and then made the decision to continue. “Yes, because of Richard. She wanted to come here immediately, but my parents would not allow her. It seems our unique notions of women and power only extend to those who are not beloved daughters.” He chuckled. “My sister is fastidious. She knows what she wants and she does not wait. My parents denied her request and she asked them if I went and approved if she might go. This was accepted.”
“And do you? Approve, I mean?” she inquired.
“I am unsure whether telling a member of the royal family whether I disapprove of their family is a diplomatic notion.” While the words were serious, his smile showed he was only teasing. “In truth, I have not decided. It is part of the reason I have remained so long. I want to protect my sister, but also give honor to her choice.”
“That is very noble of you, but I can’t help but feel like she should be able to make her own choice in the matter. How can you know what is in her heart? What you see and feel will likely not be what she does. Unless you also find Prince Richard to be devilishly handsome and charming?” She nudged his arm jokingly and he grinned down at her.
“I must confess, he is rather charming—and have you seen his jaw line?”
She burst out in laughter and thought she might not ever breathe from laughing so much.
“Though his humor does pale in comparison to my own.”
She let out a snort before covering her nose and mouth in horror.
Wesley looked at her with wide eyes and burst out into his own fit of laughter. “That was the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”
Wren playfully smacked his arm and he held his hands up defensively.
“I would not lie to a lady.” He paused. “Even one that snorts.”
He backed away from her before she could hit him again, and he laughed cheerfully.
She could not maintain her fake ire any longer, and she also laughed. “It is a terrible burden to bear. My friend, Cara, used to tease me mercilessly.” At the mention of Cara, all her amusement faded.
Horror coated Wesley’s face. “Oh gods, Wren. That was your friend who—” He seemed to struggle with how to say the word as if it would remind her that she was dead once more. “I’m sorry.”
Defeat laced his apology and despite the sorrow that had once more carved through poorly healed wounds she found she didn’t want him to feel dismay. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
“It’s good to think of her even though it hurts. Forgetting her would mean forgetting one of the best parts of my life. I always want to remember how much I loved her.”
Wesley squeezed her hand back and it was exactly what she needed in that moment. “I’ve heard it said that time is the cure for all hurts.”
He meant the words to be comforting, but they fell onto her soul wrong. Wren searched for the words that would convey the depth of loss. “I don’t think that is true. It feels more like the pain will always be there, but other things begin to grow around it so it’s not as consuming as it once was.”
As soon as she said the words, she knew them to be true. She would always mourn Cara, but she would also love again. It was a tragically hopeful thought that settled into her with ease.