Page 51 of Forgotten Embers
Malaki was only momentarily startled by her admission before he burst out in deep laughter. Wren pulled her hand away then to nervously fiddle with her skirts, unsure what to make of his reaction. When he finally regained himself he said with tears pricking at his eyes. “Next time you see her, you can tell her that you called her ‘some old woman’ and then we will be even.”
Wren smiled, despite how awkward she felt. “It turns out I don’t have enough steel in my blood for that recompense.”
Malaki chuckled once more. “Nor do I. I may be set to inherit a kingdom, but I would rather hide under my bed than incur her wrath.”
It was odd to see him in this way. To see him so unguarded and human. For the first time since meeting him, Wren was struck that she might finally understand what Sophie had been telling her all along.
Chapter 22
Wrenawokestillgroggyfrom the previous night. She and Malaki had parted ways shortly after she was through with her tea in favor of her bed. She had nearly fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She only had spared a few thoughts to wonder at what last night meant for their strange relationship.
Up until then, she had never given much thought to it knowing that they had been tied together through no will of their own. Something felt different after yesterday, and when she had reached out for his hand, she knew something had changed. Wren shook the thoughts away, unwilling to tackle the mountain of emotions and implications. She shifted her body to roll over and came face to face with Sophie, blonde hair splayed around her erratically.
Wren smiled at her friend’s sleeping form and attempted to wiggle out of the bed without waking her. When she was nearly halfway out of the bed Sophie mumbled, “Good morning, goddess.”
Wren felt the blood drain from her face. She should have known that he would tell Sophie. Wren was quickly realizing there were very few things the pair kept secret from each other. This early in the morning, Wren wasn’t sure if it was endearing or horribly annoying. She couldn’t think of anything to say so she merely flopped back down on the bed. Sophie sat up and smiled at her. “To think this whole time I’ve been sleeping with a goddess.”
“That isn’t funny, Sophie,” admonished Wren. “I guess I am not surprised he told you.”
Sophie laughed. “I didn’t really give him a choice.”
Wren sighed. “That makes sense.”
Wren leaned her head back against the bed and took in a deep breath. She wished she could go back to sleep and forget about it all. She knew she would have to confront the possibility eventually, but it still felt like more than she could handle. If she admitted there was a possibility that Rose was right, it would lead to too many questions and too few answers.
“I can see it, you know. He’s right. You look different since you first came here. At first, I just thought it was because of the hard life you lived, but it’s more than that.” Sophie tilted her head as if she were seeing the changes right then.
Wren didn’t know what to say having already heard this particular accusation, but she couldn’t forget the words Malaki used when he had said the same thing.“She grows more beautiful by the day as if life is pouring into her.”Wren put a hand to her fluttering stomach and cursed herself for being so easily affected.
“Sophie, I don’t know what to do or what to think.” Her voice held all the exhaustion she felt.
“Then accept that you don’t know and keep going anyway,” said Sophie simply. “Sometimes the most courageous act is blindly done.”
Wren smiled at her friend. “You are really something, Soph.”
“Well, I’m no goddess.”
Wren threw the pillow at her which Sophie batted away easily. Wren shifted herself closer to Sophie and rested her head against hers. Whether she was a goddess or nothing, she was endlessly grateful for this friendship.
Chapter 23
Afteranentiredayspent with Sophie ignoring the rest of the world, Wren felt more at peace. Her mind still wandered and she shoved down the fear that followed thoughts of the prophecy, but there was a part of her that felt safe. Since the first day she had come to Valmere she had felt safe with Sophie.
Her disarming humor and easy laugh always made Wren feel like she could handle what came next. In truth, she hesitated to even think what her time here would have looked like without the other woman.
Wren knew of only one other person who had made her feel at ease and safe. It had been days since she had last seen Wesley and she was surprised to find how much she missed him. The prince had an easy way about him that she had come to appreciate and revel in. There was no tension between them or secrets making everything easy.
The part of her soul that was restless found her wandering around the castle in search of Wesley. Sophie was off with her mother for the day and Wren found she didn’t want to be alone. Her wanderings brought her to the familiar outdoor garden where she had first met Wesley. Wren’s heart leapt as her eyes landed on the blond haired, green eyed prince bent over his violin.
As soon as he came into view he lifted his head, a smile lighting his handsome face. “Wren! To what do I owe this honor?”
“I didn’t know you owned this part of the castle,” Wren said with mock annoyance.
“I didn’t know you could produce such poor jokes. Will you tell me what is wrong?” he asked, gesturing at the spot next to him.
Wren furrowed her brows. “I didn’t say anything was wrong.”
Wesley frowned. “No, but it is written all over you.”