Page 76 of Forgotten Embers
“I don’t understand,” she said defeatedly. “It doesn’t make sense.” She knew she was repeating herself, but the betrayal cut her like a knife.
Every time he looked at her with awe when she used her magic, was it because he was coveting it for himself? Was everything an act to gain her trust and affection? Gods, and she was stupid enough to give it to him.
Wesley had asked her how she felt about him, but she knew she felt more for him than she was willing to admit. The small moments with him when he showed who he really was adding up to something more. But that wasn’t who he was. He had manipulated her and she had been so desperate for connection that she fell for it.
Memories of that day in the village where everything had changed for them. Had Rose been just some old woman he paid to say those things? He had known the answer long enough and needed to convince her he was her ally. The tower had felt real and yet had he been worried about her feelings for Wesley and stomached being with her in that way?
Wesley’s door opened and she whirled, the new prophecy creating paranoia in her. When she turned, she saw Mary, who coolly assessed the situation. “Good, she’s here. We need to go. I’ve let it be known that the three of us are going for a ride, but I think if the king or princes hear of it they will be suspicious.”
Wren looked at her, not understanding her meaning. It was Wesley who explained, “I told her everything when I found out. I needed to get her out, too, and my sister is rather stubborn and demanded the truth. I trust her.”
“I would do anything for my brother, and he has chosen you. Even knowing this will mean war for our kingdom. We need to go. We can discuss it further on the way. We will get clothes and things as we go..” Mary’s cool voice was demanding, leaving little room for argument.
“I don’t know, let me talk to Sophie,” she pleaded desperately.
“You know you can’t. She will only go to him and then we will have lost our opportunity.”
Wren felt broken by Wesley’s words. Tears streamed down her face. This felt so wrong and yet, Wesley had never lied to her. At least she had the comfort of knowing Sophie likely didn’t know. At least that had been real.
“Can I leave a note?” Maybe she could explain. Maybe they could tell her how ridiculous she was for believing it. Her chest felt hollow and she bit down on her lip trying to stay her tears.
“I don’t think that’s wise, Wren. I’m sorry,” Wesley said as if he wished he could take away her pain. She nodded slowly, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I will always take care of you.”
Mary gave her a black cloak and a pair of boots for riding. No one questioned them as they left the castle and mounted the steeds waiting for them. Wesley and Mary hadn’t brought anything with them either, not wanting to be suspicious. They rode quickly, not giving the horses time for rest as Wesley and Mary insisted they be on the ship before their escape was noted.
When they reached the harbor, Wesley sold the horses for half their worth, and they boarded a ship calledThe Expanse. When aboard, Wesley dealt with the captain who was clearly a man used to a life at sea. His skin darkened by the rays of the sun and his hands calloused by years at sea. He accepted coin from Wesley, and then he was giving orders to set sail. Everything was happening so quickly, she felt like she couldn’t breathe.
Mary was next to her, putting her arm around her. The air was chilly and sea breeze blew the hood of her cloak off causing her hair to blow into her face. “I’m sorry, Wren. I can’t imagine what you are feeling. I was prepared to marry Richard to preserve peace, but now I see the Blackwood’s never intended peace. They will pay for what they have done.” Wren did not mistake the anger in her voice.
“Richard loves you.” Wren wanted to say that she knew the words to be true, but she had recently come to realize that she knew very little.
Mary’s gaze flicked to hers and Wren could have sworn that she saw regret flash in her eyes. “I think that they are very talented in making us believe that.”
Their burdens and wounds hung between them as they stared at the endless sea before them.
“You are very brave.” Mary’s voice was distant, haunted as she stared ahead. “It takes courage to love freely.”
Wren thought about how she had made such a mess of her feelings and how caring had made her an easy target for betrayal.
“I think it’s weakness. If I were stronger I might have seen it coming.”
To her surprise, Mary put her hand over Wren’s that rested on the edge of the ship. When Wren turned her head there was silver lining Mary’s eyes.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
Before Wren could find the words that would comfort her, Wesley came over to them. “I could only bargain for two cabins so we will have to make do.”
Mary linked her arm in Wren’s, any trace of the emotion she had shown before vanished as if it had never been. “I think I will enjoy getting to spend some time with our stolen princess.”
Wesley narrowed his eyes on his sister. “A poor jest, Mary.”
Mary only shrugged. “If we can’t laugh then what’s the point in anything?”
Wren forced a smile and they were shown to the cabins. It was a narrow space and the two women would have to sleep close together. Wren found herself sliding into the now familiar darkness. Her body beginning to numb. They made it to sea without pursuit, and even the incredible expanse of ocean without end did little to comfort her. Wren had read stories about ocean’s like this, but she never believed she would be on a ship experiencing it for herself.
As Wren stared out at the endless ocean, Haradon drifting farther away, Wesley came up beside her. “I can see you pulling away, Wren. Don’t let them win. Don’t let them take happiness from you.”
“I thought they were my friends,” she said dumbly.