Page 11 of Birthday Kisses
I stare at my reflection, reaching up to drift my fingers across the stones, Willow flailing her arms and making disgruntled noises. Crew takes her from me and I step closer to the mirror, turning my head left to right, watching the diamonds and rubies sparkle in the light.
“I love it.” I turn to my husband, grinning at him. “It’s gorgeous. I feel classy, even in my pajamas.”
“You’re classy no matter what you’re wearing.” He leans in, dropping a kiss onto my upturned lips. “I love you. Happy Birthday.”
“I love you too.” I pull him in close, resting my forehead against Willow’s before I rest my cheek upon Crew’s chest. “I love the both of you.”
A contented sigh leaves him, and I want to melt at the way he holds us. Like he never wants to let go. And the low timbre of his voice when he murmurs against my temple makes my heart trip over itself. “I’m a lucky man, Birdy.”
My gaze goes to the piece I made for him that’s hanging on our bedroom wall. The 11x14 canvas I purchased at an art supply store and then kissed over and over again with the Chanel lipsticks he bought for me, layer upon layer of different colored kisses, just like the original piece. I promised I would make him his own Million Kisses in His Lifetime, just for him, and I did.
And now he’s gifting me a freaking diamond and ruby necklace that’s probably worth close to half a million dollars for my birthday. This man…
I am keeping him forever.
Wren’s birthday
We’re sittingon the floor by the Christmas tree, the white lights the only ones on in our dimly lit living room. The windows are uncovered but it’s gloomy outside, the clouds in the sky dark and foreboding.
“It’s going to snow,” Wren announced when she first saw them and I had to agree. It’s definitely going to snow, and I’m sure my wife will be happy.
A white Christmas—and her birthday—is her favorite.
She helps Willow open her gifts, her voice soft and melodic as she croons to our daughter. I watch them, my chest aching with the love I have for both of them.
Wren catches me staring and she offers a sweet smile. “Are you going to open your present?”
I glance down at the box next to me, wrapped in bright red paper with gold snowflakes scattered all over it. “I like watching Willow open her presents first.”
“More like I’m opening them.” A sigh leaves her and she drops a kiss on Willow’s downy soft hair. “Next year she’ll be able to open her presents.”
“Maybe. She might still need some assistance though.”
“From what I remember with Grant and Alyssa’s boys, she’ll probably like the boxes better than the actual presents.” Wren laughs, giving our daughter a squeeze.
“Probably.” I pull the present into my lap and start unwrapping it. “What did you get me anyway?”
“Open it and find out.” Her smile is mischievous.
I tear at the wrapping paper, tossing it aside before I crack open the box to find an expensive looking watch nestled inside. When I spot the brand name on the interior of the box, I know without a doubt it’s a pricey watch.
“It’s Patek Phillippe,” Wren says to fill in the silence as I admire the gorgeous piece. “I saw it and thought of you. You don’t wear a watch much, but I thought it would give you a dignified air while you’re at work or showing houses. Meeting with clients.”
“You don’t think I have a dignified air already?” I meet her gaze, hoping she can tell I’m just teasing her.
“Oh, you’re very dignified.”
“I’m not having dignified thoughts about you at this particular moment.” My gaze snags on the necklace I got her, the stones sparkling around her slender neck, thanks to the lights on the tree. She’s got on black silk pajamas and while she looks adorable, I’d love to see her in that necklace and nothing else later tonight.
Her eyes are wide and full of innocence, reminding me of the girl I first saw all those years ago at Lancaster Prep. The one who I thought I couldn’t stand, even though it had more to deal with my frustration that she wasn’t mine.
That’s all I wanted, even though I didn’t realize it at first. Her.
I wanted her for myself.