Page 38 of The Wrong Bride
“Where were you?” I ask her. “On our wedding day, where were you?”
She looks away and wraps her arms around herself, her eyes filling with tears. “I genuinely didn’t think they’d make Raven do this,” she says, her voice trembling. “I’d just landed my dream role, and I was just trying to stall. I thought this would be the only way to do it. So long as you weren’t involved, your grandmother wouldn’t punish you for my actions.”
I lean back in my seat and stare at her. I’ve loved her for so many years, but I’m starting to wonder if that’s only because we forced this relationship. “You gambled, and you lost, Hannah.”
She smiles at me and tilts her face. “It was unexpected, but Raven won’t mind getting a divorce in three years. This only slightly derailed our plans. Raven and you used to hang out every once in a while, so there’s no reason we can’t do the same. No one needs to know.”
I cross my arms and smile humorlessly. “Are you asking me to cheat on my wife with you? You want to be my mistress, Han?”
Her eyes flash with anger. “She isn’t really your wife,” she snaps. “Besides, it’s not like Raven will mind. Or are you planning to remain celibate for three years?”
My thoughts involuntarily turn back to the dream I had last night. No, there’s no way I’m staying celibate. “Hannah. You’ve always known that marriage is sacred in the Windsor family, and I’m no exception. I won’t cheat on my wife, regardless of who she is. I’ll treat her with the respect she deserves. You chose to walk away from us, and Raven and I were left to deal with the consequences.”
“I messed up, Ares. I know I did… but this… you and I have been together for as long as I can remember. I don’t understand. Are you seriously telling me you want to be with mysisterin that way?”
I run a hand through my hair. “No,” I tell her. “I’m telling you that you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. You made your choice, so you’ll live with the consequences. Maybe, you and I can be together in three years, or maybe we’ll realize that our relationship was over long before you walked away. I honestly don’t know, Han. What I do know is that I’m done humoring you.”
“Ares, what does that even mean?”
“It means that we’re over. The moment I married Raven, you became my sister-in-law, whether you like it or not.”
She stares at me, wide-eyed. “Ares, I know you’re mad, but don’t do this.”
I shake my head. “Ididn’tdo this, Hannah.Youdid.”
She reaches for my hand and entwines our fingers. “Ares, I don’t want to lose you. Please, give me a chance to make this right. Please, honey. This… can’t you see how insane this all is? I can’t lose you. I don’t even know who I am without you.”
I smile tightly. “We can try being friends, Han, but that’s the best I can do.”
“Friends?” she asks, confused. “How could you and I possibly be friends?”
Yeah, how could we? After everything we’ve been through, how do we find a way to stay in each other’s lives without hurting each other, without hurting Raven?
* * *
Sierra’s door swings open moments after I press my finger to the scanner, and I walk in with my arms overflowing with snacks.
“Raven?” She sits up on the sofa and puts her laptop away, a frown on her face. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be all loved up with Ares?”
I huff as I sink down on the sofa, and she holds her arms open for me, offering me a hug. I throw myself into her arms and squeeze tightly, not sure what to say to her.
“That bad, huh?”
I nod and tighten my grip on her. “He’s with her right now.”
Sierra pulls me off her to look me in the eye. “He’swhat?”
“He’s having dinner with her tonight.”
“You must be kidding,” she says, her voice terse. “He went for dinner with her a day after you two got married? What the hell? Where are they?”
“Don’t,” I warn her. “Don’t be crazy today. I’m here because I didn’t want to be alone in theHannah Shrinehe calls his home. Can we just watch some stupid reality TV show and eat snacks that I shouldn’t be eating at all?”