Page 49 of The Wrong Bride
She pulls her hand out of mine and slips it underneath the covers. “It just… it’s very much Hannah’s style, but it isn’t mine. It doesn’t feel right to wear it.”
I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling for a moment, trying to collect my thoughts, yet finding it impossible to do so.
“Next week,” I tell her, my tone harsher than I intended. “We’ll buy you a new ring next week, and youwillwear it.”
* * *
I glance at the clock and frown. It’s nearly ten in the evening, but Raven still isn’t home. This is the third day in a row she’s been working this late, and I’m worried. She’s overworking herself. She uses our home gym every single morning and leaves home with nothing but a disgusting looking green smoothie. Then she works a full day doing whatever modeling gigs she’s got scheduled before she goes to her own office and works there for several hours. She works too hard, and she barely eats. She doesn’t get enough rest either. This isn’t sustainable, but I don’t know how to get her to take better care of herself.
Part of me is also concerned that I made her uncomfortable when I kissed her, and that perhaps that is the reason she’s been coming home so late. She seemed into it, but I know what she’s like. She’s had too much time to overthink it now, to feel guilty when she shouldn’t.
My phone rings, and I instantly smile, thinking it’ll be Raven. She’s taken to calling me while she’s in the car on her way home, and it’s become one of my favorite parts of the day.
But it isn’t her.
I stare at my phone screen, unsure whether I should pick up or not. In the end, I decide to take the call.
“God, I missed you so much. I just… why have you been declining my calls? I know you’re mad at me, Ares, I get it. I really fucked up this time, and I know I hurt you, but please don’t ignore me like that. You know I can’t take it when you do that.”
I lean back on our brand new sofa and sigh. “Has it ever occurred to you that my needs might differ from yours? Yeah, Han, I know you can’t take the silent treatment, but what I need above everything else is space.”
She’s silent for a moment. “Ares, I… what’s gotten into you? You… you’ve never treated me this way before. I really am sorry, honey. I swear to you that I didn’t know they’d make Raven do this. I didn’t mean to get us entangled in this crazy situation. Do you really think I wanted you to marry mysister? Do you have any idea how upset I am she let it happen at all?”
I clench my jaw and run a hand through my hair. “It isn’t her fault. You don’t get to blame her foryourchoices.”
“Ares! None of this would’ve happened if she’d just stayed away. I’m not sure what she was thinking. I suppose it’s Mom and Dad’s company she’s after.”
The door opens, and I look up when Raven walks into the living room with a sweet smile on her face.
“Look, I need to go. I’ll talk to you later.”
Raven frowns at me when I end the call before Hannah even has a chance to say goodbye. She calls me straight back, and I rush to decline the call, a weird sense of guilt holding me captive. All I did was speak to Hannah, yet somehow I feel like I cheated on my wife.
“Who was that?” she asks, her voice soft.
I hesitate. “Hannah.”
Raven stares at me for a moment, and then she huffs and shakes her head. She clenches her jaw angrily and walks past me, heading straight to our bedroom.
“It wasn’t anything,” I tell her, following her. “I told her we could be friends, but I’d been ignoring her messages, so she called me.”
Raven pauses and looks at me over her shoulder. “Friends,” she repeats mockingly, before rolling her eyes.
“Rave,” I plead.
She shakes her head and walks into the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind her.
Fuck. What am I supposed to do? I’m not even sure I did anything wrong at all. For God’s sake. Things have been going so well between Raven and me, and I fucked it all up. I fucking knew speaking to Hannah wouldn’t bode well for me. I know what Hannah wants from me, and I’m well aware I can’t give her that. I don’t evenwantto, but Raven would never believe that. How could she when she’s had to see me with her sister for years?
I sit down on the bed we chose together, trying to think of a way to appease her. I promised her loyalty when we got married, and I need her to know that I’d never stray. If nothing else, I want her to know I won’t ever betray her.